
Somayeh Niya

Informational keywords: How to find and use them for SEO success

informational keywords

Informational keywords: How to find and use them for SEO success

In the past people read books, and magazines or met an expert to get more knowledge or solve a specific problem. But in the information era, the internet made it easy. We use informational keywords every day on the internet to increase our knowledge.

Informational keywords are the best way to leverage your content marketing campaign. It isn’t exaggerated if I say it is an inseparable part of every successful brand.

In this article, I will cover the below topics to discuss informational keywords in SEO.

I wrote articles about other types of keywords such as primary keyword, secondary keyword, and semantic keyword. If you like, you can read more.

What are informational keywords?

Informational keywords are search terms used by users to find information, research topics, or learn more about a certain subject.

These keywords focus on providing answers, explanations, or insights rather than promoting products or services.

 Some examples of informational keywords include “how to,” “what is,” “benefits of,” and “guide to.”

So, people who use this type of keyword are in the initial stages of their research process. They try to understand a topic better or solve a problem

Why are informational keywords important?

When users search for informational keywords, they are typically in the research phase of their buyer’s journey.

This is an opportunity for businesses to provide valuable content that addresses their questions and establishes trust. So, it increases your authority when you provide outstanding content and solve a problem.

By consistently creating high-quality content around informational keywords, you can not only drive traffic to your site but also build relationships with your audience. Building a relationship with your audience can lead to more conversion.

Furthermore, these keywords play a crucial role in search engine optimization (SEO) strategies.

Search engines like Google prioritize websites that offer relevant and informative content to users. Incorporating informational keywords naturally into your content can improve your website’s visibility and ranking in search results.

Before diving into informational keywords discussion, let’s take a look at search intent.

What is search intent?

Search intent is the purpose behind a user’s search query. It helps determine the type of content that would best serve their needs and expectations.

Before you choose any types of keywords, it’s crucial to know different kinds of search intent.

Because it helps you find the best content and marketing strategies that meet the needs of your target audience.

Below are four types of search intent:

 Informational: Users seeking information or answers to their questions.

Informational intent keywords typically include terms like “how to,” “what is,” or “best ways to”, “tips” or “guide”.

These users are in the research phase and are looking for information to educate themselves or solve a problem.

Businesses can create blog posts, guides, or videos to target these keywords and establish themselves as authoritative sources in their industry.

 Commercial: Users looking for products or services to meet their needs. They aren’t ready to buy and need to do more investigation to choose a product.

 Users with commercial intent are closer to making a purchasing decision and are comparing different options. For example best SEO tools, Review Ahrefs, Semrush vs Ahrefs.

Transactional: Users ready to make a purchase or engage in a specific transaction. It means users made the decision before and want to buy.

Keywords that include phrases like “buy,” “price,” or “discount” often indicate transactional intent, suggesting that the user is ready to make a purchase.

Navigational: Navigational search intent refers to using a brand or website name. For example Nike shoes. It shows users just want to know about special brands and no need to shoes from other brands.

Examples of informational keywords

Here are some examples of informational keywords:

• How to start a blog?
• Guide to social media marketing
• What is search engine optimization?
• Top 10 travel destinations

These are examples of informational keywords. These keywords help to attract users who are in the research phase of their purchasing journey.

For instance, a blog post titled “How to start a blog” can target individuals interested in creating their own blog and provide them with valuable insights and guidance.

Types of informational keywords

Informational keywords can take various forms, depending on the user’s search intent. Some common types include:

How-to keywords

By using how-to keywords users seek step-by-step instructions or tutorials.

For example: How to make money online?

These types of informational keywords usually need a comprehensive guide about a specific topic. The broader informational keyword needs a more comprehensive guide.

How-to keywords often need to step-by-step process. Back to the above example, you need to write content that tells how to make money online step by step.

Users who use such informational keywords usually don’t have information about that query and the need for basic knowledge

Guide keywords

Users looking for comprehensive guides or manuals on a particular topic.

For example: Local Search Engine Optimization Guide

Guide keywords are similar to how-to keywords. They usually need a comprehensive guide. But they don’t need to write a step-by-step process.

Guide keywords may note the type the user needs. For example, a beginner or advanced guide.

Definition keywords

Definition keywords are used by users who are searching for the meaning or definition of a term or concept.

This keyword usually starts with ”What” or maybe uses a ”definition” or ”meaning” word along with the main keyword.

For example:
What is search engine optimization?
Search engine optimization meaning

List keywords

In this type of informational keyword users are interested in lists or compilations of information. Users search to find a list of specific topics.

For example:

List of irregular verbs
Python list programs and exercises

Question keywords

Many of the information keywords include a question word such as why, where who, and which. They are one of the common types of informational keywords because they are more conversational.

For example:

Why SEO is important?
Where is Jamaica?
Who is the richest person in the world?

How to find informational keywords?

Finding relevant informational keywords is crucial for optimizing your website. Here are some strategies to identify informational keywords:

Question keywords

Competitor analysis always works. You can check your competitors and use the informational keywords they are utilizing.

When you check your competitors, pay attention to their domain authority (DA). Choose the informational keywords of competitors that are close to yours.

Google suggestions

Google’s autocomplete gives an insight to explore information keywords. For example, your seed keyword is ”SEO tools”, and you want to write informational content around it.

Use one of the informational keywords (how to, guide, list, question word, etc) along with the main keyword.

 For example, add ”which” to SEO tools. It gives you some suggestions.

How to Find Informational Keywords:Google suggestions

These are some informational topics you can find around your main keywords.


Forums are the best place for finding informational topics because many of users sign up in these forums to get help.

Explore forums, Q&A websites, and social media platforms to identify common questions and topics of interest within your target audience

Surveys or polls

By directly engaging with your audience, you can gather valuable insights into the specific questions and topics they are interested in.

This first-hand information can help you tailor your content to address their needs and preferences.

Furthermore, conducting keyword research to identify trending informational queries can help your content to meet the current needs and interests of your target audience.

Which tools can you use to find informational keywords?

Several tools can help you find informational keywords for SEO optimization. Some of them are as below:


Semrush’s Magic tool is one of the best tools to find informational keywords easily.

Type your main keyword in the Magic tool search bar. In the below tab go to the Intent section and select informational.

I typed ”search engine optimization” as the main keyword and selected informational intent.

How to Find Informational Keywords: Semrush's Magic tool

As you see it suggests informational keywords.

People also asked

As the name implies,  Alsoasked website is where that show questions people asked. This website gets the data directly from Google. It’s a very excellent source for finding informational keyphrase.

I used ”SERP tracking tools” as the main keyword, and this is the informational keyword that this website suggests. As you see all are informational keywords in question form.


This tool generates keyword ideas in the form of questions that people are asking online. By targeting these questions, you can create content that directly addresses the information users are seeking.

Answerthepublic also gives data about CPC and search volume. It categorizes the result into different parts such as questions, comparisons, prepositions, and more.

How to optimize your website by using informational keywords?

Optimizing your website for informational keywords can significantly improve your SEO rankings. Here are some tips to make the most of informational keywords

Create high-quality content

Produce informative, well-researched content that answers the user’s query. If your final goal is selling a product, produce high-quality content and solve a problem.

It helps to increase your authority. People prefer to purchase from trustful and authoritative sources.

So, informational keywords directly affect your transactional or commercial keywords

Optimize on-page elements

Optimizing on-page informational keywords includes using keywords within web pages to gain the attention of users and search engines. Some important techniques include:

  • Include informational keywords in the heading, subheading, and URLs.
  • Ensure to use of keywords naturally in meta descriptions and title tags.
  • Ensuring that title tags and meta descriptions use keywords naturally.
  • Incorporate informational keywords in the image alt tag.

Optimize Off-page elements

Off-page keyword optimization has direct effects on search engine ranking. Key techniques include:

  • Use informational keywords in anchor texts when you link to other websites.
  • Ensuring that keywords are effectively integrated into your social media posts and content shared on various platforms.
  • Try to have a strong social media presence that aligns with your target informational keywords to drive traffic and increase your brand awareness.
  • Use a range of content marketing strategies including email marketing, social media posts, and ebooks while you are focusing on this type of keyword.

Link internally

Maybe it seems internal links aren’t important in comparison to backlinks. It’s completely a mistake to overestimate the importance of internal links. These links help your website structure. Relevant internal links within your content can improve navigation and signal the relevance of your content to search engines.

Informational vs commercial keywords

Maybe it seems internal links aren’t important in comparison to backlinks. It’s completely a mistake to overestimate the importance of internal links. These links help your website structure. Relevant internal links within your content can improve navigation and signal the relevance of your content to search engines.

For example:
Best SERP tracking tools

These types of commercial articles introduce SERP tracking tools and buyers make a decision about which tool meets their needs. It at the same time adds to the user’s knowledge about SERP tracking tools. So, it’s both commercial and informational.

Informational vs transactional keywords

Informational keywords are research-oriented and aim to provide users with knowledge and insights. On the other hand, transactional keywords, show that the user is ready to engage in a specific transaction. This transactional action can be a purchase, signing up for a service, etc.

 While transactional keywords are valuable for driving conversions, informational keywords lay the foundation for attracting and nurturing potential customers.


Using informational keywords is essential for SEO success. By understanding search intent, identifying relevant informational keywords, and optimizing your content accordingly, you can attract organic traffic, establish authority, and drive engagement.

