
What is B2B Marketing: Identifying Plan, Strategy & Tactics

B2B Marketing Principles

What is B2B Marketing: Identifying Plan, Strategy & Tactics

If you have entered to marketing world recently, you have heard B2B marketing here and there.
What is B2B marketing ?

B2B is a short abbreviation but there are many strategies and rules behind it.
In this article, I talk about B2B marketing. It includes B2B marketing definition, how to develop strategy and plans, different types of B2B marketing tactics, and the buyer’s journey.

In below, you can see table of content.

what is B2B Marketing?: A beginner's guide

What is B2B marketing?

If you have a company that sells your products or services to another company or business, you own a B2B sales. In other words, B2B (business to business) marketing = dealing between businesses.

The definition is simple and straight, but being successful in such a field is complicated.
But don’t worry. It’s not rocket science.

B2B marketing is essential for growing any business in this competitive market. With the right strategy and tactics, companies can use B2B marketing to reach more customers, increase sales, and build strong relationships with their target audience.

B2B marketing vs. B2C marketing

While B2B marketing focus on another business as a buyer, B2C marketing wishes to sell products to ordinary people as customers. It’s like what you see in the street. It’s a type of communication between a clothes shopkeeper and a customer, or a street food seller and a passer-by who buys something.

What is B2B Marketing: B2B Marketing vs. B2C marketing

But B2B marketing is more complicated than B2C marketing.
Maybe you say, both are business and just business parties are different.

Why B2B marketing is more difficult than B2C marketing?
These are the reasons:

  • Decision-Making Process: For B2B client’s decision-making isn’t simple and needs too many investigations. Because it’s a matter of a large amount of budget. But this process is short for B2C businesses; maybe it takes a few minutes or some days, while it takes months in B2B businesses. In other words, B2B has a long buyer’s journey.
  • Communication: B2B  is based on relationships. It’s very important to keep the client for the next deal. So, communication has a key role in the decision-making process and after purchase. But it’s not widespread in B2C since it has different entity.
  • Clients sophistication: Clients in B2B  are more knowledgeable and skillful than B2C. Since they invest much amount and also put more time into the investigation, they become more sophisticated. So, gaining customers is more complicated than a B2C.
What is B2B Marketing: B2B Marketing vs. B2C marketing

What are the difference between strategy, plan and tactic in B2B?

Both B2B marketing and B2C marketing includes 3 terms that are often used interchangeably. These 3 concepts are interdependent on each other and no one can accomplish without two others.

But in fact, they are different, and need to pay attention to their true nature so that manage them effectively.
They are marketing strategy, marketing plan, and marketing tactics.

Marketing strategy

Strategy alludes to an outline to become successful in a competition. For example, an outdoor panel manufacturer wants to find a way to be successful in the crowded world of competition. (I use this example because before I worked in an outdoor panel company and this example is true).

This company found producing outdoor panels with high-quality LCD can help them to grow their business. It is a marketing strategy.

Marketing plan

Plan is part of a strategy. In the above example, the manufacturer should identify the characteristics of a good LCD. Do they need to make some changes in other pieces of the product to adopt with new LCD? How do they want to launch the new model? If they need to take part in exhibitions? Or advertising will be enough?
All these questions identify the plans.

Marketing tactic

Tactics are the ways to accomplish your plans. They include more details and nuance. Back to the above example, manufacturers should find suppliers to provide high-quality materials, test samples, identify technical reasons that show why this material is proper, courses for their engineers, and get help from foreign sources. These are tactics.

These three concepts are intertwined.

How to identify B2B marketing strategies?

Identifying B2B marketing strategies requires a combination of research, industry knowledge, competitor analysis, data-driven decision making, and collaboration. Below common methods to identify marketing strategies are noted:

Align with your business goals

What’s the final goal of your B2B marketing campaign? Do you want to build brand awareness, increase revenue or generate leads? Your marketing objectives can determine your strategy to achieve those goals.

Analyse competitors

Competitors are powerful sources for creating new strategies. What are the weak points of your competitors? How about their strong points? How can you be better than them? Analyzing competitors can lead you to strategies to improve your own business.

Understand target audience

Knowing the motivations, needs, struggles, and pain points of the audience leads you to generate strategies to grow B2B marketing.

Who are the people you want to reach? What do they need? How can you improve their problems? Understating your target audience will help you craft messaging and campaigns that resonate with them.

How to create a B2B marketing plan?

After developing a strategy you need to create an effective plan. The plan should align with your strategy. It’s very important to review all aspects of your plan to ensure it’s practical. Otherwise, it’s wasting the time. To create an effective plan consider below points:

Identify channels and resources

When you are setting marketing goals, consider your channel and resources to achieve those objectives. Marketing channels will be effective depending on the information sources and decision-making processes of your target audience.

Experiment with different channels to identify which ones generate the highest return on investment, and continually find ways to improve your performance for better results.

Set your budget

When it comes to setting a budget for B2B marketing, several factors need to be considered. Start by looking at the company’s overall financial goals and objectives. This helps you to determine how much money can be allocated towards marketing efforts.

Also, research the industry landscape to see what other companies are doing and how they are allocating their marketing budgets. This helps you to understand where you stand in comparison and what areas you need to focus on.

Measure success

 It is crucial to determine key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure performance against your goals. Track the results of your campaigns and adjust your strategies if needed. It will help you be aware of your shortcomings and make a plan to improve them.

Creating a B2B marketing plan can seem daunting, but don’t worry. By following these steps you can create a perfect Plan to grow your business. Good luck!

Types of B2B marketing tactics

After determining plans, you should find tactics to execute those plans.
Below some common tactics are noted that widely use in business to business marketing.

B2B content marketing

In this age, it isn’t possible to make a successful business without content marketing. Reports show content marketing became more important to business owners in 2022. B2B content marketing has a wide range, from blog posts and newsletters to videos and podcasts.

Ok. Content marketing is good.
But how does it make money?

What is B2B Marketing: B2B Content Marketing is an important tactic.
Source: Content Marketing Institute

Content marketing isn’t a tool for direct sales. If you have such a point of view, I should say you are walking in the traditional marketing world.

Content marketing is a process that passes steps of awareness, consideration, and decision-making to buy a product. Through your content, you help buyers and give value to them.

But content marketing can be more complicated in B2B marketing. Because in B2B, it’s about organizations behavior not tracking individuals through cookies.

Be noted using AI tools can boost your content marketing results. These tools analyze a wide amount of data and suggest topics that resonate with your target audience. Also, AI tools save your time.

B2B email marketing

Email marketing is sending emails to a group of people for commercial aims. In B2B marketing a company sends the email to another business as a potential customer. B2B email marketing isn’t based on involving the interest and emotion of another party; it’s based on scale, proven evidence, and return on investment (ROI).

Creating a successful B2B email marketing without careful planning and trial and error is impossible. But it’s worth the effort because it is an effective way to reach the target market.

Email marketing has considerable benefits.
It’s highly targeted and measurable, and it has flexible usage. B2B email marketing is a great way to keep customers engaged and interested in your business in the long term, which will lead to sales conversion.


SEO (search engine optimization) is a process to optimize a website for Google search to earn higher rankings in SERPs for keywords related to a specific business. SEO principles are the same for both B2B and B2C. But it is more complicated in B2B.

The main difference between B2B and B2C SEO is that B2B SEO focuses on longer, more complex keyword phrases in a particular industry or niche.

B2B SEO can be a challenge because of the nature of the products and services you’re trying to promote. Often, B2B companies sell highly technical or specialized products, and creating content that appeals to search engines and potential customers is more complicated.

However, with the help of creativity and effort, it is possible to develop a successful B2B SEO strategy.

B2B social media

B2B marketing social media refers to using social media platforms to promote products or services in business-to-business marketing.

This strategy is highly effective as it allows businesses to connect with their target audience in an engaging way. Social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook provide opportunities for businesses to share valuable content, engage in conversations, and build relationships with potential clients.

One of the key benefits of B2B marketing social media is its ability to reach a wider audience. With millions of users on these platforms, businesses can increase their brand visibility and attract new leads. Additionally, social media provides a cost-effective way to promote products or services compared to traditional advertising methods.

Another advantage of B2B marketing social media is the ability to gather insights and data about your target audience. By analyzing engagement metrics such as likes, shares, and comments, businesses can gain a better understanding of what content resonates with their audience and adjust their marketing strategies accordingly.

B2B referral program

B2B referral program encourages pleased users to support your brand through a systematic process.

Although it has similarities with the affiliate program, it’s different. In B2B referral programs people motivate to promote your products by their passion for your brand, product, or service not for gaining money.

B2B referral program should be through a systematic program. Otherwise, the results aren’t significant or even successful.

B2B direct marketing

B2B direct marketing is a type of marketing that involves direct communication between a company and its potential or existing customers. This strategy can be through various means, such as email, phone, or mail.

B2B direct marketing is different from other types of marketing, such as mass marketing or business-to-consumer (B2C) marketing because it targets a specific audience.

B2B direct marketing is also more personal than other forms of marketing, as it allows for a two-way conversation between the company and the customer. This allows for a deeper level of engagement, which can lead to more sales.

If you are looking for a more effective way to grow your business, B2B direct marketing may be the right choice for you.

Managing B2B marketing buyer's journey by search intent

In B2B marketing buyers pass a long cycle to make decisions for purchasing. It’s so important to give them perfect content at the right time. Like a newborn baby that should receive every nurturing food at the right time; otherwise, growth development isn’t acceptable.

Maybe this metaphor seems irrelevant to B2B marketing. But it’s correct.
Although it seems very simple, sometimes it is a challenge for businesses. Because this journey is long and also buyer behavior is complicated.

First, let’s dive into the buyer’s journey in B2B marketing. Then discuss how to create the right content at the right time.

Buyer's Journey

Buyer’s journey in B2B marketing starts with a consumer searching for an inquiry. This journey includes four steps:


In this stage, the consumer searches for a specific subject. Through this research, they find out that some products or services can improve their business or life. Your content should be ready already to inform them about their problems.


In the previous stage consumer becomes aware that there is a problem, and now wants to find a solution. Surrounding themselves with so many options, they want to make sure to choose the right solution.

Now your content should compare solutions, guide the buying process, and break down exactly what your product does, how it’s different from competitors, and how it will improve the buyer’s outlook.


In this stage, the consumer is ready to become a customer. They entered to decision stage to purchase. At this stage, consumers have done the bulk of research and understand both their problem and what their ideal solution looks like. They may need to seek information about a particular brand, product, or service they want to choose.


If you are in this step, it means you did loads of things right. But even though you’ve sold your products or services, the journey didn’t finish yet.

Maintenance stage is where you start to strengthen your relationship with your customers and help them gain the most value and satisfaction from your product or service.

Now you understand the buyer’s journey, let’s talk about how search intent helps to create content based on the buyer’s journey.

How search intent help to create a buyer journey-based content?

There are four types of search intent:

  • Informational: Searches to gather information and includes question words such as who, what, where, why, and how.
  • Commercial: Searches aimed at purchase preparation and increasing knowledge before the purchase.
  • Transactional: In this type of search intention user is ready to buy.
  • Navigational: User knows the brand or product wants to purchase.

You should optimize your content based on the search intent in every step. In other words, buyers have different intentions on each step of their journey.
Although to some extent maybe search intentions overlap with each other, they fall into the following categories:

Awareness stage= Informational intent

  •  Buyer’s intention: To search for information to solve a problem.
  • Your marketing goal: Show how to solve the problem and create trust.
  • Type of content: Educational content, working principles, instructions, etc.
  • Source: Blog articles, eBooks, and so on.

Consideration Stage= Commercial intent

  •  Buyer’s intention: To understand the different solutions and how these solutions solve the problem.
  • Your marketing goal: Present your solution and compare it with competitors.
  • Type of content: Guide users by presenting the real characteristics of your brand.
  • Source: Brochures, guidelines, product pages, etc.

Decision-making stage= Transactional intent

  • Buyer’s intention: Make the final decision to purchase.
  • Your marketing goal: Influence the final decision.
  • Type of content: Comparison lists, social proof, product description, etc.
  • Source: Testimonials, compare price and the features of your product with competitor’s product, honest success stories of your brand, etc.

Maintenance Stage= Navigational intent

  • Buyer’s intention: Purchasing (Since customers are satisfied with the previous purchases or your products was introduced to them)
  • Your Marketing goal: keep customers and make them loyal customers
  • Type of Content: branding and emotional content, special offers, etc.
  • Source: customized login area, customized services, etc.

After content creation, you need to track customer journey behaviors. You can check the bounce rate of your website with Google Analytics to know how much users engage with your content. A high bounce rate shows you need to improve your content.
Also, buyer’s journey tools can make this process easier for you.

B2B marketing best practices

There are proven practices to speed up your B2B marketing:

Target your audience

Defiantly you know your audience. But do you target them specifically?

Well, targeting your audience needs to go through research to understand their needs and preferences.

For example, consider factors like industry, company size, job titles, and pain points. This helps your messaging and maximizes marketing effectiveness.

Analyze market trends and consumer behavior. It helps to find potential pain points that your products or services can address. This deep understanding allows you to craft compelling marketing messages to target audiences on a personal level.


Since B2B marketing has specific buyers and a long sales cycle, it needs personalization.

For example:

First, provide a wide research on the pain points and challenges of the prospects. Then, address specific challenges.

Finally, customize your marketing campaigns and messaging to resonate with individual prospects.

Building relationships

Try to build long-term relationships with your customers.

Building relationships goes beyond transactional interactions. You need to make genuine connections with your customers and grow loyalty and advocacy of your brand.

This involves not only delivering on your promises but also actively seeking feedback and incorporating it into your business practices.

In summary, building a relationship happens through the following factors:

  • Regular communication
  • Providing exceptional customer service
  • Exceeding their expectations

Data-driven decision making

Here is the truth:

Successful B2B marketing and analytical data go hand in hand.