Incorporate informational keywords strategically into your SEO strategy and unleash the potential for higher rankings and increased visibility.

Secondary Keywords: How to find & use them

Secondary keywords: How to find & use them

When you want to write a blog post, choosing the right keyword is a concern. Main keyword is the primary keyword that you expand your content around. But how about secondary keywords? Many marketers overlook the power of secondary keywords.

In this article, I will explore the importance of secondary keyword in SEO and how to find and use them. First, let’s talk about what are secondary keywords in SEO.

What is a secondary keyword?

A secondary keyword is a term related to your main keyword. It’s a way to expand your content’s reach. Secondary keywords help you cover more topics that your audience cares about. They make your content more relevant and useful.

They can be close variations, synonyms of the main keyword, or related subtopics.

Why do you need secondary keywords for SEO?

There are two reasons:

  • They increase your chance to rank for more keywords.
  • They provide subtopics opportunities to optimize your content. It attracts more targeted traffic.

For example:

Primary keyword: oil-free moisturizers
Secondary keywords: oil-free cream, oil free facial moisturizer, what is an oil-free moisture, best oil-free moisturizers

Assume you write a blog post with the above primary keyword. Here secondary keywords are those subtopics and questions that your audience needs to know.

For example adding secondary keywords like ”what is an oil-free moisture”, ”best oil-free moisturizers” can help to add details to your content.

This allows you to reach a wider target audience.

Why are secondary keywords important in SEO?

Good content needs to provide necessary information for users. Using second keywords is a good strategy to achive this aim.

These types of keywords provide an opportunity to add more details to your content. They send a signal to search engines that your website is a good source for specific topics.

You need to use secondary keywords in your SEO basic strategies because:

  • Secondary keywords have lower competition.
  • They enhance user experience.
  • These keywords create comprehensive content.

Lower competition

Secondary keywords usually are subtopics or long tail keywords. It means they have lower competition than the primary keyword.

Therefore, it’s a good idea to use them.

Let’s say you write a blog post for ”bali vacation”. A secondary keyword can be ”What are vacation spots in bali?”. It is a subtopic that has lower competition than the primary keyword.

Increase user experiences

 User experience is a factor in ranking on Google. It means users spend more time on your webpage.

Secondary keywords can increase the time users spend on your website. Because these keywords add more relevant content and answer questions that users need.

This relevant content can keep them engaged and encourage them to explore more pages on your site.

In the other word, it increases the dwell time and decreases the bounce rate. So, it sends positive signals to search engines and shows your website provides valuable information to visitors.

Create comprehensive content

Google likes full content. If you cover more subtopics, your audience gets more information.

On the other hand, it also helps you write long-form content. So, using secondary keyword is useful both for audience and search engines.

Prevent keyword stuffing

Yes. You are right. It has gone the time Google ranks a page just for it has many keywords. But you need it yet. Sometimes using the same keywords can damage to user experience.

Here, secondary keywords can help you.

You can use a synonym of the main keyword as a secondary keyword. It means instead of using the primary keyword, you can use its synonym and prevent keyword stuffing in your content.

How to find secondary keywords for SEO?

You understand secondary keyword is important. Now, let’s dive into how you can find them for your SEO strategy.

Understand user's search intent

For choosing effective secondary keywords, the first step is knowing the search intent behind the primary keyword.

You can’t use every secondary keyword in your content. Unless it has the same search intent as your primary keyword.

Otherwise, it will damage your SEO efforts.

For example, a query like ”how to choose the best running shoes” has an informational search intent.

You can’t consider a secondary keyword like ”cheap running shoes” for it, because it has commercial search intent.

Brainstorm the idea

The next step to finding secondary keywords is brainstorming different variations, synonyms, and subtopics.

For example, let’s say you want to write an article about ”Organic food recipes”.

First, think about synonyms of the main keyword:

• Chemical-free food recipes
• Natural food recipes
• Healthy food recipes
• Pure food recipes

These are close synonyms of the main keyword.

Next, think about close subtopics, and long-tail keyword variations of the main keyword.

• Organic dinner recipes
• Organic food recipes ideas
• Organic food recipes ideas on a budget
• Healthy food recipes for breakfast

You can add each of these secondary keywords and expand your content around it. But don’t forget:

  • As the name implies, a secondary keyword is just secondary. Don’t forget that the primary keyword is your main topic.
  • Secondary keywords with lower KD (keyword difficulty) are easier to rank.

Analyse your competitors secondary keywords

The third step is analyzing your competitors.

Analyze their blog post to find the keywords they are ranking for.

Why analyzing competitor’s secondary keyword is important?

Because it helps you find the gaps and opportunities that they may have missed. So, it helps you to become an outstanding resource for your audience.

Just don’t forget, competitor analysis is not about copying their keywords; Just it gives you insights to improve your own keyword strategy.

Put yourself in the customer's shoes

Like always the needs and expectations of your audience are important. Try to find secondary keywords that address their specific concerns and questions.

It helps you to create content that helps your audience and establishes your credibility.

For example, your primary keyword is ”women’s shorts”.

Ok, what are women’s needs and expectations for shorts?

They need to know about:

• Period shorts
• Women’s period underwear
• Menstrual sleep shorts

Remember, your secondary keywords should align with the intent of your target audience.

Search for their needs and address them. It attracts more qualified traffic and you will build a loyal customer base

Use SEO tools

The fourth step for finding secondary keywords is using keyword research tools.

These tools provide search volume, competition, and related keywords that you may not have considered.

Some keyword research tools include Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs.

After you enter your primary keywords in these keyword research tools, it gives you many keyword ideas.

Search for those keywords that are synonyms of the main keyword. Or the keywords that can provide subtopics.

Use Google auto suggestions

When you type your primary keyword in the Google search bar, it gives you other keyword options.

Usually, they are more specific than your primary keywords. If it aligns with the primary keyword, you can use them as subtopics. This subtopic will be your secondary keyword.

How to find secondary keywords: Google auto suggestion

In addition, using Google auto suggestions as a way to find secondary keywords has an important benefit: It mostly suggests secondary keywords that their search intent will be the same as primary keywords.

This is an example of informational search intent. As you see other suggestions also have the same search intent.

How to find secondary keywords: Google auto suggestion..

In this example, the primary keyword has commercial search intent. It also is the same for many of the other suggestions.

Organize keywords effectively

In previous steps, you found the secondary keywords.

Now, you have a secondary keyword list. It’s the time to organize them effectively.

Your secondary keywords are a collection of synonyms of the main keyword or subtopics.

Group them into categories based on their relevance to different subtopics or sections of your page.

For subtopics create content with subheadings that include that secondary keyword. Inside the subtopic use your primary keyword too.

And, use synonyms instead of your primary keyword naturally. For example, if you need to use a primary keyword two times in a sentence, use a synonym instead.

This will make it easier for you to create targeted content and optimize your page for maximum visibility.

How to use secondary keywords in your content?

Now that you have an understanding of how to find secondary keywords, let’s use practical ways to include them in your content.

One effective way to include secondary keywords in your content is by using them in subheadings.

Subheadings break up your content and make it more readable for the audience.

It also provides an opportunity to naturally use additional keywords.

Another strategy is using secondary keywords in image alt text. Alt text is an important element for web accessibility and SEO purposes.

It describes the content of an image to search engine crawlers.

So, use more images in your content. It helps to have sufficient space to include secondary keywords in your image alt text.

Also, you can add secondary keywords in the body of your content. Just don’t forget you should use them naturally in content. Otherwise, it won’t be effective.

How to improve your published content by using secondary keywords?

If you already published content and you want to improve your ranking by using secondary keywords, Google search console helps you to do it.

Go to Google search console and log into your account.

Then, go to the Performance tab and filter it by impressions.

Here you can check which query has the highest impressions.

For example, in this report below keywords are in one group and they pulled impressions for a specific blog post.

• best serp tracking
• best serp tracker tool
• serp tracking tool
• best serp tracking tool
• best serp tracker
• serp monitoring tool
• serps tracking tool

If they aren’t your primary keywords, you can use them as secondary keywords and optimize related blog posts.

These keywords indicate your page shown on the search result page for this query. Using them as synonyms of the primary keyword can help to improve your SEO. Or use them as subtopics in your content.

By doing this strategy you have more chance for gaining clicks for these keywords.

Secondary keywords vs semantic keywords (LSI Keywords)

Secondary keywords and semantic keywords (LSI keywords) are often used interchangeably. But they aren’t the same. There are some key differences between them.

Secondary keywords are specific keyword phrases related to your primary keyword.

They provide details to optimize your content.

 For example, secondary keywords for ”how to make sandwich” are:

• Easy recipe to make sandwich
• How to make a sandwich without bread

Semantic keywords, on the other hand, are terms and phrases that are closely related to your primary keyword in terms of context and meaning.

They help search engines understand the topic and relevance of your content.

For example, some semantic keywords for ” how to make sandwich” are:

• sandwich
• bread
• cheese
• making sandwiches
• recipes
• butter
• learn
• making
• condiments
• knife

A good SEO strategy needs both secondary keyword and semantic keyword. These keywords provide chances of ranking higher in search results.

Examples of secondary keywords

To show the effectiveness of secondary keywords, let’s look at some real-life examples from different industries.

Example 1: Fitness Industry

Primary keyword: losing weight naturally

Secondary keywords: Lose weight fast and safely, reduce weight, lose fat naturally, weight loss tips for beginners, effective workouts for weight loss, and nutrition tips for sustainable weight loss.

For instance, if you are a personal trainer in weight loss, you can create content that focuses on the above secondary keywords.

It helps to attract individuals who are looking for weight loss solutions. It helps to position yourself as an expert in this niche.

Example 2: Technology Industry

Primary keyword: How to Choose the Best Web Hosting Service?

Secondary keywords: Web hosting provider, Types of web hosting, Tip to find the best hosting services

These secondary keywords can create full content. This is the content that every user wants to see on your webpage.


1-What are secondary keywords?

Secondary keywords are closely related to the primary keywords and add more details to the main content. They can be synonyms or close variations of the primary keywords

2-How many secondary keywords should I use?

You can use 3-4 secondary keywords for every primary keyword in a webpage.

3-Which is more important, primary or secondary keywords?

Primary keywords are the most important keywords. Every webpage must have a primary keyword. But secondary keyword isn’t a necessity but they help to SEO of a webpage.

What is the difference between secondary and LSI keywords?

LSI keywords are conceptually related to the primary keyword that helps search engines find what your page is about. But secondary keywords are synonyms or close variations of the primary keyword that add more details and context to the main content.

What is a secondary keyword example?

Primary keyword: Benefits of yoga for your body

Secondary keyword: Best Yoga tips

Primary Keywords: How to use them for SEO Success

Primary Keywords: How to use them for SEO success

In the world of search engine optimization (SEO), primary keywords play a vital role in driving organic traffic to your website. Understanding the significance of primary keywords can significantly impact the success of your SEO efforts. Additionally, knowing different types of keyword, how to select the right primary keyword and implementing it strategically can maximize its impact.

In this article, I’m going to discuss definition of primary keywords, their importance, how to implement primary keywords in content, and more.

What is a primary keyword?

Primary keywords, also known as focus keywords, are the main keywords that accurately represent the content and purpose of a webpage. They are the terms that users are most likely to search for when looking for information or products related to your website.

Primary keywords usually include 1 or 2 words. They always have a high search volume and also competition.

For example: ‘digital marketing”, ” email marketing”, ”fitness”, and ”skincare” are primary keywords.

When selecting primary keywords, it’s crucial to conduct thorough research to identify the most effective ones for your website. Consider factors such as search volume, competition level, and relevance to your content.

Why Primary Keywords are important in SEO?

Primary keywords act as signposts to search engines, and guide them to understand what your webpage is about. When search engines crawl and index your website, they analyze the content and metadata to determine its relevancy to specific search queries.

By incorporating primary keywords naturally throughout your content, search engines can better understand the purpose and topic of your webpage.

Primary keywords are essential for attracting the right audience to your website. Users who search for specific keywords are more likely to be interested in the content or products you offer, and it will increase the chances of conversion and engagement on your site.

According to a survey conducted by Moz, 70% of marketers find keyword research importance for improving their website’s search engine visibility. This survey can prove the value of primary keywords in driving organic traffic to a webpage.

It’s important to note that primary keywords should be used in a strategic and natural manner within your content. Overloading your content with primary keywords can hurt your website’s search engine rankings.

Primary Keywords Vs. Secondary Keywords

While primary keywords are the main focus of your SEO efforts, secondary keywords also play a crucial role in optimizing your website. Primary keywords are the main terms that directly reflect the core topic of your content, while secondary keywords provide additional context and variations to enhance the overall relevance of your webpage.

For example, if your primary keyword is “organic skincare,” secondary keywords could include “natural skincare products,” “chemical-free skincare,” “Vegan-friendly skincare,” or “sustainable beauty routines.”

By using a mix of primary and secondary keywords strategically throughout your content, you create a more comprehensive representation of your webpage’s topic, and achieve a wider range of search queries and user intents.

Secondary keywords can also help to capture long-tail search queries, which are more specific and typically have higher conversion rates. By including a diverse set of secondary keywords related to your primary topic, you can attract a more targeted audience interested in various aspects of the overarching theme.

This not only improves your website’s visibility in search results but also enhances the user experience by offering valuable and relevant information on related topics.

Strategies for Effective Keyword Research

Choosing the right primary keyword is crucial for successful SEO. It requires a combination of effective keyword research strategies and the use of tools designed to identify primary keywords related to your content.

Search intent

When conducting keyword research, it’s essential to understand your target audience and their search intent. Put yourself in the shoes of your potential visitors and think about what they would likely type into a search engine to find your content. Brainstorming relevant keywords and phrases is an excellent starting point for finding potential primary keywords.

For example, if you have a website that offers cooking tips and recipes, think about the specific terms your audience might use, such as “quick and easy dinner recipes,” “healthy breakfast ideas,” or “vegetarian pasta dishes.”

SEO tools

Using SEO tools in your keyword research offers insights into search volume, competition, and related keywords. Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Moz Keyword Explorer are examples of useful tools for identifying primary keywords that have high search volume and are less competitive.

These tools can provide valuable data on how often certain keywords are searched for and how difficult it would be to rank for them. By analyzing this information, you can narrow down your options and choose primary keywords that have a good balance of search volume and competition.

Google's auto completions

In addition to keyword research tools, consider leveraging search engine autocomplete and suggestions. When you start typing a query into a search engine, you’ll notice that it provides suggested auto-completions based on popular searches related to your query.

For instance, if you type “healthy snacks” into a search engine, you might see suggestions like “healthy snacks for kids,” “healthy snacks for school,” or “healthy snacks for weight loss.” These auto-completions can give you insights into the primary keywords people are searching for about your topic.

primary keywords

Competitor analysis

Analyzing your competitors can provide valuable insights into the primary keywords they are targeting. SEO tools like Ahrefs and SpyFu allow you to see the keywords your competitors currently rank for, giving you a competitive advantage in choosing the right primary keyword.

When you find the primary keywords that your competitors are targeting, you can identify gaps in the market and find unique keyword opportunities that they may have overlooked.

Key Locations to Incorporate Primary Keywords

Include primary keywords in the following key locations:

 Page Title: The title of your webpage or blog post should include the primary keyword to clearly indicate its topic.

 Meta Description: Write an engaging meta description that incorporates the primary keyword to entice users to click through to your website.

 Headings and Subheadings: Use headings and subheadings to break down your content and include primary keywords to provide context to both users and search engines.

 URL: Whenever possible, incorporate the primary keyword into the URL structure of your webpage or blog post. This helps search engines understand the topic before even crawling the page.

 Image Alt Tags: Include primary keywords in the image alt tags to help search engines understand the visual content.

Body Content: Naturally integrate primary keywords throughout the body of your content, and ensure it flows naturally and provides value to your readers.

How Primary Keywords Can Boost Your Content's Performance?

Now let’s talk about how they can specifically boost your content’s performance:

Enhance Relevance

By incorporating primary keywords in relevant headings and subheadings, you provide search engines with clear signals about the topic of your content. This helps search engines understand the context and relevance of your content.

Improve User Experience

When you optimize your website’s URL structure by including primary keywords, you not only make it easier for search engines to understand your content, but also for users to navigate your website. A well-structured URL with primary keywords can provide users with a clear idea of what to expect when they click on your link, leading to a better user experience.

Visual Appeal

By including primary keywords in the alt tags of your images, you not only make them more accessible to visually impaired users but also help search engines understand the visual content. This can contribute to improved SEO performance and better visibility in image search results.

Natural Flow

Integrating primary keywords naturally throughout the body of your content is key to providing value to your readers. By seamlessly incorporating these keywords, you create a cohesive and informative piece of content that  appeals to search engines and resonates with your target audience. This can lead to higher engagement, longer time spent on your website, and increased chances of conversions.


By understanding how primary keywords can boost your content’s performance, you can optimize your website effectively and achieve better SEO results. Remember, it’s not just about incorporating keywords but doing so strategically and naturally to provide value to both search engines and your audience.

Semantic keywords: Definition, Examples & How to find them

Semantic keywords: Definition, Examples & How to find them

SEO has become complicated in recent years. Old strategies like keyword stuffing not only don’t work but also lead to penalization. Google bots are smarter now. They know what users are searching for, even if they don’t type the exact keywords. You can take advantage of this feature to increase the keyword ranking.

In this article, I’m going to discuss semantic keywords and how you can boost your ranking with these semantic keyword research.

What are semantic keywords?

Semantic keywords, or Latent semantic indexing (LSI), are those words or terms that conceptually relate to the main keyword. So, they are not the primary keywords. They surrounded the main keywords naturally to help search engines find the webpage.

For example:

You want to write an article about ” Pregnancy care”. Your primary keyword can be short or long-tail keywords. The semantic keywords for this article are words such as prenatal tests, baby growth, healthy eating, prenatal care, ultrasound, maternity care, etc. 

It means semantic keywords are phrases that come up when discussing your main topic.

So, can semantic keywords be synonyms of the main keyword?

No. Semantic keywords go beyond synonyms of the main keyword, or similar words or phrases. However, it’s a good idea to use synonyms of the main keyword because it prevents keyword stuffing in your content.

Does semantic keywords matter in SEO?

Definitely yes.

LSI keywords help search engine bots find your content better. In previous Google algorithms, Google focused on existing keyword-match in search engine results. After the Panda update, it changed the focus on topical relevancy. So, existing semantic keywords in a web page are signs of the relevancy of that page to the query.