B2B deals with a lot of money and any decision without aesthetical data will be dangerous.

Use data and analytics to drive your marketing strategies. To achieve this, pay attention to the following:

  •  Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • Track campaign success
  • Consider customer insights
  • Utilize analytical platforms

Continuous learning

Continuous learning and experimentation can help you stay ahead of the competition.

 Stay up to date with the latest trends, technologies, and best practices in B2B marketing.

This ongoing learning includes being updated about the latest marketing tools and trends. It helps that your strategies resonate with business clients.

B2B marketing challenges

While B2B marketing offers great opportunities, it also comes with its own set of challenges.

Here are some common challenges faced by B2B marketers:

Longer sales cycles

B2B sales cycles are longer than B2C sales cycles. Why does it demand a long time?

Because it’s a matter of a high volume of money transactions. Therefore, it requires patience, persistence, and effective strategies to move prospects through the sales funnel

Multiple decision-makers

B2B purchases often involve multiple decision-makers within a company. It can be another challenge for B2B marketers.

To overcome this matter, B2B marketers need to align their marketing efforts with the needs and preferences of various stakeholders. By doing that decision-making process won’t be an issue

Content creation

Content marketing plays a vital role in B2B marketing.

Consistently producing high-quality and relevant content can be challenging. A successful content marketing campaign must educate and inform the audiences and build trust.

Measuring ROI

Determining the return on investment (ROI) of B2B marketing efforts can be complex. Tracking and measuring the impact of various marketing initiatives on revenue generation requires proper analytics and reporting tools.


Staying ahead of the competition

Competing in the B2B market requires constant innovation and staying ahead of competitors. A strong competitive analysis and a strategic approach are essential for success.

Personalized communication

B2B transactions involve long-term relationships. So, it needs to a personalized communication tailored to the specific needs of each client.

This level of customization requires a deep understanding of the client’s business, industry trends, and pain points.

Evolving digital marketing landscape

B2B transactions involve long-term relationships. So, it needs to a personalized communication tailored to the specific needs of each client.

For example, you need to search engine optimization best practices. It improves your visibility and helps your success in the competitive B2B space.

B2B marketing trends 2024

To stay ahead in the B2B marketing landscape, you need to keep an eye on emerging trends:

AI-powered marketing: Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionary effects on B2B marketing. It includes automating processes, improving personalization, and providing valuable insights for better decision-making..

Video marketing: Video content is gaining popularity in B2B marketing. Videos can effectively communicate complex information, showcase products or services, and engage prospects.

Virtual events and webinars: With the rise of remote work and virtual interactions, webinar has become a popular option for B2B marketers to generate leads, educate prospects, and build brand awareness.

Personalized content experiences: B2B buyers expect personalized experiences. Offering personalized content based on preferences, previous interactions, and demographics can significantly impact conversion rates.

Voice search optimization: With the increasing use of voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant, optimizing content for voice search is becoming essential. B2B marketers are focusing on creating conversational and long-tail keyword phrases to align with how users speak their queries.

B2B marketing examples

There are many examples of successful B2B marketing campaigns that have helped companies grow their business.

Here are some of the most examples:


IBM has been a leader in B2B marketing for decades. They have developed an extensive network of partners and customers, and use their resources to create effective campaigns. For example, they launched a campaign called “Smarter Planet” which focused on using technology to make the world a better place. The campaign was a success and helped IBM gain more recognition in the market.


 Microsoft has been a major player in B2B marketing. Their campaigns focus on providing solutions to businesses, such as cloud computing and enterprise software. One of their most successful campaigns was the launch of Office 365, which allowed businesses to access their applications from anywhere. This campaign was a huge success and helped Microsoft gain more customers.


Google has become one of the leading companies in B2B marketing. They use their vast resources to create innovative campaigns that target businesses. For example, their “Grow with Google” campaign focuses on helping small businesses succeed by providing them with tools and resources. This campaign has been very successful and has helped Google gain more customers.


B2B marketing is a complex and ever-evolving field that requires constant adaptation to stay ahead of the competition. As a marketer, it’s important to understand your target audience and their unique needs in order to create effective strategies that drive results.

Ultimately, successful B2B marketing requires a combination of creativity, strategy, and a deep understanding of your target audience. By staying up-to-date on industry trends and continually refining your approach, you can achieve your marketing goals and drive growth for your business.


1. What's B2B marketing?

B2B marketing is the process of promoting a business to other businesses. It involves creating relationships with potential customers, understanding their needs, and providing solutions. B2B marketing can be used to target specific industries or sectors, as well as individual companies.

2. How can I measure the success of my B2B marketing strategy?

By tracking key performance indicators, customer engagement metrics, lead generation metrics, and return on investment, you can measure the success of your B2B marketing strategy and make informed decisions about future campaigns.

3. What are the most effective B2B marketing channels?

The most effective B2B marketing channels include content marketing, email marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and social media.

4. What challenges should I anticipate when creating a B2B marketing plan?

Creating a B2B marketing plan needs many investigations. It requires careful analysis of the target audience, budget, and resources. Additionally, there are several challenges such as understanding the customer’s needs, developing a strategy for reaching the target audience, considering the timeline and budget for the marketing plan.


Different types of editing: 4 steps to a perfect editing

Different types of editing

Different types of editing: How to do a perfect editing in four steps

In simple language, editing is like polishing a stone. It removes all errors, including grammatical, structural, factual errors, readability, style, syntax, and other kinds of mistakes in content.

Knowing different types of editing is essential for every writer. Maybe some new writers overlook the importance of content editing. But more professional writers know it is vital to edit content before publishing. No matter how much your content is significant and how much it is valuable. Without perfect editing, it will be messy, unfocused, and unreadable.

This article covers different types of editing. I know if you look at articles in other websites, maybe you see the other names for every steps in editing. All are correct. Just different sites used other names interchangeably for different types of editing or break down every steps in editing.

Different types of editing

What is editing for written content, and why is it important?

Editing allows you to refine your message and ensure that it is communicated effectively. It helps you to eliminate errors, clarify confusing language, and improve the overall flow of your writing. By putting much time into editing your work, you show your readers that you value their time and attention.

In today’s fast-paced world, where there is an abundance of content available at our fingertips, it is more important than ever to produce high-quality content. By prioritizing editing and striving for excellence in your writing, you can stand out from the crowd and make a lasting impression on your audience.

semantic keywords :Quick tip

It is recommended to quit your content after writing for a while. Then come back to edit it. Because your mind got involved with the content you wrote and needs to refresh. A busy mind can’t find errors well.

What are different types of editing?

Mainly there are 4 types of editing:

These major types are steps of perfect editing. None of them work for you without the three other ones. If you want your content to be error-free go through these four steps.
For editing, start from the surface and then go to the depth of your content. First, remove apparent errors and then check hidden aspects of your content.
Now let’s dive into discussing the four steps of a perfect edition.

Step 1: Copy editing type

Copy editing also called Mechanical Editing. When you look at a written document, the most significant errors are apparent errors. These are the errors you should remove in copy editing step. Depending on the type of your publication, copy editing involves the following:

  • Grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors should be correct.
  • Ensure the verb and tense are in agreement.
  • Ensure removal of jargon and choose words based on standards of publication.
  • Ensuring agreements of style based on your publication type (APA, MLA, AP, etc.)
  • Remove unnecessary words to make your prose more clear and more valuable.
  • Ensure display types are correct and suitable for your content. Display types are bold features in content. It includes headlines, subheadlines, photos, photo captions, conclusions, etc.
  • Ensure to include specific rules for capitalization, abbreviations, and citation formats.
  • Formatting plays a significant role in copy editing. This involves checking for proper margins, font size, type, spacing, and alignment. A well-formatted document enhances readability.

By considering these factors, you’ll have a polished and error-free document. Apparently the content seems well. But does it finish?
Defiantly no. For professional content production, you should go deeper.

Different types of editing: Copy editing

Step 2: Content editing type

This type of editing also called developmental, substantive, or structural editing. Content editing mainly focuses on the accuracy of the message a content conveys to the reader, facts-checking, structure, and other hidden features. This step needs more thinking and investigation of the different aspects of content.
Here are factors that should be included in the content editing process.

Statistics and fact checking

Statistics and other kinds of facts such as scientific facts, data, names, places, and events are inseparable parts of many contents. They are critical because facts and statistics improve the authority of a website.

These elements should be double-checked in the editing process. You can use factbrowser, staticticsbrain.com, factmonster, and Google search to ensure the data.

If your content is confidential, maybe you need to double-check your own sources (for example, if you wrote based on data from an organization). After agreement of your findings and your search result use the data.

Checking contradictions

Content should be empty of contradictions. All pieces of your content should support each other for the sake of the main idea. And since good content should take care of coherency, contradiction damage to the whole of your content. So, check every sentence to ensure consistency in the meaning of the whole content.

Check content structure

Don’t overlook a good structure. Structure of the content is those features that allow readers to understand what the content is about with a glance at your content. It includes headings and subheadings, tables, lists, tables of content, paragraphs, links (in blog post content), and so on.

Headings and subheadings must be in agreement with their following content; Paragraphs should support their messages and don’t include extra information.
Tables and table of content must give a good summary of the content, and links must relate to correct information and use appropriate anchor text.

Brand voice agreement

Content editing also checks the voice of your brand. Whether you write for yourself or a brand, you have a specific voice and style. If you are a brand, I recommend always outsourcing your work to the same content editor.


If you write to publish online, the next step of content editing is SEO (search engine optimization) of your content. SEO is a broad scope, and if you aren’t an expert, SEO specialists can help you. Any way ensure:

  • Include right keywords in the content.
  • Ensure use of internal links.
  • Check different types of SEO rules (on-page & off-page) in your content so that search engines understand your content well.

Edit your content for skimmers.
It means using several subheadings and bold features in your content. It acts like a hook to grab the attention of readers.

Step 3: Content rewriting type

The editing process isn’t just modifying the errors. After two previous steps, you need to rewrite or add some extra content to develop consistency in the whole of your text. Maybe you need to go back to the sources and do new research.

Rewriting allows you to take a step back and look at the big picture. You can ask yourself questions like: Is this section really necessary? Does it add anything to the overall message of the piece? Are there better ways to express this idea?

Through the process of rewriting, you can also identify areas where more research or information might be needed. For example, if a particular paragraph seems weak or unsupported, you may need to do some additional fact-checking or review sources to strengthen it.

Of course, rewriting can be time-consuming and challenging. It requires a willingness to let go of your initial ideas and be open to new possibilities. But ultimately, the end result is worth it.

By taking the time to rewrite and refine your writing, you can create pieces that are truly impactful and memorable.

If you need to add some content to the main content, just be careful to perform two previous steps, copy editing and content editing on rewriting.

Step 4: Proofreading type

Well, now it’s time to come to the surface from the depth of your content. After perfect copy editing, content editing, and rewriting, your content needs final proofreading. It includes modifying little and big errors that were either overlooked or made during the editing process.

Although you are on the surface of the content, it’s so sensitive. It’s last checking, and as an editor, you should guarantee that the content is free of any kind of errors such as grammatical, factual errors, readability, style, syntax, and typographical faults. In addition, you must ensure that the content follows the style guide that has been chosen.

Overall, proofreading is essential in the writing process to ensure that the final product is polished and professional. Whether it’s a business report, academic paper, or personal blog post, proofreading can help to enhance the credibility and effectiveness of the written work.

What is a content editing tool, and how to use it?

A content editing tool is a software program designed to help writers to improve the quality of their content. It provides a range of features that enable users to check spelling and grammatical errors and enhance readability. Some tools even offer suggestions for improving sentence structure, tone, and style.

Sometimes editing by a tool offers features like checking plagiarism that you can’t achieve in manual editing.

Here are the steps to edit content with a tool:

1. Choose the right tool: There are many tools available for editing content, so it’s important to choose one that suits your needs. Look for a tool that has features like spell-check, grammar-check, and style suggestions.

2. Upload or copy and paste the content: Once you have chosen your tool, upload the content you want to edit or copy and paste it into the tool’s editor.

3. Review the suggestions: The tool will likely highlight areas of the content that need attention. Review these suggestions carefully and consider making changes based on them.

4. Make necessary edits: Based on the suggestions from the tool, make any necessary edits to the content. This may include fixing spelling or grammar errors, rephrasing sentences for clarity, or adjusting the tone or style of the writing.

5. Review again: After making edits, review the content to ensure everything flows smoothly and makes sense.

6. Save and export: Once you are satisfied with the edits, save the content and export it in the desired format.

Using a tool to edit content can be a valuable time-saver and can help improve the quality of your writing.


The benefits of good content are numerous. It can increase engagement with your audience, establish you as an authority in your field, and ultimately lead to more conversions. However, none of these benefits can be achieved without proper editing.

 A poorly edited piece of content can do more harm than good.
So, editing is a crucial step in the content creation process. It ensures that the final product is error-free. Good editing can make the difference between a second-rate piece of content and one that is exceptional.


How do I edit my content after writing?

  •  The first step in editing your content is to review your work for clarity and coherence. Check spelling mistakes, punctuation, and grammatical errors. These can be easily corrected using online tools such as Grammarly or Hemingway Editor.
  •  Focus on the structure of your content. Make sure that your paragraphs are well-organized and have a clear topic sentence. Check if your sentences are too long or too short and adjust them accordingly
  • Check for factual accuracy. Verify any statistics, quotes, or references used in your work. Ensure that they are up-to-date and from reliable sources.
  • Proofread your work one last time before submitting it. Read through your work carefully, line by line, to catch any remaining errors.

What are the types of editing?

1-Copyediting (also called Mechanical Editing)

2-Content editing (called developmental, substantive, or structural editing)

3-Content rewriting


Who typically needs edition services?

Content editing services are essential for anyone who wants to produce high-quality written content including authors, bloggers, businesses, and students.

Authors need to ensure that their manuscripts are ready for publication. Bloggers also benefit from content editing services, as they need to produce engaging and informative content on a regular basis.

Businesses often require content editing services for their marketing materials, such as content marketing, websites, brochures, and press releases.

And also students can benefit from content editing services when working on academic papers or other assignments.

What are some common issues that content editors address?

One of the most common issues you encounter is grammatical errors. This can include anything from misspelled words to incorrect verb tenses. Another issue is modifying inconsistencies in tone or style. This can happen when multiple writers contribute to a piece of content, or when a writer changes their approach midway through a project.

Factual inaccuracies are another common issue need to address. This can include anything from incorrect dates or statistics to misattributed quotes. It’s essential to fact-check all content thoroughly before publishing it.

Formatting and layout issues can also be a concern. This can include things like inconsistent font sizes or spacing, or poorly formatted images.

How can I find a reliable editor for my project?

First and foremost, research is key. Look for editors who have experience in your specific industry or niche, as they will be more likely to understand the nuances of your content.

Networking is also an important part of finding a reliable content editor. Reach out to colleagues or other professionals in your field and ask for recommendations.

B2C marketing strategies: A complete guide

B2C marketing strategies

B2C Marketing Strategies: A Complete Guide

B2C marketing is an experience that many of us have every day.
It’s a process of selling a product or a service to individuals.
If you have selling experience, even once, you know it’s not simple as it seems. There are many B2C marketing strategies behind it.

Good knowledge can guarantee your success in B2C marketing to some extent. Having a clear understanding of your target audience and their needs, being aware of the competition, being knowledgeable about B2C marketing strategies, prioritizing customer service, and so on.

In this article, I discuss B2C marketing strategies, definition, and channels, and more.

What is B2C marketing?

B2C marketing refers to the process of promoting and selling products or services directly to individuals. The definition is simple. But we live in a complicated century, and things aren’t as simple as they appear, especially in business.

Yeah, I agree it was more simple when people sold products or services in the 19th.

But now consumers are more knowledgeable. Due to the fast growth of the internet and online businesses, buyers have many choices. If buyers decide to buy a watch, they can choose it from their local market, online shops, or big marketplaces like eBay or Amazon.

Well, it is complex.
How do we take chances in this competition?

The good news is knowing strategies and using the correct channels can make a difference between you and your competitors.
So, now let’s dive more into the discussion.

B2C Marketing vs. B2B Marketing

B2C marketing and B2B marketing are two different approaches to get customers. B2C marketing focuses on selling products or services directly to individual consumers, while B2B marketing targets businesses as potential clients.

One of the main differences between B2B and B2C marketing is the way they communicate with their target audience. B2C marketing typically uses emotional appeals and creative advertising to capture the attention of consumers. In contrast, B2B marketing relies more on facts, data, and logical arguments to persuade businesses to buy their products or services.

Another key difference is the sales cycle. B2C transactions are usually quick and straightforward, while B2B sales can take weeks or even months to complete. Because B2B purchases often involve multiple decision-makers, complex negotiations, and customized solutions tailored to the specific needs of each business.

In terms of channels, B2C marketing tends to focus on mass media such as television, radio, and social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. B2B marketing, on the other hand, may use more targeted channels such as industry events, trade shows, and professional networking sites like LinkedIn.

Although B2C and B2B marketing have significant differences, both require a deep understanding of the target audience and effective communication strategies. However, the marketing tactics used in each approach can vary significantly depending on the nature of the product or service, the target market, and the overall business goals.

B2C marketing strategies: B2C Marketing vs. B2B Marketing

B2C marketing strategies

When it comes to discussing B2C marketing strategies, all are about providing your products or services to customers and converting them into loyal buyers. B2C marketing strategies can significantly grow up your business if they become an inseparable part of your business.

In the following, I’ll discuss B2C marketing strategies that are used widely nowadays.

Connect with your buyers

As a B2C marketer, it’s crucial to connect with your prospects on a personal level. Consumers are bombarded with advertisements every day, and they’re more likely to engage with brands that make them feel seen and understood. Here are tips for building those personal connections:

  • Know your audience. Take the time to research your target demographic and understand their needs, desires, and pain points. Use this information to customize your messaging and approach.
  • Use storytelling. People connect with stories, so use them to humanize your brand and create emotional connections with your prospects. Share customer true success stories about how your product has helped people in similar situations.
  • Be authentic. Consumers can understand insincerity more than you think. Don’t try to be something you’re not or pretend to care about issues that don’t align with your brand values. Instead, focus on being genuine and transparent in all your interactions.
  • Engage on social media. Social media is an excellent tool for connecting with consumers. You can reply to comments and directly get feedback from your audience.
  • Personalize your communications. Use data and technology to personalize your marketing messages and offers based on individual preferences and behaviors. This shows that you value each buyer as an individual and not just as a customer.

By following these tips, you can build strong personal connections with your prospects and increase the likelihood of converting them into loyal customers. Remember, people buy from brands they trust and feel connected to, so prioritize building those relationships in your B2C marketing efforts.

Use content marketing

Content marketing is an effective way to reach and engage with consumers in the B2C space. By creating valuable and relevant content, businesses can establish themselves as thought leaders and build trust with their target audience.

As a marketer, you must align with the buyer’s journey. And what can do better than content marketing?

One of the key benefits of content marketing in B2C marketing is its ability to attract and retain customers. By providing helpful information or entertainment through blog posts, videos, social media, and other channels, businesses can capture the attention of potential customers and keep them coming back for more.

Another advantage of content marketing is its flexibility. Businesses can adapt their content to different stages of the buyer’s journey, from awareness or consideration to purchase. For example, a clothing retailer might create blog posts about fashion trends to attract new customers, while producing product reviews and styling tips to help shoppers make informed purchasing decisions.


Use Social Media

Social media is an incredibly powerful tool for B2C marketing. With the majority of consumers using social media platforms daily, it provides businesses with a direct line of communication with their target audience.

One of the biggest advantages of using social media in B2C marketing is the ability to build brand awareness. By consistently posting engaging content and interacting with followers, businesses can increase their visibility and establish themselves as a trusted authority in their industry.

B2C marketing strategies:Use Social Media

Other benefit is the ability to target specific demographics. Social media platforms allows businesses to reach their customers based on factors such as age, location, interests, and more. This ensures that marketing efforts are being directed toward those who are most likely to convert into customers.

Also, social media provides valuable data and insights that can be used to improve B2C marketing strategies. Analytics tools allow businesses to track engagement, and provide valuable information about what works and what doesn’t.

Using feedback and testimonials

If you know other people have good experience with a product or service that you are going to purchase, you’ll encourage to trust that product or service more. Right?

 So, feedback and testimonials are good B2C marketing strategies that create a confident atmosphere for buyers. Customers are more likely to trust the opinions of their peers than they are to trust advertising messages from companies.

One way to use feedbacks and testimonials is to feature them prominently on your website or social media channels. This allows potential customers to see what others have said about your products or services, which can help build trust and credibility.

B2C marketing strategies:Using feedback and testimonials

It’s also important to actively seek out feedback from customers and use it to improve your offerings. This not only helps you provide better products and services, but it also shows customers that you value their opinions and are committed to providing the best possible experience.


Add a free offer with every purchase

You should attempt to provide the best possible experience for your customers. One way to do this is by adding a free offer with every purchase. This not only adds value to the customer’s purchase, also helps to build brand loyalty.

Free offers can come in many forms such as a complimentary product, service, or discount on their next purchase. It is important to choose an offer that aligns with your brand and appeals to your target audience. ases.

For example, if you sell beauty products, offering a free sample of a new skincare product would be a great way to introduce customers to your brand and encourage them to make future purchases.

B2C marketing strategies:Add a free offer with every purchase

When use free offer strategy, it is important to communicate the offer clearly to customers. This can be done through email marketing, social media posts, or even on the packaging of the purchased product.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

If you want online visibility through websites in B2C marketing, you can’t overlook SEO basics. It is crucial to align your content with what potential customers are searching for and provide them with the most relevant information.

To achieve this, keyword research is essential. By analyzing search queries related to your product or service, you can gain insights into what people are looking for and tailor your content accordingly.

Another important aspect of SEO is creating user-friendly content. Your website should be easy to navigate, and the information provided should be clear and concise. This will help users find what they are looking for quickly and efficiently.

And also, don’t forget about the power of local SEO. If you have a physical location, optimizing your website for local search queries can help attract nearby customers who are more likely to convert.

B2C marketing strategies:Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Create a Membership Program

I highly recommend creating membership programs to increase customer loyalty and retention. Membership programs offer exclusive benefits and rewards to customers who sign up for the program, such as discounts, free shipping, early access to sales, and personalized recommendations.

These programs not only encourage customers to make repeat purchases but also create a sense of community and belonging among members.

To create a successful membership program, it’s important to identify your target audience and their needs. Consider what benefits would be most valuable to them and how you can differentiate your program from competitors.

Personalization is key in making members feel valued and appreciated, so consider offering customized experiences based on their preferences and purchase history.

Another important aspect of membership programs is communication. Keep members engaged with regular updates on new products, promotions, and exclusive offers.

Use email marketing, social media, and other channels to communicate with members and encourage them to stay active in the program.

B2C marketing strategies

What are B2C marketing channels?

B2C marketing channels refer to the various methods and platforms that businesses use to promote their products or services directly to consumers.

Some of the most common B2C marketing channels include social media advertising, email marketing, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising,blog posts, and influencer marketing.

 Each channel has its unique advantages and disadvantages, and it’s up to you to determine which ones will be most effective for your specific business goals and target audience.

Social media advertising

Social media advertising is an excellent way to reach a large number of people quickly and efficiently. By creating targeted ads on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, you can ensure that your message is seen by the right people at the right time.

Email marketing

Email marketing is another powerful channel. By building a list of subscribers who are interested in your products or services, you can send regular newsletters, promotional offers, and other updates to remain at the top of the mind of your customers.

PPC advertising

PPC advertising has proven to be effective in reaching and engaging with the target audience. This form of online advertising allows businesses to display their ads prominently on search engine results pages and other relevant websites. 

Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is another channel for promoting products in B2C marketing. By working with influencers who align with your brand values and target audience, you can tap into their existing audience and gain exposure to new potential customers.

Blog posts

By publishing blog posts, videos, infographics, and other types of content, you can establish yourselves as thought leaders in your niche and build trust with potential customers.

Buyer's Journey

To plan marketing strategies, you should know the way a buyer pass.
Buyer’s journey in B2C marketing refers to the process that a potential customer goes through before making a purchase. It includes three stages: awareness, consideration, and decision.

Awareness stage

During the awareness stage, the customers become aware of a problem or need. They may begin researching solutions to this problem, but they are not yet committed to making a purchase. At this stage, businesses need to provide educational content that helps the customer understand their problem and potential solutions.

Consideration stage

In the consideration stage, the customer has identified potential solutions and is evaluating them. They may compare different products or services, read reviews, and seek out additional information. Businesses should focus on providing detailed information about their offerings and addressing any concerns or objections that the customer may have.

Decision making stage

Finally, during the decision making stage, the customer decides whether or not to make a purchase. This is often the most critical stage, as customers may be weighing multiple options and considering factors such as price, quality, and convenience. Businesses should make it easy for customers to complete the purchase process and provide excellent customer service to ensure satisfaction.

Understanding buyer’s journey is crucial for effective B2C marketing. By creating targeted content businesses can increase their chances of converting potential customers into loyal buyers.

How to align B2C marketing strategies with the buyer's journey?

Any good marketing strategy should use at the right time and place. You must know where the buyer in the journey is and use the right strategies accordingly. Otherwise, the best efforts will be useless.

You can create blog posts, social media content, and videos that educate your audience about their problems and how your product or service can solve them.

In the consideration stage, the buyer starts to evaluate different solutions to their problem. At this point, you can use email marketing to nurture leads with targeted messages that highlight the benefits of your product or service. You can also offer free trials, demos, or consultations to help them make an informed decision.

And in the decision making stage, the buyer makes a purchase decision. Here, you can use retargeting ads to remind them of your product or service and encourage them to take action. You can also use customer testimonials and reviews to build trust and credibility.

To effectively align your B2C marketing strategies with the buyer’s journey, you need to have a deep understanding of your target audience. By doing so, you can send your marketing messages and tactics to meet their specific needs at each stage of the journey.


What is B2C marketing?

B2C (business-to-customer) marketing refers to the process of promoting and selling products or services directly to individuals.


How does B2C marketing differ from B2B marketing?

One of the main differences between these two types of marketing is the way they communicate with their target audience. While B2C marketing focus on individuals as target buyers, B2B marketing focus on businesses as the target buyer.

 Another difference is sales cycle. B2C transactions are usually quick, while B2B sales can take longer time complete.
In terms of channels, B2C marketing tends to focus on mass media such as television, radio, and social media platforms while B2B use channels like event and exhibitions.

What are some common B2C marketing strategies?

Content marketing, using feedback and testimonials, free offer with every purchase, membership program, and SEO are some common strategies current in B2C marketing.

How do companies measure the success of their B2C marketing campaigns?

Measuring the success of B2C marketing campaigns requires a comprehensive approach that takes into account both quantitative and qualitative data.

By regularly tracking and analyzing metrics like conversion rate, customer acquisition cost (CAC), return on investment (ROI), and monitoring engagement metrics such as click-through rates, and social media engagement you can make data-driven decisions.

How does technology impact on B2C marketing?

One of the most significant impacts of technology on B2C marketing has been the ability to collect and analyze data. Big data has become a crucial tool for marketers, allowing them to gain insights into customer behaviour and preferences that were previously impossible to obtain.

Another key development in recent years has been the emergence of social media as a major marketing channel. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have given businesses new ways to reach consumers and engage with them directly.

By regularly assessing keyword rankings, organic traffic, and user engagement metrics, you can informed about success of your SEO keywords and accordingly optimize your content and improve your overall search visibility.