For example:

When a user wants to know about ”how to cook squash”, the search engine knows this is an informational query about squash vegetables, not squash sport. Consequently, search engine bots search for semantically related keywords like oil, oven, bake, roast, cooking, and so on.

Semantic keywords (LSI Keywords)

Not only for homonyms queries, also is the same for all types of queries. As soon as search engines know search intent, they search for semantic keywords in the pages. So, by including semantic keywords in your content help to boost your ranking.

Benefits of Using semantic keywords

Using semantic keywords has several benefits for SEO. You can’t improve the SEO of your page without using proper semantic keywords. Pay attention to the below advantages to know more about the importance of relevant keywords.

Improve organic traffic

When users type a query in search engines, always like to receive large information about it. This includes hidden aspects of that query.

 For example:

If someone searches for a ”fast breakfast idea”, it means other aspects of the idea are essential for that person.

So, in addition to common semantic keywords like grab-and-go breakfast, recipes, eggs, or granola, you should add other relevant keywords like healthy breakfast, nutritious breakfast, and delicious breakfast.

Adding this hidden side of a query not only improves your organic traffic but also helps to outrank your competitors. Because these are relevant semantic keywords for search engines.

Decrease bounce rate

When you use relevant keywords in your content, you will reduce the danger of entering the wrong user into your webpage.

For example:

If you have an article about Windows Home Design, by using semantically related keywords like bedroom, kitchen, aluminum, and iron you will help Google to understand this page is about house design, not windows home design software. So, it reduces the bounce rate.

Increase sale

If you own a website for selling products using LSI keywords can increase your sales. Because semantic keywords help to create a better search experience for buyers.

Visibility on SERPs

If you pay attention to all the basics of SEO along with LSI keywords, it boosts your visibility on search engine results.

Pay attention to below image:

LSI Keywords: Benefits of Using semantic Keywords

Diet is a related keyword for this query. In the first webpage, it appears on search engine results.

Limit Google penalties

By using semantic keywords you will reduce the danger of Google penalty due to keyword stuffing. There is a limitation for using the primary keyword in the content, but semantic keywords make up this limitation and boost the chance of finding your webpage on search engine results.

How to find semantic keywords?

semantically related keywords come naturally in your content when you write about a topic. But if you want to improve SEO, you need to extra ways to grab more relevant keywords. Otherwise, your chance will reduce if you don’t use sufficient semantic keywords.

Google Autocomplete

Like always Google search is the best tool to overcome SEO difficulties.
For example, I want to add semantic keywords to my current article. The main keyword is ”semantic keywords”:

LSI Keywords: How to find semantic keywords. jpg

In Google suggestions beside the main keyword, the bold words or phrases are related semantic keywords. You can use them in your content.

semantic keywords :Quick tip

When you are using Google autocomplete for SEO, it’s better to use browser in incognito mode. Because your previous search and local search in your area don’t affect the results.

Google image tag suggestion

Every search on Google has a particular part for images. It includes images of every ranked page.

After typing your main keyword on Google, go to the images section.

semantic keywords (LSI Keywords): Google image tag suggestion

You can see words like puppy, kibble and bowl beside images at the top of search results. These are semantic keywords.

How to find semantic keywords? Google image tag suggestion

Scroll to the right to see more semantically related keywords.


The image result page also has related searches too. Click on one of the images and in the right-hand panel the image will be loaded. Then scroll down to see related searches for that particular image.


How to find semantic keywords? Google image tag -Related search

You can do it for any particular image to see relevant keywords.

semantic keywords :Quick tip

If you use this technique for every particular image, be careful that keywords relate to your topic.


SEO tools

Some SEO tools have specific features for finding LSI keywords.

  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Semrush
  • Serpstat
  • Ahrefs
  • Moz

In addition to a list of related keywords that people search the entire web for based on the topic, these SEO tools allow you to filter words by connection strength, search volume, and more.

Semantic keywords tool

LSI Graph is a dedicated tool that largely is focused on semantic keywords. Just enter your primary keyword. Once you’ve received a list of related keywords, you incorporate them into your content.

How to find semantic keywords? LSI graph

People also ask

This website uses Google’s People Also Ask results in SERPs to generate related questions. Maybe you think these questions mostly are suitable for the FAQ section.

Yes, it’s true.

But these questions contain related keywords to your topic.
Although this website has paid plans, it offers free searches for every user daily.

How to find semantic keywords? People also ask

Google Related Searches

Related Searches is a great feature of Google to find semantic keywords. It appears at the bottom of the first page in search results.

How to find semantic keywords? Google Related Searches

In the above image, you notice bold words or phrases near the primary keyword. By using these secondary keywords you can improve your content for ranking. Add the bolded word to your LSI keywords list.


Analyze competitor websites

 Look at the content on websites that rank well for your target keywords. This not only gives you an idea of what topics are relevant to your industry but also helps you identify the semantic keywords they are using. By exploring ways to incorporate similar keywords into your content, you can align your website with the same search intent that drives traffic to your competitors.

Leverage social media and online communities

Monitor discussions and conversations related to your topic on social media platforms and online communities. Pay attention to the words and phrases people use when discussing the subject, as these can serve as valuable semantic keywords. By understanding the language your target audience uses, you can tailor your content to resonate with them and improve your website’s visibility.

How to incorporate semantic keywords in content?

Semantic keywords can appear in every part of content naturally such as sub-headings and body of the content. You can use them in the first paragraph or as anchor text in the body of the content.

Internal links are another way to use semantic keywords. Not only help to structure your website, but also search engines understand the relationships between your different pages.

But some parts of your content are more significant because search bots first skim these parts: It includes:

  • Title tags
  • Meta description
  • Image or attachment file names
  • Header tags
  • Image alt tags
  • Captions under images

By naturally incorporating these relevant keywords throughout your content, you help Google’s algorithms understand the content of your page.


Semantically related keywords play important role in modern SEO. By incorporating them into your content, you can improve your website’s visibility, relevance, and overall user experience. So, next time you optimize your content, remember to think beyond exact keyword matches and embrace the power of semantic keywords.

Mangools Review: Uncovering the Power of This SEO Tool

Mangools Review: Uncovering the Power of This SEO Tool

In the noisy online world, staying ahead of the competition is crucial. One tool that has gained immense popularity among SEO professionals is Mangools.

In this comprehensive review, I will dive deep into the various features that make Mangools a game-changer in the industry. From conducting effective keyword research to analyzing backlinks, tracking website performance, and understanding SEO metrics, Mangools has it all.

Below the table of contents are the topics that will be discussed.

Mangools Review: What is Mangools?

Mangools Review: What is Mangools?

Before talking about the features of Mangools, let’s take a glance at the history of this tool.

Mangools was established in 2014. It is a relatively new player in the SEO tools market. However, in the years since its launch, Mangools has gained a reputation for providing high-quality SEO tools at affordable prices.

Mangools is an SEO toolkit that provides a range of powerful tools to help you optimize your website for search engines. Whether you are a professional in SEO or just starting, Mangools has something to offer for everyone.

If I want to define Mangools, it’s very user-friendly. All of the things are user-clear and straight. It’s not complicated even for beginners.

Also, it’s affordable. Mangools plans are perfect for businesses of all sizes.

Mangools tools

Mangools consists of five different tools:

  •  KWFinder
  • LinkMiner
  • SERPChecker
  • SERPWatcher
  • SiteProfiler

Each of these tools has a specific role in the optimization of a website. In the following, I will discuss it in depth.


There is no doubt choosing the right keyword is the foundation of a good SEO strategy.
Although I believe that to conduct effective keyword research you should go beyond SEO tools and do some manual research, still using SEO tools in keyword research is necessary.

When using KWFinder, it’s important to start with a seed keyword. This can be a broad term related to your niche. Once you enter the seed keyword into KWFinder, it will generate a list of related keywords along with their search volumes and difficulty scores.

Imagine you have a website that sells drugs that help to lose weight. Your seed keyword could be “weight-loss drugs”.

Mangools Review: KWFinder- keyword research

Upon entering this keyword into KWFinder, you will not only get a list of related keywords but also valuable insights into their search volumes and difficulty scores.

Mangools Review: KWFinder-related keywords

Do you have a local business?
So, don’t forget to specify your research for specific region and language. Mangools support over 50,000 locations and 40 languages.

These long-tail keywords are more specific and have the potential to drive targeted traffic to your website. By targeting these keywords, you can tap into a niche market and increase your chances of conversions.

Mangools Review: KWFinder-long tail keywords

That’s all about KWFinder? Nope.
Another feature is “Search by Domain”. This option is great for exploring the keywords that your competitors ranked for. It shows you the keywords that bring the most of your competitor’s website traffic.


Keyword difficulty analysis involves evaluating various factors that determine how challenging it would be to rank for a specific keyword. These factors include the authority of the top-ranking websites, the number and quality of backlinks they have, and the overall competitiveness of the keyword in the search engine results page (SERP).

With Mangools’ SERPChecker tool, conducting keyword difficulty analysis becomes a seamless process. By simply entering a keyword, you can gain access to a wealth of information about the top-ranking websites for that keyword.

One of the key features of SERPChecker is its ability to provide you with comprehensive information about the authority scores of the top-ranking websites.