Content Marketing Principles: A Beginner’s Guide

Content Marketing Principles

Content Marketing Principles: A Beginner's Guide

Nowadays, it happens rarely that a person has a hand in online visibility and didn’t hear about content marketing.
If you are a business owner, whether small or large business, content marketing is vital for your business.

Content marketing principles is so different from traditional kind of marketing. And the good news is content marketing is more effective and grows your business significantly.

Every day much content marketing is produced, but those content help to grow the businesses that have been generated based on content marketing principles. So, if you want to have a successful content marketing campaign, first you should know content marketing principles.

In this article, I talk about content marketing principles, definition and its importance. Steps of creating content marketing, different types of content marketing, and important tips will discuss.

Content marketing vs. traditional marketing

As much as content marketing focuses on the audience, traditional marketing values products or services. If I want to summarize traditional marketing, it will be: “I have the best product. Come and buy from me”!
It’s like what you see in Monday local markets.

Content Marketing Principles: Content Marketing vs. traditional marketing

Although traditional marketing may imply what’s going on in the local market or past era, it’s common in modern marketing too. Even commercial advertising on television is a type of traditional marketing. They are so boring, and people change channels to get rid of them.

Other examples of traditional marketing are:

  • Newspaper
  • adsBillboard
  • Mail advertisements
  • Cold call or text
  • Event marketing
  • Google ads
Content Marketing Principles: Content Marketing vs. traditional marketing

Why content marketing is important?

There are many reasons that good and consistent content marketing improves your business. In the following, I note some of the reasons why content marketing is important for every business.

It rescues the audience from confusion

We live in a century where people are selective and also confused with too many options. Just search on the internet to buy a software. Choosing a product among different brands is confusing, and here good content marketing helps.

Good content marketing can save the audience from confusion. Content marketing starts with awareness, then leads the audience to consider their needs and finally make a decision.

The audience wants to choose among different brands, and good content marketing does it very well.

Content Marketing Principles: It rescues the audience from confusion

Content marketing becomes more significant when many of your competitors are using traditional methods of marketing. A look at the annual revenue of ad institutions proves it. People hate advertisements. For this reason, they use ad blocks.

So, create good content marketing, give awareness to your audience, and achieve your marketing goals.
It is a win-win.

It's not expensive

In contrast to television and publishing advertisements in newspapers or magazines, content marketing doesn’t need to expensive budget. Everyone can do it online. You need to know the strategies of content marketing. Then enjoy the long-term results.

It helps online visibility

Content marketing is all about helping, not selling. It’s exactly something Google wants. Google appreciates content that helps people. When people are satisfied with your content, google also will be satisfied. Just you need to include SEO basics and strategies in content. Then Google and the audience help you for more visibility.

It causes the audience to trust your brand

When people type a query in the search engines, regardless of their intention, they need help. Through content marketing, you answer their questions and interact with them.

It is the same as creating value without taking anything in return, and your audience is more likely to trust your recommendations.
The more quality content that visitors see, the more likely they have a positive association with your company.

Content marketing principles

After a short introduction and talking about the importance of content marketing, let’s dive into the discussion and talk about principles of content marketing and how good content marketing can organize.

Principle 1: Change your mindset

If you are new in content marketing scope, it means you have a traditional marketing mindset. Content marketing is very different; it needs to be treated differently. Also, will get different results.

You should look at content marketing as an investment, not a short term entertainment.

Content marketing is like a startup; it needs consistency and effort. You must be careful about your audience’s needs while you have marketing goals in your mind.

Think about yourself as a publisher and, what you publish becomes your asset. Having such a mindset means thinking you about all resources that create and distribute content differently. It is creating long-term engagement with customers through your content.

When you look at your content as a long-term investment, quality increase, and the audience understand you are different. So, they don’t leave simply; they stop and think. Then, this audience engages with your content and subscribes as loyal customer.

Principle 2: Define your own goals

When you write content in marketing fields, you have commercial goals in your mind.
Based on the types of your business, B2B or B2C, your goals will be various.

Here are some common content marketing goals for B2B or B2C types:

B2B Content Marketing Goals

  • Problem-Solving: The main goal of a B2B brand is to solve the problems of customers. So, as a B2B brand need to show your expertise with the quality of your content. Your content should pay attention to the pain points of customers and find the solution.
  • Credibility: It doesn’t happen overnight and needs authenticity. The more authentic and reliable your content is, the more credibility your work shows.
  • Partnership: This item is crucial and can bring value to your brand. But how does your audience trust you? It often happens when you focus on their needs in your content strongly.

B2C Content Marketing Goals

  • Trust Building: It’s one of the primary goals of content marketing. Trust building is a time-consuming process. It often needs some trial and error.
  • Audience engagement: It seeks for the ways people engage with your content. Audience engagement can be done in different ways such as sharing, liking, or commenting on your content.
  • More traffic: Content marketers hope to gain more organic traffic in search engine. Combining content marketing and SEO with keyword-optimized blogs helps to achieve this goal.
  •  More sales: It is the most common goal for every business. Create content to show your business’s worth, and sell more.

Principle 3: Define Audience Persona

Since all the content marketing start and ends with your audience, therefore the writer should understand the wants and needs of audience very well.

You need to know about interests, pain points, sometimes gender or age of your audience. Following questions help you to gain more knowledge about your audience persona and then write your content accordingly.

1- Which gender are them?
2- Where can find them?
3- What’re their goals?
4- What’re their pain points?
5- How much is their budget?
6- How do they live the average of a day?
7- How can I help them?
8- What does make them happy?

And many other questions to define them truly.
You need to these information because you must write specifically not broad. Some people write a broad content marketing but finally it’s not useful for anybody.

Principle 4: Manage content creation process

All this step is about who writes the content. It deeply related to size of your organization, your budget and your content marketing knowledge.

If you are new blogger with limit budget, so you should increase your knowledge and start your content marketing. Or if you are new and have the budget, you can outsource your content marketing to professional ones.

For organizations it works differently. Since they work in large extent, therefore they need to hire different persons for different job positions such as Chief content officer (CCO), Managing editor(s) Content creators, Content producers and etc.

Principle 5: Find keywords

This step is super important. All of your efforts is for online visibility and finding potential customers. But if you don’t select right keywords, competitors steal the audience.

If you know SEO well, you should include it. Also you can use SEO tools to find right keywords. Otherwise it’s better to outsource your content marketing to implement keywords too.

The keywords should be according to problems your business solves. Aligning your content marketing with problems solving will give you a greater perspective of how customers see your brand.

Principle 6: Don't talk about sales

Paradoxically, the less talk about sales can leads to more sales. Just focus on helping audience. Selling will come at the right time.

Just focus on helping audience. Selling will come at the right time.
As a content marketer, it’s important to remember that your primary goal is not to sell products or services. Instead, you aim to provide valuable information and resources to your audience in order to establish trust and credibility with them.

Talking about sales too much can come across as pushy or insincere, which can turn off potential customers.

Principle 7: Find your own point of view and voice

Finding your own point of view and voice as a content marketer requires research, analysis, and self-reflection.

By understanding your audience, developing a unique perspective, and staying authentic, you can create content that stands out and resonates with your target market.

Principle 8: Use ''Call To Action '' in your content

CTA encourages the readers to take a specific action. CTA is your marketing aim. For example, purchasing a service or signing up for a newsletter.

 A good CTA is clear and concise. The language used should be direct and easy to understand. For example, it’s better to say ”subscribe here” instead of saying “click here”. People don’t like click on unknown links.

Another key factor to consider is placement of the CTA. It should be strategically placed throughout the content, such as at the end of a blog post or within a video. This ensures that the reader or viewer has had enough time to engage with the content before being prompted to take action.

Principle 9: Plan an editorial calendar

One of important factors in content marketing is consistency.
You can’t going fast for a while and disappear for sometimes. You should go ahead smoothly but consistently.
It’s not possible without an editorial calendar (content planner tool).

A content planner tool maps content production, prepares right content in right time, scheduling dates of creation and publishing, workflow steps and more.

Content planner can be in different forms; from handy format to printed calendar, a spreadsheet like Google calendar to editorial tool. These tools enable you to track the types of content you wish to create, your titles, authors, and publish date and more.

Content Marketing Principles

Types of content marketing

The name of content marketing implies just written types of content. Although it is mostly in written format, this scope includes other formats too.
Let’s dive into some ways for impressing your audience with your content

Blog posts

When we hear about content marketing, the first thing that comes to our mind is blog posts. Actually, blogs are the best place for any type of content marketing.

Blog posts should along with SEO and the right keywords. Length is important, but don’t obsess about long posts. There is no guarantee your 8000 words post rank on Google. Don’t scarify quality for the sake of quantity. A medium-length post with 2000~3000 words is enough.

When you write a blog post be careful about below items to gain traffic:

  • Use strategies for choosing keyword
  • Link your content to a high-authority website
  • Make sure to choose the right headlines
  • Audit the speed of your website
  • Don’t forget mobile-friendly for SEO


It is a visual representation of information. By telling many words in a picture, not only your task becomes easier, but also the audience like it.
Try to create eye-catching infographics. They help your business more than you think.

If you use infographics for blog posts, don’t forget to use descriptive and informative alt text that includes keywords too. Otherwise, search engines can’t find your infographic.


This type of content is such widespread and informative that they also have specific platforms like Youtube. You can use videos everywhere from social media to blog posts.

If you want to make a brand, nothing can help you like videos. It’s the way of all well-known brands. The main problem with making videos is its time-consuming process and also needs many resources but in return, they generate great results.


Books always are effective. eBooks are long-form texts that need more time to produce. But they don’t have difficulties of published books by the press. eBook as content marketing isn’t for sale generally. It’s a lead magnet to give value to your customers or indeed you give this value to your own business.

eBook is a powerful marketing tool. You can offer it to visitors of your blog when they enter your website. Just don’t forget to include links to your website in your eBook for further information. It can bring good traffic to your website.

Case studies

If you want to prove your expertise to the audience, case studies are the best choice. A good case study starts by defining the problem, deeply goes to solving process, and finishes by solving the problem. When you write case studies pay attention to below points:

  • Start with a clear headline
  • Write in simple language as much as possible
  • Define the problem and explain solving process clearly
  • Includes statistics in your case study

How-to guides

Since the main perspective of content marketing is helping the audience, in-depth how-to guides content significantly improves your traffic.

People don’t forget the website helps them to solve a problem, and it’s the reason they come back to your website again.

For example, on my site, I have a distinct part for how-to guides related to SEO and content marketing.


Podcast is a digital audio file that the audience can either stream or download. Podcasts allow you to share your experiences directly with your audience, building relationships by speaking to your targets on a personal level.

Email marketing

Email marketing as content marketing is a powerful tool that can use to engage and retain the audience. By creating valuable and relevant content, build trust with your subscribers and establish yourself as an authority in your industry.

One of the key benefits of email marketing is its ability to reach a large audience at once. Another advantage of email marketing as content marketing is the personalization of messages for each subscriber. By segmenting your list based on interests or behavior, you can tailor your content to meet the specific needs of each individual.

Tips for improving your content marketing

Content marketing is one powerful muscle in business. Many people from personal blogs to large organizations do it. But not all be successful. Indeed, a few percent are successful.
In the following, there are some tips improving your success significantly.

Using AI tools for writing content marketing

AI tools can greatly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your content marketing.
One of the benefits of using an AI tool is its ability to generate relevant and engaging content ideas. By analyzing vast amounts of data, these tools can suggest topics that likely will resonate with your target audience. This saves valuable time that would otherwise be spent brainstorming ideas or conducting extensive research.

Understand the buyer's journey

In simple language buyer’s journey is the process a buyer start from an online search to purchase a product or a service. It includes three below steps. Each step is separate and needs special content marketing:

  • Awareness: This is the stage buyer searches online to solve a problem. They want to understand more about it.
    Here your first content marketing as blog posts, and social media posts open the door for the first interaction.
  • Consideration: Buyer considers all available approaches or methods to solve the defined problem.
    In this stage, produce informative and more personalized content. Your content in formats like ebooks, webinars, and newsletter is helpful. Your aim yet is helping not selling. But you should have a kind of call to action in your content. But in helping form not pushing.
  • Decision making: Now the buyer is ready to buy a service or products to solve the problem.
    Use content like your case studies or demos to show how your brand rises above the competition and better solves its problem.

Use simple language

Life is busy and people don’t like to spend their time for a complicated content. In blogging world complicated content doesn’t mean sophisticated writer. It means low traffic!

So, simple language=happy audience & happy Google.
Use simple words and short sentences.
Try for paragraph 3~4 sentences.

Keep your brand voice consistency

A brand voice is the personality of a brand in interaction with customers. It helps your brand become more recognizable among various marketing channels.

For having a brand voice you should identify your vision, mission, and values and make highlight different aspects of your business. It helps your brand become outstanding.
Keeping your brand show you’re strong in your mission, and it will bring authenticity to you.

Produce various content

Don’t limit your business to a type of content. Nowadays audiences are very different from each other and consequently, their interests also are different.

Also sometimes different types of content are more comfortable regarding their time limitation. So, includes variety in your content type.

Edit content before publishing

Importance of comprehensive editing in content marketing cannot be overlooked. It allows you to refine, optimize, and tailor your content to effectively communicate your message, enhance your brand’s credibility, and engage your target audience.

By investing time and effort into the editing process, you can ensure that the content stands out in a crowded digital landscape and drives meaningful results for your business.

Analyze your content marketing performance

To analyze your content marketing:

  •  Set your KPIs: You should define your key performance indicators (KPIs) and your goals. KPI is a measurable value that shows how effectively a business is achieving key goals. In other words, it’s setting goals to achieve.
  • Select a Tool to Track Metrics: Once you define your goals, choose the appropriate content marketing analytics tool to track the metrics. Content marketing tools help you to gain insight into the performance of your content marketing strategies.
  • Analyze data: Content marketing analytics tools help you to make decisions to improve your content marketing strategy. Analyze the results carefully to know what’s right and what needs to improve.
  • Optimize the results: Based on your analysis optimize your content. Optimization should be an integral part of your content marketing. In this way, your content remains fresh.