Authority scores are a measure of a website’s credibility and influence in the eyes of search engines. By analyzing the authority scores of your competitors, you can get a better understanding of the level of competition you will face when trying to rank for a particular keyword.

In addition to authority scores, SERPChecker also gives you insights into the backlink profiles of top-ranking websites.

Backlinks are an important factor in determining a website’s authority and relevance. By analyzing the backlink profiles of your competitors, you can identify potential link-building opportunities and devise strategies to improve your own website’s backlink profile.

Mangools Review: SERPChecker -backlink profile


Once you have optimized your website for keywords, it’s crucial to track its performance. This is where SERPWatcher comes into play. With this tool, you can monitor your website’s rankings on search engines and identify areas for improvement.

SERPWatcher provides you with accurate and up-to-date information about your website’s rankings, giving you valuable insights into how your website is performing in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Mangools Review:SERPWatcher

Here’s how you can use SERPWatcher to monitor your website’s rankings:

Step 1: Select your keywords– Start by choosing the keywords that are relevant to your website and target audience. These keywords should reflect the topics and themes that your website focuses on.

 Step 2: Add your website– Once you have selected your keywords, add your website to SERPWatcher. This will allow the tool to track your website’s rankings for the chosen keywords.

Step 3: Track your rankings– SERPWatcher will start monitoring your website’s rankings on search engines. It will provide you with detailed reports on how your website is performing for each keyword. You can easily see if your website is moving up or down in the SERPs.

 Step 4: Analyze the data- Use the data provided by SERPWatcher to analyze your website’s performance. Look for patterns, trends, and fluctuations in your rankings. Identify keywords where your website is performing well and areas where improvement is needed.

 Step 5: Take necessary actions– Based on the insights gained from SERPWatcher, take necessary actions to maintain or improve your website’s rankings. This may involve optimizing your content, improving your website’s user experience, or implementing other SEO strategies.

Mangools Review: SERPWatcher -monitoring website

You can get your rank updates on a daily basis. Besides that, it will give you a heads-up about all the important rank changes via email alerts.

By regularly monitoring your website’s rankings with SERPWatcher, you can stay on top of your SEO efforts and ensure that your website is performing at its best.


LinkMiner is a powerful tool that allows you to dive deep into the backlink profiles of any website. Whether it’s your own website or a competitor’s, LinkMiner provides you with detailed information that can give you a competitive edge.

By understanding the number of backlinks, referring domains, and the quality of backlinks, you can gain a comprehensive view of your website’s link profile.

The backlinks table provides below data about source URL:

  • Image tag
  • Language of the referring site
  • DoFollow/NoFollow
  • Deleted backlink tag

One of the key features of LinkMiner is its ability to assess the quality of backlinks. It uses advanced algorithms to evaluate the authority and relevance of the websites that are linking to you.

This means that you can easily identify high-quality backlinks that are boosting your website’s authority and weed out any low-quality ones that might be dragging you down.

But that’s not all. LinkMiner also allows you to analyze the anchor text of your backlinks. Anchor text is the clickable text that appears in a hyperlink. By understanding the anchor text distribution of your backlinks, you can optimize it to target specific keywords and improve your website’s visibility in search engine results.

Mangools Review: LinkMiner

Another powerful feature of LinkMiner is its ability to uncover the link-building strategies of your competitors. By analyzing their backlink profiles, you can gain valuable insights into the tactics they are using to boost their website’s authority. Armed with this information, you can devise your own link-building strategies to stay one step ahead of the competition.

LinkMiner also provides you with a comprehensive overview of the top referring domains. This allows you to identify the websites that are driving the most traffic to your competitors’ websites. By analyzing their backlinks, you can discover new opportunities for collaboration and partnership, ultimately expanding your own network and boosting your website’s authority.


SEO metrics provide valuable insights into the overall performance of your website. By analyzing these metrics, you can gain a deeper understanding of how your website is performing in search engine rankings and identify areas for improvement. One tool that can help you in this process is Mangools’ SiteProfiler.

SiteProfiler offers a wide range of metrics that can help you understand the overall authority and quality of your website. One of the key metrics it provides is Domain Authority (DA). This metric measures the overall strength and credibility of your website’s domain. A higher DA score indicates a higher likelihood of your website ranking well in search engine results.

Another important metric provided by SiteProfiler is Page Authority (PA). This metric focuses on the authority and quality of individual pages on your website. By analyzing the PA score of different pages, you can identify which pages are performing well and which ones may need improvement.

In addition to DA and PA, SiteProfiler also provides metrics such as Trust Flow (TF) and Citation Flow (CF). Trust Flow measures the quality and trustworthiness of the backlinks pointing to your website, while Citation Flow measures the quantity and authority of these backlinks.

By analyzing these metrics, you can gain insights into the overall backlink profile of your website and identify opportunities for link building.

Free tools offered by Mangool

Mangools has 3 free tools:

 Browser extension: Mangools offers a browser extension that allows you to access its powerful tools directly from your browser. This eliminates the need to constantly switch between tabs and makes your SEO workflow more efficient.

Mangools Review: Mangools free tools- Browser Extension

Google SERP Simulator: The Mangools SERP Simulator is a free tool that allows you to preview how your website will appear in Google search results. Not only it shows how title tags, meta descriptions, and URL appears on SERP, also it has features that help to improve them and increase your click-through rate (CTR).


 SERP volatility checker: Google algorithms update constantly, and it affects your ranking position. SERP volatility checker reports these changes to you.
This report is helpful because if your ranking position changes aren’t related to Google algorithms, you can check other issues that are causing these changes.

Mangools Review: Free tools- SERP volatility checker

Mangools Pricing

Mangools offers flexible and affordable pricing plans for all users. Whether you are an individual, a small business, or an enterprise, there is a pricing plan that suits your requirements and budget.

Mangools Review: Mangools Pricing

Entry: It is the cheapest plan that costs $29/month. This plan is perfect for individuals and people who own small websites.

Basic: This plan costs $49/month and it is perfect for medium businesses.

Premium: If you want to have unlimited keyword suggestions, Mangools Premium for $69/month is the best choice.

Agency: As the name implies, this plan is perfect for agencies that own clients. It costs $129/month and is very affordable in comparison to competitors.

The above prices are for monthly plans. If you choose the annual plan, you will save 35%. By the way, this platform offers a 48-hour money-back guarantee policy.

Also, Mangools offers a free plan with limited features to try the effectiveness of the tool, and no credit card is required.

Mangools Review: Customer support

Mangools knowledgeable and friendly support team is always ready to assist you with any queries or issues that you may have. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced SEO professional, their support team will ensure that you get the help you need. In addition to email support, you can make advantages of customer support online chat.

Mangools Pros & Cons

Mangools is one of my favorite SEO tools. I have used it when I started blogging and SEO. Like every other tool, it has its advantages and disadvantages. Below I will hint at important ones:

Mangools Pros

  • Mangools are very affordable.
  • It is a relatively all-in-one SEO toolset.
  • It has a great user interface.
  • Mangools’ KWFinder is a powerful keyword research.
  • The backlink analysis feature is great and introduces opportunities.
  • It offers a free plan.

Mangools Cons

  • This platform doesn’t support site audit tool.
  • Mangools data is limited for extensive and large-scale SEO analysis.

Mangools Review: Conclusion

I don’t want to say Mangools is the best SEO tool, but definitely, it is definitely one of the best tools in the market. In comparison to large competitors such as SEMrush, Ahrefs, or Moz, it has shortcomings. But with its very user-friendly interface, excellent keyword research, top backlink analysis, and affordable pricing plans, you make the most of it.

Give Mangools a try and unlock the power of SEO.


What can you do with Mangools?

Mangools is an all-in-one SEO platform that offers a suite of powerful tools designed to help your SEO tasks such as keyword research, keyword difficulty analysis, tracking SERP performance, finding backlink opportunities, SEO metric analysis competitor’s analysis, and more.

What is a SERP simulator?

The Mangools SERP simulator is a free tool that allows you to preview how your website will appear in Google search results. It also helps to optimize title tags, meta descriptions, and URLs.

What are Mangools alternatives?

There are many alternatives for Mangools. Here are popular of them:

  • SE Ranking
  • Ahrefs
  • Moz Pro
  • SpyFu
  • Serpstat

Constant Contact vs TinyEmail: Which is Right for You?

Constant Contact vs tinyEmail: Which is Right for You?

Email marketing has become an essential part of any successful business strategy. With countless tools available in the market, it can be hard to choose the right one for your business.

 In this article, I will compare two popular email marketing tools – Constant Contact and tinyEmail, to help you make an informed decision.

Constant Contact vs tinyEmail: Overall

Constant Contact

  • ✅Autoresponder series
  • ✅User-Friendly Interface
  • ✅14-Day Free Trial


  • ✅User-Friendly Interface
  • ✅Advanced customization
  • ✅Free Forever Plan

Constant Contact vs tinyEmail: A short history

Before talking about the features of these two email marketing platforms, let’s take a short glance at the history of these companies.

Constant Contact

Constant Contact vs TinyEmail: constant contact home page

The journey of Constant Contact began in 1995 when it was founded by Randy Parker and Alec Stern. They recognized the potential of email as a powerful tool for businesses to connect with their target audience.

Over the years, this platform underwent many changes to improve its shortcomings, and it is one of the outstanding email marketing platforms.