The goal of content marketing is to create and distribute content that is useful to your target audience and encourages them to take action.

It is an effective way to build relationships with potential customers, establish authority and credibility in the industry, and increase visibility online. By providing quality content, businesses can demonstrate their expertise and become a trusted source of information for their target audience.


What is content marketing?

Content marketing is a strategic approach to create and distribute valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience and ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

Why content marketing is important?

Content marketing is an important because it is cost effective, generate leads, create brand awareness, influence conversion and create authority. Content marketing is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes and can help to drive growth and increase revenue.

What are different types of content marketing?

Content marketing can take many forms, including blog posts, videos, podcasts, infographics, ebooks, whitepapers, case studies, webinars, and more.

How does content marketing work without talking about selling products?

Goal of content marketing is not to directly sell products or services, but rather to build relationships with potential customers. By providing valuable information and engaging content, you can create an emotional connection with your audience and establish trust. Once this trust has been established, it will be much easier for them to make a purchase decision when the time comes.

23 Types of Keywords in SEO: +How to Find, Analyze and Use

9 Types of keywords

23 Types of Keywords in SEO: +How to Find, Analyze and Use

If you imagine SEO is a building, keywords are the foundation of this building.
Choosing wrong keywords leads you to the below results:

Your page doesn’t rank by Google

You call the wrong users to the page

So, the first step to finding the right keywords is knowing the different types of keywords in SEO.

In this article, I will discuss different types of keywords  in SEO, how to use and find them, and more.

What is a keyword in SEO?

A keyword is a word or phrase people use for searching about a specific topic in search engines.

For example, imagine you have a website for selling dog foods. Your keywords are what people type in search engines to buy your products. Depending on the type of food you sell and customer’s questions, your keyword varies.

Why are keywords important in SEO?

When a user type a query in search bar, Google bots try to find the most relevant content. If Google doesn’t do it well, most probably lose users after some wrong results. So, keywords are super important for search engines.
That makes sense.

On the other hand, the main goal of every website is to acquire organic traffic. No one likes to pay for ads to gain traffic. Regardless of wasting money, paid traffic isn’t permanent and doesn’t bring authority to you. So,  right keywords are crucial for creating perfect content marketing to drive organic traffic to the website.

To find the right keyword consider below steps:

  • Learn different types of keywords
  • Make a keywords list
  • Analyze keywords
  • Use keywords in the best places of content

Understanding the different types of keywords for SEO and how they work together is crucial for successful SEO strategies. By incorporating a variety of keywords into your content, you can improve your website’s visibility and attract more organic traffic.

Lets’ start!

Types of keywords in SEO: By length

Length of keywords is important in search engine optimization (SEO). Different lengths of keywords serve different purposes and have varying levels of competition.

Let’s take a closer look at these types of keywords in SEO based on length.

  • Short-tail
  • Mid-tail
  • Long-tail

Short-Tail Keywords

As the name implies, a short tail keyword consists of one or two words. These keywords are highly generic and broad. Due to their broadness, short-tail keywords often face intense competition, and ranking well for them can be challenging.

So, if your website doesn’t have high domain authority, it’s better to forget these types of keywords

For example, “shoes” or “SEO” are considered short-tail keywords. While they may bring traffic for websites with high DA, the conversion rate may be relatively low. Because users who search for this type of inquiry, don’t have the decision to buy any product.

Short-tail keywords characteristics:

  • 1 or 2 words
  • High search volume
  • Vague user intent
  • High competition
Different types of keywords in SEO: Short tail keywords

How to use short-tail keywords: Using short-tail keywords isn’t recommended if you don’t have a strong and well-established site in your niche. Although they have a very high search volume, winning the competition isn’t possible for every website.

Mid-tail Keywords

As the name suggests, mid-tail keywords fall between short-tail and long-tail keywords in terms of length and specificity. They provide a balance between search volume and relevance.

 For example, “running shoes for beginners” or “SEO tips for bloggers” are mid-tail keywords. These keywords can drive a good amount of traffic. And also remain specific.

Regarding competition, they relatively have high competition. They can gain traffic for websites with good domain authority (DA).

Mid-tail keywords characteristics:

  • 3 or 4 words
  • Specify search intent
  • Mid-search volume
  • Relatively high competition

How to use mid-tail keywords: Mid-tail keywords are more specific with a midum search volume. However, they need a high or at least mid-domain authority to rank. 

Long-Tail Keywords

In contrast to short-tail keywords, long-tail keywords are more specific and comprised of multiple words. These keywords usually have a lower search volume but are highly targeted.

For instance, “best running shoes for marathon training” or “affordable SEO services for small businesses” are examples of long-tail keywords. Although the search volume may be lower, the conversion rate is often higher due to more specific search intent.

Types of keywords in SEO : Long tail keywords

Long-tail keyword characteristics:

  • More than 5 words
  • Highly specific
  • Low search volume
  • High conversion rate
  • Suitable for low DA websites

How to use long-tail keywords: These types of keywords in SEO have a crucial role, and they are suitable for every website with high or low domain authority. Websites that sell products can make the most out of long-tail keywords because the user is ready to buy something.

How to find SEO keywords by length?

Google autocomplete is a good way to find keywords by length.

Types of keywords in SEO: Keywords by length

When you type a short-tail keyword in Google, it suggests other keywords with medium length. You can add more details to these medium keywords and create long-tail keywords.

Using SEO tools like Google Keyword Planner or Ahrefs is useful. These tools provide insights into the search volume and competition level of keywords.

Finding short-tail and medium-tail keywords is not difficult. But for finding long-tail keywords you need to do more research.

Forums like Quora and Reddit are good places to find long-tail keywords. Because in these forums people ask questions to solve a problem and questions are more specific by nature.

Types of keywords in SEO: By Search Intent

Understanding the intent behind users’ search queries is vital in selecting the most appropriate keywords for your SEO efforts.

There are 4 types of keywords by search intent:

  • Informational
  • Navigational
  • Commercial
  • Transactional

Before learning search intent keywords, let to take a look at the buyer’s journey. Every buyer goes through 3 steps before purchasing a product:

Awareness, Consideration, and Decision stages.

Why knowing the buyer’s journey is important?

Because every stage has a specific search intent. That’s why you should know which stage your customer is in, and accordingly select proper keywords according to search intent.

Informational keywords

These types of keywords in SEO indicate that users are seeking information or answers for their queries. These keywords usually start with “what is,” “how to,” or “benefits of.” For example, “What is SEO” or “How to bake a cake” are informational keywords.

Creating comprehensive and informative content around these keywords can help attract audiences looking for answers or guidance.

Informational keywords characteristics:

  • Use question words mostly
  • Look for a piece of information
  • Ask a solution
  • Low conversion rate

How to use informational keywords: If you want to use informational keywords, your content scope should be informational, even if your final goal is selling a product.

So, if you want to use informational content for conversion, be patient and constantly try to produce valuable content. Trust building is very important and it can’t be gained overnight.

Navigational keywords

Navigational keywords are used when individuals search for a specific website or brand. These keywords usually include the name of the website or brand they are looking for. For instance, “LinkedIn login” or “Samsung support” are navigational keywords.

Navigational keywords characteristics

  • Show a brand name
  • Help to Authority

How to use navigational keywords: Like informational keywords, these types of keywords may not be our primary focus. But if you have a local business, it is very vital to optimize your webpage with navigational keywords.

Commercial keywords

Commercial keywords represent an intent to research products or services before making a buying decision. They often include terms such as “best,” “top-rated,” or “reviews.” For example, “best laptops for video editing” or “top SEO agencies” are commercial keywords.

Commercial keywords characteristics:

  • Signals an intention to buy
  • Higher conversion rate than informational intent
  • Need to compare different products


How to use commercial keywords: Based on buyers’ journey users know they what need at this stage. But need to more information to compare different products. Creating high-quality comparison articles, product reviews, or informative guides can help capture the attention of users at this crucial stage of the buyer’s journey.

Transactional Keywords

Transactional keywords indicate that users are ready to make a purchase or engage in a specific action. These keywords often include terms such as “buy,” “order,” or “discount.” For example, “buy running shoes online” or “order SEO audit” are transactional keywords.

Transactional keywords characteristics:

  • Actionable by nature
  • High commercial intent
  • High conversion rate

How to use transactional keywords: Transactional keywords are best optimized through product pages and landing pages. Ensure that your content is persuasive, highlighting the benefits, features, and unique selling points of your product or service.

Below are some examples of search intent keywords:

Types of keywords in SEO: Search intent keywords examples

How to find SEO keywords by search intent?

Understanding the search intent behind keywords requires analytical research. Tools like SEMrush or Moz Keyword Explorer can assist in identifying the search intent of specific keywords.

Search intent keywords aren’t the main keywords in your content. They come along with the main keywords to give direction to your content.

For using Semrush to find keywords by search intent, simply enter your main keyword in Semrush’s Keyword Magic Tool and select the type of search you want. It will show you many search ideas to write about it.

Additionally, you can analyze the type of content that appears in search results for a particular keyword. It provides valuable insights into the search intent.

Types of keywords in SEO: By role

There are 3 types of keywords by role:

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Semantic

Primary keywords

Primary keyword (also called target keyword or seed keyword) is the major term you target in your content. It’s the heart of the content.

Every content should have at least one primary keyword, and content expand around this keyword.

Primary keyword characteristics:

  • Main word of content
  • Repeat constantly

How to use primary keywords: Primary keywords are repeated in titles, meta tags, subheadings, and in the body to find by search engine bots. It’s very important to consider metrics like keyword difficulty and search volume when you are going to find primary keywords. High-difficulty primary keywords will be hard to rank, especially for low-DA websites.

Types of keywords in SEO: primary keyword

Secondary keywords

While primary keywords are the main terms that directly reflect the core topic of your content, secondary keywords cover additional context and relevant subtopics. Also, they can be synonyms of the primary keyword.

For example, if your primary keyword is “digital marketing” secondary keywords could include “digital marketing strategy,” “digital marketing
agency,” “digital marketing companies,” or “digital marketing courses.”

Secondary keywords characteristics:

  • Cover relevant subtopics
  • It can be a synonym of the main keyword

How to use secondary keywords: Secondary keywords are usually variations or synonyms of the main keyword. If a secondary keyword is a synonym, it’s a good chance to use it instead of the primary keyword to prevent keyword stuffing.

For ranking better you can use some secondary keywords in your content and repeat them naturally. Also, you should pay attention to the keyword difficulty of them. Lower keyword difficulty means a higher chance to rank.

Semantic Keywords

Semantic keywords (aka Latent Semantic Indexing or LSI) are a variety of related words to content and main keyword. Google bots find the relationship between words and concepts in every content. If you have these semantic words in your content, Google will understand it better.

By the way, semantic keywords are different from secondary keywords, and also it is not a synonym of the main keyword.

Semantic keywords characteristics:

  • Conceptually related to main keyword
  • It can be a variation of the main keyword
Types of Keywords in SEO: LSI Keywords Examples

How to use semantic keywords: Since semantic keywords help to search bots to recognize what your content is about, so it’s better to use some of semantic keywords in subheadings and alt images. And you can incorporate them naturally in your content.

How to find keywords by role?

To find primary and secondary keywords, you can use tools like KWFinder. Simply enter your topic and give a variety of suggestions.

Types of keywords in seo _How to find keywords by role

When you select one suggestion as a primary keyword, enter it in the tool to get more suggestions as secondary keywords.

Types of keywords in SEO: keywords by role

To find semantic keywords you can use LSI graph tool. It’s a paid tool but there are verities of free LSI tools. .

Types of keywords in SEO: Google Ads Keywords

In addition to organic SEO, Google Ads (formerly known as Google AdWords) provides an excellent opportunity to boost your website’s visibility through paid advertising.

Why understanding Google ad keywords is crucial for marketers?

It’s obvious. If you don’t use proper keywords in ad campaigns, maybe you waste the money which cost for advertisement.

Exact match

Exact match keywords trigger ads to appear only when the search query exactly matches the keyword. There can be no additional words before or after the keyword.

For example, if your exact match keyword is “running shoes,” your ad will only appear for searches that include the exact phrase “running shoes.”

Phrase match

Phrase match keywords allow your ads to appear when the search query includes the keyword phrase in the same order. However, there may be additional words before or after the phrase.

For example, if your phrase match keyword is “running shoes,” your ad may appear for searches like “buy running shoes” or “top-rated running shoes.”

Broad match

Broad match keywords trigger ads to appear when a search query includes any word in the keyword, in any order. For example, if your broad match keyword is “SEO tools,” your ad may appear for searches like “best SEO tools,” “affordable tools for SEO,” or “types of SEO tools.”

Negative keywords

Negative keywords exclude specific terms or phrases, ensuring that your ads don’t appear for irrelevant searches. By adding negative keywords to your ad campaign, you can maximize the relevancy and effectiveness of your ad placements.

For example, if you sell running shoes but not hiking shoes, you could add “hiking” as a negative keyword to avoid showing your ad to users searching for hiking shoes.

How to use Google Ads keywords: When you create an ad campaign, you have the main keyword. Additionally, you need to select optimal keywords (ad keywords that are noted above)and Google will display your ad based on those selections.

These keywords don’t need to be researched, and the Google ads platform proposed them to you as options.

How to find SEO keywords for Google Ads?

When you use Google ads to run an ad campaign, it suggests you to select the type of keywords (exact, phrase, broad match) you need to add to your campaign. Each of them has its pros and cons:

  • Broad & phrase match pulls useless queries
  • Exact match misses valuable long-tail keywords

To avoid this problem you can use negative keywords to prevent useless quiries.

Types of keywords in SEO: Time-Based Keywords

There are 2 types of  time-based keywords :

  • Trend
  • Evergreen

Trend Keywords

Trend keywords are associated with popular topics or events happening in the current moment. These keywords allow businesses to ride the wave of what’s hot and happening, and capture the attention of a wide audience.

Whether it’s the latest fashion trend, a viral social media challenge, or a breaking news story, trend keywords can help you stay relevant and drive traffic to your website.

Trend keywords characteristics

  • Include a new and fresh topic
  • High search volume
  • Easy to rank at the early stage

How to use tend keywords: Incorporate these keywords into blog posts, articles, or landing pages that provide valuable information or insights related to the current topic or trend.

For example, if you run a technology blog, and there’s a new smartphone release generating buzz, consider creating a detailed review or comparison article using time-based keywords like “new smartphone XYZ review” or “comparison of the latest smartphones.”

Evergreen Keywords

Unlike trend keywords, evergreen keywords remain relevant and generate consistent traffic over time. They are not time-sensitive and are often associated with broader topics or evergreen content that stay relevant regardless of current trends.

Evergreen keywords are like the sturdy oak tree in the forest of search engine optimization; They provide a solid foundation for your website’s visibility.

Types of keywords in SEO : ever green keywords

Evergreen keywords characteristics:

  • High search volume
  • Constant inquiry demand
  • Mostly hard to rank

How to use evergreen keywords: Let’s say you own a gardening blog. While trend keywords may bring in temporary spikes of traffic, evergreen keywords like “how to grow tomatoes” or “best gardening tips” will consistently attract visitors who are interested in gardening.

By incorporating these evergreen keywords into your content, you can establish your website as a go-to resource for gardening enthusiasts.

How to find time-based keywords?

Always be updated for what happen in your industry. Using social media helps you to know about what happening. Producing content around trends keywords fast can be very effective in pulling many traffic to your website.

Google likes content about current topics. So, including trending keywords help you to rank.
Tools like Google Trends helps you to find keyword trends.

Types of Keywords in SEO: Use Keyword Trends tool to find right keyword for SEO

Another tool is BuzzSumo. To find trending keywords via this tool you need to log in. Then, at the top of your dashboard, on the left hand go to the Discover tab and select Trending.

Types of Keywords in SEO: Use BuzzSumo tool to find right keyword for SEO

On the other hand, to find Evergreen keywords, analyze your competitors’ pages. Those pages with a consistent flow of organic traffic mostly include evergreen keywords.

Types of keywords in SEO: By Target

In below you can see 4 types of keywords by target:

  • Branded keywords
  • Customer-defining keywords
  • Market-segment keywords
  • Product keywords

Branded keywords

Branded keywords are specific to a business and include the company name, product name, or any other unique identifiers associated with the brand. These keywords are essential for building brand visibility and capturing the attention of individuals already familiar with the business.

Types of keywords in SEO : Branded keywords

Branded keywords characteristics:

  •  Indicate specific brand/product
  • Search volume depends on brand popularity
  • Specific search intent

How to use brand name: If you are going to boost your brand, you can write articles and include your brand in them. Also if you want to know about your brand name’s popularity, type it in search engines and see the results.

Customer-defining keywords

Customer-defining keywords are another valuable addition to an SEO strategy. As the name implies, it indicates a specific group of customers. Customer-defining keyword is a good way to achieve long-tail keywords by narrowing down a broad term.

Let’s say, you have an online shop for selling shoes. Customer defining keyword will be ”sports shoes for kids”, or more specific ”sports shoes for kids 4 to 7 years”.

Customer-defining keywords characteristics:

  • Medium search volume
  • More conversion than broad terms
  • Indicate specific audience

How to use customer-defining keywords: Types of your products and services indicate your customer-defining keywords. Based on use these keywords for those who need your product.

 Additionally using customer-defining keywords helps the right audience visit your website. So, it can help to better user experience and also reduce your bounce rate.

Market-segment keywords

Market-segment keywords are specific scopes of an industry or service. Let’s say you own a shoes online shop. You have ”rubber shoes”, ”cork shoes”, ”leather shoes”. All of these are market segment keywords that have their market. These types of keywords aren’t broad so much. But it yet needs to be narrowed down if a website with low DA wants to use it.

Market-segment characteristics:

  • High search volume
  • Vague search intent
  • Low conversion rate

How to use market-specific keywords: If you have a blog and want to use these keywords, I should say you don’t have much chance, especially if your website has low domain authority (DA). So, check keyword difficulty before using Market-segment keywords.

Product Keywords

When users search for specific products of a brand they use Product keywords. For example, they have searched for ”Samsung Galaxy A55”. This keyword shows that they are looking for a specific type of mobile phone offered by this brand.

Product keywords characteristics:

  • Low search volume
  • Low competitive rate
  • Specific search intent
  • High conversion rate

How to use product keywords: If you sell products, this type of keyword is necessary for you. Writing content about different aspects of your product helps your selling and brand awareness.

Other types of keywords in SEO

In addition to the above types of keywords, there are some other types that they not included in specific categories.

  • Question-based keywords
  • Geo-targeting keywords
  • Competitor keywords

Question-based keywords

Question-based keywords are search queries in the form of questions. These keywords reflect the way people search for information online and can be highly valuable for businesses looking to provide helpful answers or solutions.

Question-based keywords characteristics:

  • Mostly they are long-tail
  • They can be both high-competition and low-competition
  • Informational search intent mostly

How to use question-based keywords: The best way is to create a FAQ section at the bottom of your blog post. These questions should be as subheadings that search bots find them.

How to find question-based keywords:

Researching popular question-and-answer platforms, forums, or online communities can be incredibly useful in this regard. These platforms are a treasure of information, filled with the most frequently asked questions in your field.

Also Asked is one of the great websites to find question-based keywords. This website gets all data from Google directly

Geo-targeting keywords

Geo-targeting keywords involve keywords based on geographic locations. For instance, “SEO services in New York”, “best cafes in London”, or “best restaurants near me” are examples of Geo-targeting keywords.

Optimizing your content with Geo-based keywords can improve your visibility and attract local customers interested in your products or services.

Types of keywords in SEO : Geo-Targeted Keywords

Geo-targeting keywords characteristics:

  • Highly relevant traffic

How to use geo-targeting keywords: Include location-specific content and optimize your website to target a particular region or city. Promote local events, attractions, or testimonials, and match your local currency to showcase your connection to the area.

 By doing so, you not only improve your search engine rankings but also build trust and credibility among local customers.

How to find geo-targeting keywords:

The geo-targeting keyword is a must-have strategy for local businesses. It’s the easiest type of keyword research. Just you need to add your region to the main keywords you are going to rank.

For example ” the best Chinese restaurant” will be ‘the best Chinese restaurant in London”, or more specifically ”the best restaurant near Westminster in London.

Competitor Keywords

Competitor keywords are another valuable strategy for your SEO. These keywords involve targeting keywords that are associated with competitors in the same industry.

Competitor’s keywords are those keywords your competitors use at the same time to generate more traffic.

How to use competitor keywords: When you find your competitor’s keywords, cluster them into different groups. Then, create content around each category and use keywords in your content.

How to find competitors' keywords:

To explore these keywords you must search online and find your competitors. SEO tools like Ahref or Semrush give you a great insight to your competitor keywords.  Just don’t forget for local SEO (if your business is limited to a specific area), you need to find local competitors.

For using Ahrefs tool:

  1. Go to Ahrefs’ Site Explorer
  2. Enter competitor’s domain
  3. Go to the Organic keywords report
types of keywords in SEO-Competitor Keywords: Ahrefs

By this report, you can find the keywords that send visitors to your competitor’s webpage.

How to analyze keywords?

After you choose a keyword, it’s time to to measure some metrics. And it can’t be possible without analyzing some metrics with SEO tools.

3 factors must analyze carefully to choose the best keywords:

  • Cost per click
  • Keyword difficulty
  • Search volume

If a website has high authority, ranking becomes easier. So, website with lower authority should be careful to choose easy keywords to rank.

Cost per click

Cost Per Click (CPC) is a metric used in SEO to measure the cost of each click on an advertisement. CPC is calculated by dividing the total cost of the ad campaign by the number of clicks it generates. This metric is commonly used in pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, where advertisers pay for each click their ads receive.

Keywords with higher CPCs tend to have high competition. So, target low CPC keywords, for example use long-tail keywords, which are more specific and have lower competition.

Search volume

Search volume is the number of times a given word has been searched in a search engine. You can find search volume by using some free tools like Google Keyword Planner. The search volume measurement metric is monthly mostly.

A higher search volume isn’t suitable for ranking especially when you’re inexperienced in this field.

So, it is better to focus on low-volume keywords under special circumstances.
One of the low-volume keywords is long tail keywords.

Keyword difficulty

Keyword difficulty (KD) refers to the level of difficulty in ranking for a given keyword. It is measured on a scale from 0 to 100, the latter being the hardest to rank for.

Keyword difficulty can measure with SEO tools like Google Planner. This measurement may be different from one tool to another. That means each tool maybe has various variables to measure keyword difficulty.

The higher keyword difficulty means a higher difficulty to rank it.
When you enter a keyword in Google Keyword Planner, it shows different URLs that have ranked for this keyword. The level of difficulty is different from one URL to another.

Types of keywords in SEO: keyword difficulty metric
Source: Mangools

Where is the best place to put keywords?

After analyzing and choosing keywords, you should place them in the right spot in your content. This step is very critical. Otherwise, all of your efforts will destroy.


Title Tag

The most important spot for your keyword is in the title tag. A title tag is a blue part that appears on a search engine result page when users enter a query.

If your keywords don’t include in the title tag, you lose the chance to rank. In HTML it shows as title of a webpage. 

Types of Keywords in SEO: Title tag is one of the best places to put SEO keywords


Headlines serve as the first point of contact between a page and its audience, making them a crucial aspect of search engine optimization. It is the first title on the top of your web page and is different from the title tag. In fact, Headline serves as the H1 of a webpage in HTML.

Using keywords in headlines is effective for Google bots to find your page, and also people understand the gist of the whole of your content.

Incorporating relevant and well-researched keywords into your headlines is an essential aspect of effective SEO. It can improve your rankings and helps to attract more targeted traffic.

Meta Description

Meta description is a HTML attribute that provide a brief summary of the content on a webpage. It appears below the page title in search engine results and can greatly impact click-through rates.

To optimize Meta descriptions for SEO, it’s essential to include relevant keywords. These keywords should accurately reflect the content on the page and match the user’s search query.

Including keywords in meta descriptions helps search engines understand what the page is about and can improve its visibility in search results.

First Paragraph

Using keywords in first paragraph is necessary. Because search engines give more weight to the first few sentences of a page or article when determining its relevance to a particular search query.

When incorporating keywords into the first paragraph, it’s crucial to ensure that they flow naturally and don’t disrupt the overall readability of the content. Keyword stuffing can actually harm your SEO efforts by making your content appear spammy and low-quality.

Anchor Text

Anchor text refers to the clickable text that appears as a hyperlink on a webpage. By including relevant keywords in the anchor text, you can signal to search engines what the linked page is about and improve its ranking for those specific keywords.

However, it’s important to use anchor text strategically and not overdo it. Overusing keywords in anchor text, also known as keyword stuffing, can actually harm your SEO efforts by appearing spammy to search engines.

Image Alt Text

Image alt text is HTML attribute that is written for an image in webpage. Alt text has this potential to improve your ranking page when add your keyword to it.

Just be noted use more specific keywords for your alt text. Shot tail keywords don’t help to your SEO ranking. Pay attention to below image.

Types of Keywords in SEO: ALT text is one of the best places to place SEO keywords

Good:  <img src = “image.png” alt = “a little girl in green grass”>

Better: <img src = “image.png” alt = “a girl in black dress in green grass”>

Best:   <img src = “image.png” alt = “a girl in black dress running in green grass”>



Keep it in your mind that keyword research is an ongoing process. As search trends and user behavior change over time, your approach to keyword research should be change too.

Ultimately, effective keyword research requires a combination of technical expertise, creativity, and a deep understanding of your target audience.

By taking the time to conduct thorough research and develop a comprehensive strategy, you can position your business for long-term success in the highly competitive world of SEO.


How do I choose the right keywords for SEO?

  • Start by brainstorming a list of relevant keywords to your niche.
  • Use keyword research tools such as Google Keyword Planner  to determine the search volume and competition level for each keyword.
  • Consider the intent behind each keyword. It helps you tailor the content to meet the needs of your target audience
  • Ensure the keyword relevancy. The keywords you choose should be directly related to the content on your website or the products/services you offer. 
  • Finally, regularly monitor and adjust your keyword strategy based on changes in search trends and your own website analytics. 

What types of keywords should I use for SEO?

Keywords with medium search volume and a low competition is the best keywords.
Long-tail keywords are good choice since they are more generic keywords and easier to rank.

How often should I update my SEO keywords?

If you’re in a highly competitive industry where new products or services are introduced frequently, then you may need to update your keywords more frequently. On the other hand, if your industry is relatively stable, then updating your keywords every few months may suffice.

How can I measure the success of my SEO keywords?

By regularly assessing keyword rankings, organic traffic, and user engagement metrics, you can informed about success of your SEO keywords and accordingly optimize your content and improve your overall search visibility.

SEO principles for beginners : A complete guide

SEO Principles: A Complete and Basic Answer for Beginners


If you asked the question “what are SEO principles”, most probably you have heard about SEO recently. To understand SEO principles you need to know SEO foundations well. Without it no SEO principles will work for you.
Anyway, whether you are a seasoned pro or have started an online business recently as a beginner, SEO is part of your obsession. What is SEO? What does it stand for? What are the rules?

No one can overlook the importance of SEO. Learning SEO standards is necessary for everyone who wants to grow a business in busy and noisy online world.

This article consists of seven chapters. Each chapter covers different elements of SEO principles.
Let’s start the SEO rules tutorial.

Who this article is for: This article is an essential guide for beginners who want to know SEO best practices and techniques.


What will you learn: You will learn SEO basic principles to boost your website rankings.