Constant Contact vs TinyEmail: Tinyemail home page

tinyEmail was founded by Seamas Egan Back in 2020. As a relatively new email marketing platform, it constantly tries equipped this platform with new services.

tinyemail started as a simple email service provider, and it offered basic features such as sending and receiving emails. However, it quickly expands the services for businesses looking to engage with their target audience through email campaigns.

Constant Contact vs tinyEmail: Features and Functionality

Both these email marketing offer a range of features to streamline your marketing efforts.  I will discuss it in below.

User-friendly Interface

One of the key factors to consider when choosing an email marketing tool is the user interface. Both platforms offer intuitive interfaces. It helps to create and manage email campaigns.

Constant Contact offers a drag-and-drop editor. So, without any knowledge of coding, you can create visually stunning emails. On the other hand, tinyEmail offers a clean and minimalist interface, which focuses on simplicity and ease of use.

Below are some features of a good User-friendly Interface:

  • Uncomplicated process for importing contacts
  • Clear analytics dashboard
  • Easy-to-navigate dashboard

Which one offers a more User-friendly Interface?

Constant Contact is simple, but maybe it seems complicated for beginners. Because this platform offers many features. On the other hand, tinyEmail is easy to use even for beginners, because it doesn’t include many features.


Automation is crucial for saving time and maximizing efficiency in your email marketing campaigns. It doesn’t requires manual work and allowing you to set automate some emails based on their behaviour.

Constant Contact offers a robust suite of automation tools, including automated welcome emails, birthday offers, anniversary emails, and abandoned cart reminders.

Constant Contact vs TinyEmail: Constant Contact automation

Which one offers better automation?

Both tools offer good automation, but maybe they aren’t suitable for everyone. Constant Contact’s automation capabilities are ideal for businesses with larger customer bases while tinyEmail’s workflows are perfect for those look for simplicity and ease of use.

Landing Page Builder

A landing page is vital for converting website visitors into customers or leads. Constant Contact provides a built-in landing page builder, allowing you to create professional-looking landing pages without any coding knowledge.

On the other hand, tinyEmail integrates seamlessly with popular landing page builders like LeadPages and Unbounce, offering more flexibility in design and functionality.

When it comes to landing pages, the choice between Constant Contact and tinyEmail depends on your specific requirements. If you prefer an all-in-one solution and value simplicity, Constant Contact’s integrated landing page builder may be the right choice. If you need more advanced customization options, tinyEmail will be the better choice.

Simplifying Sign-Up Process

Growing your email list is essential for expanding your customer relationships. Constant Contact and tinyEmail offer user-friendly sign-up forms to simplify the process of collecting email addresses.

Constant Contact allows you to create customized sign-up forms and embed them on your website or social media platforms. Constant Contact allows you to build your email list by collecting email addresses on online platforms including Facebook.

tinyEmail offers similar functionality, allowing you to create eye-catching sign-up forms that integrate seamlessly with your website. Additionally, it provides pop-up forms and exit-intent forms to further optimize your list-building efforts.

Both Constant Contact and tinyEmail provide effective solutions for growing your email list. So the choice ultimately depends on your preferred design options and integrations.

Event Marketing

If your business frequently hosts events, having a reliable event marketing solution is crucial. By Constant Contact you can track your attendance, create an event registration form, and send event reminders.

On the other hand, tinyEmail has integration with Eventbrite and Eventzilla. Integration with these two event management platforms enable you to streamline your event marketing efforts.

When considering event marketing capabilities, Constant Contact’s built-in features may be more suitable for businesses that prefer an all-in-one solution. On the other hand, tinyEmail’s integration options provide flexibility and integration with existing event management tools.

CRM Systems

Effective customer relationship management is essential for growing long-term relationships and driving customer loyalty. Constant Contact offers an integrated CRM system that allows you to manage customer information, track interactions, and segment your audience based on their engagement.

tinyEmail integrates with popular CRM platforms like Salesforce, ZohoCRM, and HubSpot, providing seamless synchronization of customer data and enhancing your ability to deliver personalized messages.

The choice between Constant Contact and tinyEmail depends on your existing CRM system and the level of customization and integration you require.

If you already use a specific CRM platform, tinyEmail’s integrations may be more beneficial. However, if you prefer an all-in-one solution and don’t require extensive CRM features, Constant Contact’s built-in CRM system could be a suitable option.

Social Media Marketing

Integrating your email marketing efforts with social media platforms can significantly enhance your overall marketing strategy. Constant Contact offers social media integration, allowing you to share your email campaigns on popular platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

tinyEmail provides seamless integration with social media platforms and enables you to create automated campaigns triggered by social media activities. It also offers analytics reports to track your efforts on social media campaigns.

When considering social media marketing capabilities, both Constant Contact and tinyEmail offer valuable integration options. The choice depends on the level of automation and analytics you require for your social media marketing efforts.

SMS Marketing Capabilities

SMS marketing is one of the effective ways to reach out to your audience. Constant Contact provides SMS marketing features that allow you to send text message campaigns and track their performance.

Considering SMS marketing capabilities, if you’re looking for an all-in-one solution, Constant Contact’s SMS marketing features may be sufficient.

On the other hand, tinyEmail doesn’t support SMS marketing.

Customer Support

Customer support is very important when using any software or service. Constant Contact offers phone, email, and live chat support, ensuring you can reach out whenever you need assistance.

tinyEmail provides email and live chat support, allowing you to get help promptly whenever you encounter any issues or have questions.

Both Constant Contact and tinyEmail prioritize customer support, so the choice comes down to your preferred communication channels and support availability.

Features Constant Contact tinyEmail
SMS marketing
Live chat
A/B Testing
Click Map
Contact Management
Drag and Drop Editor
Email Scheduling
Event Triggered Email
Facebook Ads
Template Management
Free plan/trial
Delivery by Time Zone
Abandon cart emails

Constant Contact vs TinyEmail: Pricing

Both Constant Contact and tinyEmail offer a range of prices based on the number of contacts and emails you send monthly in a different plans.
Now, let’s compare them and see which is more affordable.

Constant Contact pricing

Constant Contact vs TinyEmail:Constant contact pricing

Constant Contact offers a range of pricing plans based on the number of contacts you have. The plans start at $12 per month and increase based on the features and number of contacts.

  •  Lite: $12/mo
  •  Standard: $35/mo
  • Premium: $80/mo

Constant Contact offers a 14-day free trial, and no credit card is required. Also, it guaranties 30 days of money-back for a full refund.

TinyEmail Pricing

Constant Contact vs TinyEmail: Tinyemail pricing

tinyEmail also offers various pricing plans based on the number of emails you send per month. It starts at $15/month for 15k emails.

  • Standard: $15/mo
  • Pro: $65/mo
  • Enterprise- Contact Sales

Additionally, it provides a free plan with limited features for businesses with a smaller audience. Also, a 7-day free trial is available for Standard and Pro plans.

Constant Contact vs tinyEmail: Pros & Cons

Now let’s take a glance at the pros and cons of Constant Contact and tinyEmail.

Constant Contact Pros

  • User-friendly interface.
  • High deliverability rate.
  • Lots of pre-made email templates.
  • Affordable for small lists.

Constant Contact Cons

  • It has limited customization features.
  • Expensive for those with large contact lists.
  • None of plans support unlimited email sends.

tinyEmail Pros

  • User-friendly interface
  • A free plan for all users and a Shopify free plan that will come soon.
  • Efficient email management.

tinyEmail Cons

  • Limited features need to improve.
  • Storage space isn’t sufficient for users who receive a large volume of emails or need to store attachments.

Constant Contact vs tinyEmail: Final Decision


Constant Contact


Ease of Use
Advanced integration
Training and tutorials

Ultimately, the choice between Constant Contact and tinyEmail depends on your specific needs and goals.

Constant Contact is perfect for those marketers who are looking for an all-in-one solution. Ease of use, fast customer support, and event management service make it an ideal choice.

On the other hand, tinyEmail is perfect for individuals seeking a simple, secure, and efficient email service. Its user-friendly interface, end-to-end encryption, fast servers, minimalist design, and cross-platform compatibility cater to the diverse needs of various users.


1-Can use Canva with Constant Contact?

Yes. Constant Contact has integration with Canva. You can import images from Canva to the Constant Contact library directly.

2-Does Constant Contact do texting?

Yes. This platform has SMS marketing capabilities.

3-Does Constant Contact work with Outlook?

Yes. If you are using Office 365, Constant Contact supports an integration with Outlook.

4-What is the cheapest Constant Contact plan?

The lite plan is the cheapest which costs $12/month. It includes a total of 500 contacts.

5-How many days is Constant Contact's free trial?

Constant Contact offers a 14-day free trial.

6-Does tinyEmail offer an analytic report?

Yes. By tinyEmail analytics report, you can measure open-and-click tracking.

9-Does tinyEmail offer integration with Shopify?

Yes. Even this platform is going to allocate a free plan for Shopify users.

GetResponse vs Systeme.io: Choose the right tool!

GetResponse vs Systeme.io: Choose the right tool!

If you recently have reviewed different marketing platforms, perhaps you want to know more about GetResponse vs Systeme.io.

I know. With numerous options available in the market, it can be hard to choose the right platform that suits your specific needs.

You’ve come to the right place! I examined both Systeme.io and GetResponse platforms before.

In this article, GetResponse vs Systeme.io, I will compare these two popular marketing platforms and help you make an informed decision.

GetResponse vs Systeme.io: Overall


  • ✅Advanced Email Marketing
  • ✅Best Autoresponder
  • ✅30-Day Free Trial


  • ✅User-Friendly Interface
  • ✅Free Forever Plan
  • ✅Affordable Price

GetResponse vs Systeme.io: Short Review

Before diving into the features of these products, let’s take a short glance at the history of these companies.


GetResponse vs. Systeme.io: GetResponse home page

Simon Grabowski founded GetResponse in 1997, in a small city in Poland. But it wasn’t limited to that small area and became a global platform.

GetResponse has received numerous awards such as IAC award, Platinum Hermes Creative award, and more.

This platform has offices in different countries and helps businesses of all sizes.


GetResponse vs. Systeme.io: Systeme.io home page

Systeme.io was launched at the end of 2017 by Aurelian Amacker. It is a comprehensive business solution to help you run your business.

It’s much newer than GetResponse. However, the founder always tries to design this platform with advanced systems. Because of that Systeme.io has become one of the leading companies in marketing platforms and has a good future as an all-in-one marketing platform.

GetResponse vs Systeme.io: Features and Functionality

Both GetResponse and Systeme.io offer a range of tools to streamline your marketing efforts. However, they differ in terms of their focus and capabilities. I will discuss it in below.

Email marketing

Both Systeme.io and GetResponse offer robust email marketing solutions.
With Systeme.io, you can easily design and send personalized emails, automate email sequences, and segment your subscribers for targeted campaigns.

GetResponse, on the other hand, provides a vast array of email templates, sending time optimization, and advanced segmentation options to optimize your email campaigns.

Yes. Both platforms offer email marketing. But which one is more professional in this scope?

There is no doubt that GetResponse is a more advanced email marketing tool. Indeed, GetResponse is an email marketing platform that offers other services too.

It offers more advanced features, such as abandoned cart email, click map (tracking user activity and interaction), delivery by time zone, free stock photos, and more.

Systeme.io is a very affordable email marketing platform that offers the basic features most businesses need. However, Systeme.io constantly improve the features.

GetResponse vs Systeme.io: GetResponse Email marketing

Sales funnels and landing pages

A sales funnel is an automated sequence of pages and actions that guides your potential customer towards the conversion.

The difference between landing pages and funnels is the number of pages. A landing page is just a single page, but a funnel is several sequence pages. Both have the same way of creating and their goal is lead generation or more conversion.

Systeme.io offers a drag-and-drop builder sales funnel and landing pages, and makes it easy for anyone to design it without coding knowledge.

Systeme.io has four types of customizable funnels. You can create sales pages based on your needs.

  • Build audience
  • Sell
  • Custom
  • Run an evergreen webinar


It has good features like automation, A/B testing, and setting deadlines.

Systeme.io is a highly versatile platform offering impressive features, even on its free plan. Such features enable you to sell and increase revenue.

GetResponse vs Systeme.io: Systeme.io sales funnel

GetResponse has a powerful conversion funnel feature that lets you create funnels in minutes by answering a few questions. You can create:

  •  Sales funnels
  • Simple opt-in funnels
  • Lead magnet funnels
  • Webinar funnels

You can integrate your payment processor (e.g. PayPal) and sell directly to your customers at the bottom of the funnel.

Also, GetResponse has various tools for creating landing pages such as:

  • PopupsCustomizable popup forms help to increase your conversion.
  • Countdown timer — Share the time for special offers.
  • E-commerce tools — Promote products and services.
  • Facebook pixel — Integration with Facebook to run retargeting campaigns.
  • Signup forms — It helps to capture email addresses and generate leads.

Now, which one is better?

I recommend GetResponse because it is more complete and has more templates. Although you should buy the GetResponse Plus plan to access the funnels feature, Systeme.io offers it in the free plan which is very valuable.

Website builder

Systeme.io and GetResponse provide website-building capabilities to help you create a professional online presence.

Systeme.io’s website builder is user-friendly and offers pre-designed templates to get you started quickly.

On the other hand, GetResponse’s website builder offers more customization options, allowing you to create a unique and visually appealing website.

Then, which one is a better website builder?

GetResponse is a more advanced website builder than Systeme.io. With a variety of features including AI-driven website creation, creative tools to build your own design, various templates, promoting your website through channels without leaving the platform, SEO-optimization, and advanced customization, GetResponse stands above for creating a website.

GetResponse vs Systeme.io: Getresponse website builder


Systeme.io and GetResponse pride themselves on their user-friendly interfaces. Systeme.io’s drag-and-drop editor and intuitive navigation make it easy for beginners to use. GetResponse provides a clean and organized interface, and users can navigate the platform easily.

OK, which platform is more easy to use?

Systeme.io really is more easy to use than GetResponse, and beginners won’t have much difficulty. It is a time-saving feature.

Support team

Both Systeme.io and GetResponse have dedicated support teams that are readily available to assist you with any questions or technical issues.

Systeme.io offers email support, a knowledge base, and an active community forum. GetResponse provides 24/7 live chat and email support, along with a comprehensive resource library.


Since webinars provide chances to interact with the audience and build authority and trust, they became one of the effective ways for promoting products for business.

Actually, there are 3 types of webinars:

  • Live webinar: In this type of webinar presenter talks with the audience live.
  • Automated webinar: It is a pre-made webinar, and both of presenter and the audience don’t need to attend in webinar at a specific time.
  • Evergreen or one-demanded: It is an automated webinar that audiences can access to it countless times or perhaps forever.


Systeme.io as an all-in-one marketing platform owns this feature. You can create automated and evergreen webinars through this tool easily.
Evergreen webinars are effective because the audience accesses them every time.

GetResponse vs Systeme.io: Systeme.io webinars

On the other hand, GetResponse offers automated, evergreen, and live webinars. You can connect to the audience in a live mood. Also, you can host your webinar through a mobile device through your Getresponse account and chat live with the audience.

OK, which platform offers better hosting webinars?

Both Systeme.io and GetResponse are good at hosting webinars, but GetResponse offers more features including a live webinar that is very important to interact with the audience.

To access the webinar hosting feature in the GetResponse platform you need to pay more (GetResponse: $59/mo, Systeme.io: $47/mo).

By the way, this feature is accessible in a 30-day free trial that is offered by GetResponse.

GetResponse vs Systeme.io: Getresponse webinars


Both platforms support integration with platforms like Shopify, PayPal, and Zapier. But GetResponse supports integration with more tools that make it easy to manage your marketing from one platform.

So, if integration with a special tool is important for your business, check it out before purchasing.

GetResponse vs Systeme.io: Summary of Features

Features GetResponse Systeme.io
Email marketing
SMS marketing
Live chat
Web push notifications
Website builder
Paid ads
Selling physical products
Mobile app
Affiliate program management
Online courses
Free plan
AI recommendations

GetResponse vs Systeme.io: Pricing

Systeme.io is a more affordable platform than GetResponse. Also, the free plan of this platform offers features like unlimited email sending and sales funnels. In the following, you can compare the pricing plans of each platform.

GetResponse Pricing

GetResponse vs. Systeme.io:: Getresponse pricing

GetResponse offers four paid plans:

  •  Email Marketing: $19/mo
  •  Marketing Automation: $59/mo
  •  Ecommerce Marketing: $119/mo
  • GetResponse Max: $999/mo

Email marketing plan starts at $19 per month and it is perfect for beginners. The Marketing Automation plan starts at $59 per month and is suitable for growing businesses.

E-commerce marketing plan starts at $119 per month. It includes the tools and integration that are vital for E-commerce.

These three above pricing plans are for up to 1000 subscribers. If you have more subscribers, the price will increase (you can select the quantity of your subscribers before purchasing and buy accordingly).

Getresponse Mx plan costs $999/ month and includes premium features and support.

GetResponse offers a free plan to try this platform and upgrade if it meets your requirements. No credit card is required.

Systeme.io Pricing

Systeme.io offers three pricing plans:

  • Startup: $27/mo
  • Webinar: $47/mo
  • Enterprise: $97/mo

Startup plan is ideal for small businesses. Webinar plan includes all the features of the Startup plan, along with webinar functionality. The Enterprise plan provides businesses with higher email volumes and customization needs.

Also, Systeme.io supports a free plan. This free forever plan covers excellent features like funnels and unlimited email to send.

For detailed pricing information, visit Systeme.io’s official website.

GetResponse vs Systeme.io: Pros & Cons

Now let’s take a glance at the pros and cons of Systeme.io and GetResponse.

GetResponse Pros

  • Established player in the market.
  • Comprehensive email marketing features.
  • Advanced automation capabilities.
  • Wide range of customizable templates.

GetResponse Cons

  • Higher pricing compared to some competitors.
  • User-friendly feature needs to improve.
  • Interface can be hard for some users.

Systeme.io Pros

  • All-in-one marketing platform.
  • Intuitive interface for easy navigation.
  • Affordable pricing plans.
  • User-friendly drag-and-drop editor.

Systeme.io Cons

  • Relatively new player in the market.
  • Less advanced automation features.
  • Limited number of templates and integrations.