Chapter 1: SEO Fundamentals

In the first chapter, you will learn SEO definition and basic concepts. These concepts are fundamental. You must learn them carefully to grow your knowledge accordingly.

What is SEO?

In simple language, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is optimizing a website to show search engines (especially Google) that the website is better than other competitors in a specific field.
Hey Google, look at my website! It is great!


It makes sense. Imagine you’re a company owner. You try to give the best service to your customers because you want to grow your authority. Google also wants to present the best service to clients. For this reason, you should show how your website cooperates with Google’s guidelines.


The history of SEO dates back to the beginning of search engines in the 90s. By growing Google, SEO becomes an essential part of online marketing and the internet industry.
Now let’s dive into details and explain more about this growing industry.


What are the different types of SEO?

Mainly there are 3 types of SEO:

-On-page SEO

-Off-page SEO

-Technical SEO

On-page SEO is any effort on your web page itself to optimize it for better ranking. It is also called on-site SEO. It’s under your control totally. Some on-page SEO factors include:

  •  Keyword research
  • Content optimization
  • Title tag optimization
  • Page performance optimization
  • Internal linking
  • Short URL
  • Meta tag optimization

Off-page SEO is every external effort to show Google your web page has authenticity and quality. For example:

  • Guest post
  • Backlink building

Technical SEO refers to improving the technical aspect of a website to attract search engines and users. For example:

  • Mobile-friendly
  • Website Speed
  • Being crawlable for search engines
  • Meta robots tag

Google algorithms

Google has its own algorithms to manage optimization on this popular search engine.Google algorithms are constantly changing and evolving, which means that our strategies must adapt as well. Florida, Jagger, Vince, Caffeine, Panda, and Big Daddy are some examples of these algorithms.


White hat SEO vs. black hat SEO

Like every other field, there is spammy and unethical SEO too. White hat SEO refers to ethical and legitimate practices that aim to improve website rankings through legal guidelines. On the other hand, black hat SEO involves using unethical tactics to manipulate search engine algorithms for quick results.

white hat seo vs. black hat seo

Black hat SEO refers to the violation of Google’s webmaster guidelines to improve ranking on Google. This behavior is unethical. Maybe it brings short-term success for the website owner, but finally, Googlebots recognize this violation and penalize the webpage. Below are some examples of black-hat tricks that should be avoided:

  • Hidden text
  • Manipulative links
  • Violation of guidelines
  • Keyword stuffing
  • Irrelevant backlink
  • Duplicate content

White hat SEO is the way that all brands have passed. It is a long-term strategy that good ranking is due to quality content, a user-oriented approach, and permanent website optimization.

  • Giving value to readers
  • Keyword research
  • On-page & off-page SEO
  • Importance of quality &quantity
  • Fresh and relevant content
  • Building natural backlinks

SEO principles included in Chapter 1:

  • Google makes the SEO principles. So, always keep up-to-date with Google’s algorithms. (If your goal is ranking on Google, not other search engines)
  • Stay away from black hat tricks in SEO.

Chapter 2: Search Engines

In this chapter, you become familiar with different search engines and how they work.

What are search engines?

Search engines are machines for online searching and answers. The most common search engine, Google, searches for the best answer for users. Google uses unique algorithms to sort websites and gives the most relevant results to users. These results are called search engine result pages or SERPs.


A short history of search engines before Google

  • Archie was the very first search engine in 1990.
  • Veronica, Jughead, Vlib, AltaVista, Galaxy, Yahoo search, Infoseek, WebCrawler, Lycos, and Looksmart were in the market during 1991-1995.
  • Google was launched in 1998. Its original name was BackRub back in 1996. Over the years it becomes the most popular search engine in the world.

How search engines work:

Search engines work through these primary steps:

crawling, indexing, ranking
  • Crawling: Search engine resembles a spider (also called spider bot) that crawls to find content from each URL. This step is so critical in SEO. Because it will be an introduction to ranking.
  • Indexing: After crawling, the search engine stores and organizes the content found during the previous process. If a page displays as a result of relevant queries, this page will be indexed.
  • Ranking: Once an indexed page provides the best answer and search engine places it at the top of search results, this page is ranked. This step is the ultimate goal of SEO.

SEO ranking factors

Although search engines don’t disclose a checklist for SEO, it doesn’t mean these SEO principles remain a secret. Many of these factors are well known, and SEO skill has grown accordingly. Some of them are also officially confirmed by Google.


 Below some of the ranking factors are noted.


1. Updated content

Considering fast-growing technology, no one likes to get outdated information. People always need fresh and the most recent data in every scope. Therefore, updated content is an important factor in ranking.


2. User satisfaction

Users and clients tell the last word in every business. Therefore users must be satisfied with your content to come back again. Google counts the time a user spends on a page. If users remain on your page long duration or come back again, it will bring authority and value to your page.


3. Website speed

Google has stated that website speed is a ranking factor. So, it’s vital to ensure your website loads quickly. No user waits for a slow website loads, and it will fall down in ranking.


4.Content's quantity and quanity

There is no doubt that SEO and content go hand-in-hand. Quality and quantity of the content on your webpage have essential roles in determining your SEO ranking. To improve your SEO ranking, you need to create high-quality and keyword-rich content relevant to your audience’s inquiry.


5. Backlink

 A link from other websites that comes to your page is called a backlink. They are also known as incoming links. These links are the most important factors in ranking any web page on search engines.


6. Mobile-friendly

In the modern world, mobile phones are everywhere and have become part of our everyday lives. It means if your website isn’t mobile-friendly, you lose your potential customers. 


When it comes to looking at search engine rankings for websites, many SEO experts claim that being mobile-friendly significantly increases your rankings in Google search results.


7. Authority and trust

Authority is achieved through years and years of activity within any given niche, link-building strategies, and content creation for readers to keep them to come back. So, be patient for this one.


8. Crawlability

There are several factors that can affect a website’s crawlability, including broken links, duplicate content, slow loading times, and inaccessible pages. To ensure optimal crawlability, it is important to regularly check for any technical issues and fix them promptly.


SEO principles included in Chapter 2:

  • Users are on the high priority for Google and other search engines. So, optimize your webpage for users and provide a better user experience. It includes creating valuable content and all kinds of stuff that help users.

Chapter 3: Keywords in SEO

Keyword research is a critical part of SEO. Although all elements in SEO are essential, keyword research is super important. It is all about choosing the right keywords that users find you. These right keywords should investigate in different aspects. Keep reading.

Keyword research

The more valuable keywords you make, the more traffic you get. More traffic means earning more money. These sentences clarify the importance of finding the right keywords in SEO.

How to conduct keyword research?

It’s important to know what keywords your business is ranking for, and how to use these keywords to improve your website’s ranking. Keyword research helps you to figure out what your target audience is looking for when they visit your website. 


So, finding the right keywords makes it easy to create content that will interest your audience. Below I mention some ways for finding the right keywords.


Google Suggestion

Google statistic shows 9 billion searches are done on Google every single day. Really it’s huge one. By such search there is no doubt Google is the best place to find write keywords.


SEO principles: Google suggestion is helpful to find right keywords for SEO.

Forums( like Quora), Wikipedia

Using forums, especially Quora, and Wikipedia can be incredibly helpful. These platforms provide a wealth of information on what people are searching for and what questions they have related to a particular topic.

Search for topics related to your business on Quora, then look at the questions people are asking. It helps you to identify common words and phrases you can use as keywords in your content.


Wikipedia is another great resource for finding keywords. Start by looking up the main topic of your business and then explore related pages. As you read through the content, take note of any relevant terms or phrases that could be used as keywords.


Keyword Research Tools

The keyword search tool is a powerful tool to identify the most relevant and profitable keywords. It helps to understand what people are searching on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. This information helps to optimize content and improve search engine rankings.


The process of keyword research involves analyzing search volume, competition, and relevance of various keywords related to your niche. With the help of a keyword research tool, you can easily find out which keywords are being searched for the most and how difficult it is to rank for them.This allows you to focus on best keywords that will bring in the most traffic and revenue.

What are the metrics for choosing right keyword?

There are different types of keywords such as semantic keywords, evergreen keywords, geo-targeted keywords, primary keywords, long tail keywords and etc. To use these keywords you must measure them with the below metrics:


  • Search volume
  • Keyword difficulty
  • Keyword relevancy
  • Competition

By considering these factors, you can choose the best keywords that help to drive traffic, improve visibility, and ultimately achieve your business goals.

1-Search volume

Search volume is the number of times a keyword is searched on the internet (usually monthly). You can get this information by using a keyword research tool.
Finding a keyword with suitable search volume is not easy, and it needs a lot of trial and error to be professional. But it is not rocket science!

The higher search volume means more work and effort for ranking. But it doesn’t mean to select the lowest search volume keywords. Because maybe it causes no users to visit your website.

It’s better to target keywords with a search volume of 100–1,000. The higher search volume means the keyword is competitive and hard to rank. It also depends on the industry and the level of competition calculated for each keyword. 

For example, ranking a keyword like ” SEO tool” is hard to rank. Although many users search for it (high search volume), at the same time many of your competitors have ranked for this keyword before. So, you can take advantage of low-volume keywords which are more specific. It is called the long tail keyword.



Long Tail Keyword:

Long-tail keywords, which are more specific phrases that typically have lower search volume but higher intent. These keywords can be easier to rank for and can attract highly targeted traffic.

1-Imagine you’re going to buy a scooter.


2-When you search on Google, you type ”Buying scooter”.


3-Or you can be more specific and type: “Three Wheel Scooter for Kids”.


4-Or even you can be more specific and type: “Three Wheel Scooter for kids 3-12 years”.


The two last ones are examples of  long tail keyword.

Long tail keywords are very important in SEO, because:


  • They aren’t ambiguous
  • Usually they have both lower search volume & lower keyword difficulty
  • They have higher engagement
  • They attract more organic traffic
Long tail keywords

2-Keyword difficulty

Keyword difficulty is also called SEO difficulty. This step comes after you select a keyword by considering Keyword volume. As the name implies, it shows how difficult it is to rank for a given keyword. It also illustrates you are entering a challenging competition to rank #1 on SERP.

Keyword Difficulty scale measure from 0~100.

Keyword with 0 difficulty means ranking is so easy, and no one recommended selecting a keyword with 100 for keyword difficulty.


3-Keyword relevancy

Keyword relevance, or popularity, is a qualitative measure of keyword segmentation. Relevancy is how Google and other search engines determine what user search for.
-if they want to purchase something?
-if they want to learn?
-if they search for a specific website?


All above questions are about search intent.

According to users’ search intention, there are four types of search:


  • Navigational – search for a specific brand
  • Informational – search for general information
  • Transactional – user knows what to want to buy online exactly.
  • Commercial – the user does the research before the purchase

So, pay attention to the user’s search intent and choose your keywords accordingly.


Competition metric provides insights into how many other websites are targeting the same keywords and competing for visibility in SERPs.
By analyzing this metric, you can gauge the intensity of competition and make informed decisions about which keywords to prioritize.

In order to effectively evaluate the competition metric, consider several factors:


  • Examine the number of websites that are already ranking for the target keywords.
  • Analyze the quality and authority of these competing websites.
  • Consider the backlink profiles of competing websites.

SEO principles included in Chapter 3:

  • Before you start any article, choose your keywords. Because keywords give direction to your content.
  • Find the best keywords for your website. The best keywords have three characteristics: High or medium search volume, low difficulty, and they are long tails.
  • After choosing the right keyword ,write the outlines of your article. Becuase structured content is one of the ways to improve search engine optimization.
  • Search intent is essential. So, your keywords and your content must match the user’s search inention.
  • Use keyword research tools to provide the right keywords but don’t forget your instinct. It means putting yourself in the user’s shoes and finding the keywords they type in search engines.
  • Long tail keywords are the best choice, especially if the authority of your website is low.

Chapter 4: Types of SEO

In this chapter, you will be familiar with different types of SEO.


SEO types

On-Page SEO

On-page optimization is what you do on the page itself to improve its rankings. It focuses on helping Google and users to understand your content better.


Like other aspects of SEO, there are no confirmed and written rules for it. But there are the most important factors that every SEO beginner must know well.


1. Title Tag

When searching on Google, every page appears with a  description on search engine results.


The first one in black is the URL.


The second in blue is the title tag.


 And more details in black are the meta description.

url, title tag and meta description

People click on your page because of the compelling and clear title tag. So, in a short sentence, you must tell what is inside your page.

Pay attention to the below tips for writing better title tags:



  • Keep the title tag short. Under 70 characters is good.
  • Match search intent. Tell users you have what they want.
  • Be descriptive. Don’t be ambiguous.
  • Include the keyword. The best place for keywords is at the begging of the title tag.
  • Include the year. For topics that demand freshness.

2. Headline (H1)

When you catch the reader’s attention with your compelling title tag, the reader clicks on your URL  and enters your page. Now you should gain the attention again by Headline. It is the sentences that come at the top of your article.

A headline must be a powerful part of the article. It should convey to the reader that you have a solution for their problem.

There are some tips for reading a good headline:



  • Short and clear: 6~10 words
  • Match with the content
  • Use pleasant adjectives or adverbs

An example of Headline before and after optimization:


Before: How to learn English?

After: How to learn English easily in less than 3 months


Be noted, many websites use the same title tag and headlines for a given post. It depends on you.


3. Subheading (H2-H6)

 It is important to understand the structure of the subheadings in your website. These headings help break up your content into smaller sections and make it easier to read. It also is better for ranking on search engines.


4. Keywords

You choose the right keywords and use them in the title tag and headline. But forget to drop it in the first paragraph. It destroys all of your efforts. Keywords must be in the first paragraph more than other parts.


5. Internal link

 Google crawls your website to find information in each URL. So, internal links are like a chain that connects your pages. Make the right connections among your pages through internal links.


6-URL Structure

 The URL structure is the naming of the pages on your website. It includes the domain name, the file extension, and the actual page name. Look at the below URLs:







 The way the URL is structured can impact your search engine rankings. Make sure URLs be easy and short, and avoid numbers in them.


7. Writing structure

  •  Use simple words: Even great writers would be forced to write in simple language for blog posts. Don’t need to use advanced literature. 
  • Write in short sentences: Long sentences make readers bored.
  • Use active voice instead of passive voice: Always talking in active voice conveys more energy.
  • Use images within your content: Images must be compressed. Otherwise, it will affect page speed.
  • Call to action: It is the aim of your article. Don’t forget to remind yourself and your audience.
  • Edit your content before publishing. Your content must be error-free and structured.

8. YouTube Videos

 There is no doubt making videos more easily make your work known to others. By the way, Google owns YouTube. Just make sure your videos are relevant to your content. Otherwise, it will disturb your SEO.


Off-Page SEO

While working on your On-page SEO, you have more control over your tasks. But off-page SEO isn’t fully under your control. Below some important factors in off-page SEO are noted.



It is a link from another website that comes to your website. Backlinks are important because they help rank your website in search engines.  Search engines like Google use backlinks to determine how relevant your website is to a given search term.

Backlinks are the most important part of Off-Page SEO.It increases your page authority more than any other element in SEO. In backlink building must pay attention to using high-quality backlinks. Otherwise, it doesn’t work.

Guest Post

  It is a type of content marketing strategy that involves publishing content on a website owned by someone else. Guest posting has been proven to be one of the most effective methods of acquiring new links and social shares, which is why they are a popular strategy for bloggers.


Technical SEO

It is part of  SEO, which focuses on improving below elements on your website to get higher rankings.


1. Crawlability

In simple terms, crawlability refers to the ability of search engine bots or spiders to navigate through a website and access its pages and content.

These bots are responsible for discovering new web pages, updating existing ones, and determining their relevance to specific search queries.

Therefore, it is essential to ensure that a website is easily accessible and understandable by these bots.

2. Web page speed

Web pages that load quickly are ranked higher in search engines. In order to ensure your site loads quickly, you need to make sure that it is optimized. One of the best ways to optimize your site speed is to ensure that it is not loading too many images.


If your site has a lot of images, you can use a tool like Google’s Image Optimizer to strip the unnecessary images and reduce your page’s load time.


3. Fixing broken links

Broken links lead to a non-existing page on your site, users encounter an error page. Such links should fix. Otherwise it waste crawling budget.


4. Avoiding duplication

It is important that your website doesn’t confuse search engines with duplicate content. If you have a website and want to keep your rankings up, you should avoid using more than one URL for the same content.


5. Website Security

Make your website safe for users to guarantee their privacy. There are many ways to provide this security including HTTPS. It secures the data that are sent between the browser and the site.


6. Mobile-friendly

It has become increasingly important in the SEO world. Websites that don’t have a mobile-friendly design will be less likely to rank well on mobile devices. Ensure about how your website will look on a mobile device before you create it.


SEO principles included in Chapter 4:

  • Headings include H1 to H6 effect on SEO. Search engines index your web pages by using these tags. When a user accomplishes an inquiry, the search engine finds relevant pages by reading these tags. So, use keywords in headings if possible (use it if you can but be careful about keyword stuffing).
  • Make sure to link your pages to each other through internal links. Using the appropriate anchor text for making an internal link is crucial.
  • Linking to a high authority website help to the authority of your website. So, use external links when it helps your users.
  • URL structure should be short and precise and contain keywords.
  • Backlinks are the most important to increase the authority of your web pages. Just be careful to get backlinks from high-authority websites.
  • Make sure of your site speed. It seriously can decrease your users if it works at low speed.
  • Due to the wide range of people who use mobile devices to search pages, mobile-friendly should be contained in your SEO strategies.
  • You can’t rank on Google if your website doesn’t crawl. This issue happens due to technical disorders.

Chapter 5: SEO & Content Marketing

SEO and content marketing are both sides of a coin. They play crucial roles in driving traffic to a website and generating leads. By understanding their relationship and implementing them together, you can achieve greater online visibility and success.

seo & content marketing

What's content marketing?

Content marketing is a strategic approach to creating valuable content to attract audience attention. It involves the creation and sharing of various types of content such as blog posts, videos, social media updates, whitepapers, email marketing, e-books, infographics, podcasts, and more.

The main purpose is to find permanent customers. It won’t be achieved except put yourself in the audience’s shoes and become familiar with their problem. The goal of content marketing is to provide useful information that helps potential customers solve their problems or achieve their goals.

By providing valuable content, businesses can establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry and build trust with their target audience. This, in turn, leads to increased brand awareness, engagement, and loyalty.

Below there are some factors you should be careful about while writing content marketing.

  • Be positive. No one likes to listen to a pessimistic person. Maybe people tolerate it in the real world for respecting  others, but in the online world, they skip these pages easily. Therefore, be positive and trustful at the same time.
  • Be helpful: People come to your page to know more and get help. So, write to teach them and solve the related problem.
  • Use active voice instead of passive voice: Always talking in active voice convey better sense. Audience get more energy with content with more active voice sentences.
  • Create content more conversationally: Content marketing isn’t writing thesis for Harward university. It is just talk to people. I don’t want to say be informal completely. But be warmer and talk friendly.
  • Write a short paragraph: Long paragraphs make the readers tired. Try your paragraph doesn’t exceed more than four sentences.
  • Use simple words: Since it is a conversational writing method, so, there is no room for complicated words. By the way, your readers may have different educational degrees.
  • Show the next step to the audience: Content writing must teach the audience. So, take them to the next step. Don’t give up on them.
  • Add visual data to your content: It helps content become more understandable, and audiences don’t tired of reading content.
  • Add conclusion section to your content: When creating content, it’s important to remember that the conclusion is just as crucial as the introduction. The conclusion serves as a final opportunity to leave a lasting impression on your audience and summarize the main points of your piece.
  • Edit your content: Editing your content after writing is an essential step in ensuring that your work is of the highest quality. It’s important to take the time to review and revise your writing before publishing or submitting it to ensure that it is clear, concise, and error-free.

What's the relationship between SEO and Content Marketing?

There is no doubt that SEO and content marketing are two interwoven parts.
The relationship between SEO and content marketing is mutual. High-quality content helps to improve a website’s ranking on SERPs by providing valuable information that users are searching for. At the same time, SEO helps to ensure that the content is optimized for search engines, making it easier for users to find.

One of the key ways that SEO and content marketing work together is through keyword research. By identifying the keywords that users are searching for, content marketers can create content that addresses those queries. This, in turn, helps to improve website ranking on SERPs for those keywords.

Another way that SEO and content marketing are connected is through link building. When high-quality content is created, it is more likely to be shared and linked to other websites. These links help to improve a website’s authority and credibility and boost ranking on SERPs.

Although you can use AI copywriting tools to generate content marketing, it can’t replace human-generated content. These tools help to rescue you from writer’s block and give ideas to you.


SEO principles included in Chapter 5:

  • A successful SEO process isn’t possible without having the right content creation strategies because valuable content is the central element of SEO tactics. In addition to creating high-value content, consistency is important too. The content planning tool can help you to do the right thing at the right time.

Chapter 6: Link Building

Link building is one of the crucial factors for ranking. In this chapter, you’ll learn how different types of links help the SEO of a webpage.

link building in SEO

Internal link

An internal link connects one page of a domain to another page of that domain. Internal links help to structure a website. In addition to SEO profits, it also causes you to introduce your other pages to readers.


Why is internal link important in SEO?

By linking to other pages on your website, you tell search engines which pages are most important and relevant to your website’s overall topic or theme.


Internal link helps Google find your content better. Content without internal links is like a bare desert that no one even passes there.


Furthermore, internal linking can improve user experience by making it easier for visitors to navigate your website and find related content.


This can lead to longer visit duration and lower bounce rates, which both are positive signals to search engines.



How does the internal link support your website?

  • It helps your website be more crawlable for search engines.
  • Internal links caused users to stay more time on your website.
  • It shows the authority of your webpage to Google and users.

Although an internal link is profitable for SEO, a bad internal link maybe cause your website penalized by search engines.

Pay attention to below points for internal links optimization:
Choose right anchor text

Anchor text is a clickable text in your content. For example, in this article, the phrase “internal link” in orange color in the above lines is an anchor text. It must be brief and relevant.

Contextual relevance

The internal link needs to have contextual relevance. It should be relevant to the topic of both pages (origin & target page), and it should be clear to the user why this link exists. Simply putting an internal link in the wrong place not only confuses users but also the search engine.


Make a balance between internal & external links

If you use many internal links without external links, it will be a shortcoming for your website. When you make a balance between them, it will be a sign to the search engine that your website provides more range of content for users.


An external (outbound) link is a hyperlink that directs users from your website to another website. These links are essential for search optimization as they provide additional information and resources for your audience, which can improve user experience and increase the credibility of your content.

Maybe you ask, “Why should I refer users to another website? I want them to remain more time on my website.” Right?


When you include external links in your content, it signals to search engines that you have done your research and are providing valuable information to your readers. This can help boost your website’s authority and ranking in search results.

It’s important to note that not all outbound links are created equal. The quality and relevance of the external site you link to can impact the effectiveness of your link. 


For example, linking to a reputable source with high domain authority can be more beneficial than linking to a low-quality or spammy site.

Additionally, it’s essential to use outbound links strategically. Too many outbound links can reduce the focus of your content and potentially harm your ranking.


Backlinks  are also well-known as inbound links. It is a link from another website that directs to your website.  Backlinks are important because they can help improve your website’s search engine ranking. 


Search engines like Google consider backlinks as a sign of authority. The more high-quality backlinks direct to your site, the more likely search engines notice your site as a valuable resource for users.


Assume you have a shop in the real world. When your customers recommend your shop to others? It is obvious. When they see the quality of your work.


Backlinks have the same story. When you have high-quality content, other websites refer their users to your website for more information. When a search engine observes, it brings authority to your website, and search engines give more credibility to your website.


Effective factors in creating high-quality backlinks:

Although backlinks are vital to increase ranking on search engines, every backlink can’t bring authority. There are two elements that should be careful about while you are working on backlinks:



  • Relevancy: It’s the main factor. When you’re talking about “economic” on your page, a backlink from another page about ‘sport” can’t bring authority to you.
  • Quality: It’s important to note that while backlinks can be beneficial for SEO, it’s not just about quantity. Quality should always be prioritized over quantity. It’s better to have a few high-quality inbound links than many low-quality ones.

Dofollow vs. Nofollow links

Every type of link including internal, external, or backlinks can be dofollow or nofollow. The difference between a these link lies down in passing RankPage signals or not. Dofollow links have ranking factors but nofollow links don’t.


How do you check if a link is nofollow?

1-Right click on your page and click “View page source”.


2-Another page (HTML page) will open for you.


3-In HTML page look for ”Nofollow” words.


4-If you see a rel=”nofollow” attribute, that link is nofollowed. Otherwise, the link is dofollow.

Some people think nofollow links are bad for SEO and must be removed. Some others tell these links are useful to some extent.


Experiments show the second hypothesis is correct. Although nofollow links don’t have ranking factors, they are effective in SEO.


SEO principles included in Chapter 6:

  • Make sure to choose the proper anchor text. Relevancy of the origin and the target pages to each other is necessary for every type of link.
  • Internal links are vital so that search bots understand the structure of your website.
  • Use nofollow links when you don’t want to pass the authority to the target page. For example, linking from Homepage to the page Contact Us.
  • Backlinks can work when gained from high-authority pages..

Chapter 7: SEO Audit

In this chapter, we’re going to talk about SEO Audit. It is like a test before the final examination at school. Here you know if your efforts will be influential. And improve everything going wrong.

website Audit

How to do a website audit?

SEO audit is  performing a detailed check-mark to know how your SEO strategies (On-page & Off-page SEO) work. In other words, it shows how much you’re successful to rank your website.

To perform an audit on your website, start by analyzing the website’s overall structure and content.


This involves checking for any technical issues such as broken links, slow loading times, or duplicate content. Also review the website’s metadata, including title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags to ensure they are optimized for relevant keywords.

Next, examine the website’s backlink profile to determine the quality and relevance of inbound links. This includes identifying any spammy or low-quality links that may be harming the website’s search engine rankings.

Also, analyze the website’s keyword strategy, looking at both on-page and off-page optimization efforts. This involves reviewing the website’s content to ensure it is targeting the right keywords and using them effectively throughout the site.


 In addition, assess the website’s use of internal linking and anchor text to improve its overall SEO performance.

Finally, evaluate the website’s social media presence and how it integrates with its overall SEO strategy. This includes examining the website’s social media profiles, assessing its engagement with followers, and evaluating the effectiveness of any social media marketing campaigns.

Performing an SEO audit requires a comprehensive approach that takes into account all aspects of a website’s online presence. By identifying areas for improvement and implementing effective SEO strategies, you can improve your search engine rankings and drive more traffic to your website.

SEO audit to some extent can perform manually. But always you need to use a SERP tracking  tool to audit your website and use the analytics result to improve SEO.

There are plenty of the best SEO tools. Google Search Console and Google Analytics are two of them that has designed by Google itself.

SEO principles included in Chapter 7:

  • Run your website through an SEO tool like Google Search Console, Google Analytics, or any other SEO tool you like.
  • Make sure all of your pages are indexed.
  • Check all types of links and fix each one that has a problem.
  • Use an SEO plugin like Yoast on your website if you use WordPress. It helps you make your website more SEO-friendly.
  • If your site speed is low, optimize the images on your website. If it’s not an internal problem, check it with your hosting service.


SEO is a complex and ever-evolving field that requires constant attention and adaptation. As a beginner, it can be overwhelming to navigate the various strategies and techniques involved in optimizing your website for search engines. However, by following the steps outlined in this guide, you should have a solid foundation of knowledge to build upon.
It may take time to see results, but with consistent effort and a focus on creating high-quality content, you can improve your website’s visibility and attract more organic traffic.

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