Advantages of Choosing Systeme.io Over GetResponse

  • Simplicity and ease of use
  • Competitive pricing
  • Detailed analytics and reporting features
  • Free forever plan
  • Create and selling courses

Advantages of Choosing GetResponse Over Systeme.io

  • The comprehensive suite of email marketing tools
  • Customizable templates for creating professional-looking emails and landing pages
  • AI recommendations
  • AI email generator 
  • Paid Ads

GetResponse vs Systeme.io: Final Decision

Ease of Use
Advanced integration
Training and tutorials

Ultimately, the choice between systeme.io and GetResponse depends on your specific needs and goals. If you’re looking for an all-in-one solution with powerful funnel building capabilities and attentive customer support, systeme.io might be the best choice for you.

On the other hand, if you value a wide range of email marketing features and integration options, and are willing to invest in a more established platform, GetResponse could be the better fit for your business.


Both Systeme.io and GetResponse have their strengths and weaknesses. It’s crucial to consider all the features, pricing plans, and limitations before making a decision. Assess your business needs, budget, and long-term goals to determine which platform aligns best with your objectives.


1-What are the alternatives of GetResponse and Systeme.io?

ClickFunnels, HubSpot, Sendinblue, Convertkit, and Kartra are some alternatives for these two platforms.

2-Is Systeme.io a free forever tool?

Yes. Systeme.io is a free forever tool. In addition, it has paid plans if you want to use more features.

3-Does Systeme.io have an email marketing tool?

Yes. Systeme.io has an email marketing tool with unlimited email sending even in the free version.

4-Is GetResponse for email marketing?

GetResponse is an all-in-one marketing tool and one of the services is email marketing.

5-Does GetResponse have a funnel builder?

Yes. GetResponse offers pre-made sales funnel templates or you can create it from scratch.

6-Is GetResponse website builder good?

Yes. GetResponse website builder has a variety of features such as AI-driven tools, creative tools, and various templates to build your own design.

7-What payment method is accepted by GetResponse?

You can pay GetResponse through different methods including PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Maestro, JCB, and American Express.

8-How many users does GetResponse have?

GetResponse has around 350k customers in more than 180 countries all over the world.

9-Does Systeme.io have CRM features?

Yes. Systeme.io has CRM features for email builder, marketing workflow automation, website builder, blogging tools, webinar management, and online courses.

10-How to make money on Systeme.io?

By using the landing pages feature and sales funnel you can sell your products or services, or promote your affiliate products.

11-Can I sell physical products on Systeme.io?

Yes. Physical products selling is available in Systeme.io as well as digital products.

12-Is Systeme.io good for blogging?

Systeme.io is a great tool for blogging. It’s very intuitive and easy to use. You can create and manage your blog without coding knowledge.

13-Can I build a website with Systeme.io?

Yes. You can create a website by using Systeme.io. But this platform doesn’t have a dedicated tool for website-building tool. Instead, you can build your websites by using its sales funnel and blog-building features.

14-Does GetResponse have an app?

Yes. GetResponse has a mobile App for iOS or Android. You can access your GetResponse account everywhere.

15-Does GetResponse have SMS marketing?

GetResponse offers SMS marketing to reach your customers directly. This feature is available in an advanced plan.

What is B2B Marketing: Identifying Plan, Strategy & Tactics

B2B Marketing Principles

What is B2B Marketing: Identifying Plan, Strategy & Tactics

If you have entered to marketing world recently, you have heard B2B marketing here and there.
What is B2B marketing ?

B2B is a short abbreviation but there are many strategies and rules behind it.
In this article, I talk about B2B marketing. It includes B2B marketing definition, how to develop strategy and plans, different types of B2B marketing tactics, and the buyer’s journey.

In below, you can see table of content.

what is B2B Marketing?: A beginner's guide

What is B2B marketing?

If you have a company that sells your products or services to another company or business, you own a B2B sales. In other words, B2B (business to business) marketing = dealing between businesses.

The definition is simple and straight, but being successful in such a field is complicated.
But don’t worry. It’s not rocket science.

B2B marketing is essential for growing any business in this competitive market. With the right strategy and tactics, companies can use B2B marketing to reach more customers, increase sales, and build strong relationships with their target audience.

B2B marketing vs. B2C marketing

While B2B marketing focus on another business as a buyer, B2C marketing wishes to sell products to ordinary people as customers. It’s like what you see in the street. It’s a type of communication between a clothes shopkeeper and a customer, or a street food seller and a passer-by who buys something.

What is B2B Marketing: B2B Marketing vs. B2C marketing

But B2B marketing is more complicated than B2C marketing.
Maybe you say, both are business and just business parties are different.

Why B2B marketing is more difficult than B2C marketing?
These are the reasons:

  • Decision-Making Process: For B2B client’s decision-making isn’t simple and needs too many investigations. Because it’s a matter of a large amount of budget. But this process is short for B2C businesses; maybe it takes a few minutes or some days, while it takes months in B2B businesses. In other words, B2B has a long buyer’s journey.
  • Communication: B2B  is based on relationships. It’s very important to keep the client for the next deal. So, communication has a key role in the decision-making process and after purchase. But it’s not widespread in B2C since it has different entity.
  • Clients sophistication: Clients in B2B  are more knowledgeable and skillful than B2C. Since they invest much amount and also put more time into the investigation, they become more sophisticated. So, gaining customers is more complicated than a B2C.
What is B2B Marketing: B2B Marketing vs. B2C marketing

What are the difference between strategy, plan and tactic in B2B?

Both B2B marketing and B2C marketing includes 3 terms that are often used interchangeably. These 3 concepts are interdependent on each other and no one can accomplish without two others.

But in fact, they are different, and need to pay attention to their true nature so that manage them effectively.
They are marketing strategy, marketing plan, and marketing tactics.

Marketing strategy

Strategy alludes to an outline to become successful in a competition. For example, an outdoor panel manufacturer wants to find a way to be successful in the crowded world of competition. (I use this example because before I worked in an outdoor panel company and this example is true).

This company found producing outdoor panels with high-quality LCD can help them to grow their business. It is a marketing strategy.

Marketing plan

Plan is part of a strategy. In the above example, the manufacturer should identify the characteristics of a good LCD. Do they need to make some changes in other pieces of the product to adopt with new LCD? How do they want to launch the new model? If they need to take part in exhibitions? Or advertising will be enough?
All these questions identify the plans.

Marketing tactic

Tactics are the ways to accomplish your plans. They include more details and nuance. Back to the above example, manufacturers should find suppliers to provide high-quality materials, test samples, identify technical reasons that show why this material is proper, courses for their engineers, and get help from foreign sources. These are tactics.

These three concepts are intertwined.

How to identify B2B marketing strategies?

Identifying B2B marketing strategies requires a combination of research, industry knowledge, competitor analysis, data-driven decision making, and collaboration. Below common methods to identify marketing strategies are noted:

Align with your business goals

What’s the final goal of your B2B marketing campaign? Do you want to build brand awareness, increase revenue or generate leads? Your marketing objectives can determine your strategy to achieve those goals.

Analyse competitors

Competitors are powerful sources for creating new strategies. What are the weak points of your competitors? How about their strong points? How can you be better than them? Analyzing competitors can lead you to strategies to improve your own business.

Understand target audience

Knowing the motivations, needs, struggles, and pain points of the audience leads you to generate strategies to grow B2B marketing.

Who are the people you want to reach? What do they need? How can you improve their problems? Understating your target audience will help you craft messaging and campaigns that resonate with them.

How to create a B2B marketing plan?

After developing a strategy you need to create an effective plan. The plan should align with your strategy. It’s very important to review all aspects of your plan to ensure it’s practical. Otherwise, it’s wasting the time. To create an effective plan consider below points:

Identify channels and resources

When you are setting marketing goals, consider your channel and resources to achieve those objectives. Marketing channels will be effective depending on the information sources and decision-making processes of your target audience.

Experiment with different channels to identify which ones generate the highest return on investment, and continually find ways to improve your performance for better results.

Set your budget

When it comes to setting a budget for B2B marketing, several factors need to be considered. Start by looking at the company’s overall financial goals and objectives. This helps you to determine how much money can be allocated towards marketing efforts.

Also, research the industry landscape to see what other companies are doing and how they are allocating their marketing budgets. This helps you to understand where you stand in comparison and what areas you need to focus on.

Measure success

 It is crucial to determine key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure performance against your goals. Track the results of your campaigns and adjust your strategies if needed. It will help you be aware of your shortcomings and make a plan to improve them.

Creating a B2B marketing plan can seem daunting, but don’t worry. By following these steps you can create a perfect Plan to grow your business. Good luck!

Types of B2B marketing tactics

After determining plans, you should find tactics to execute those plans.
Below some common tactics are noted that widely use in business to business marketing.

B2B content marketing

In this age, it isn’t possible to make a successful business without content marketing. Reports show content marketing became more important to business owners in 2022. B2B content marketing has a wide range, from blog posts and newsletters to videos and podcasts.

Ok. Content marketing is good.
But how does it make money?

What is B2B Marketing: B2B Content Marketing is an important tactic.
Source: Content Marketing Institute

Content marketing isn’t a tool for direct sales. If you have such a point of view, I should say you are walking in the traditional marketing world.

Content marketing is a process that passes steps of awareness, consideration, and decision-making to buy a product. Through your content, you help buyers and give value to them.

But content marketing can be more complicated in B2B marketing. Because in B2B, it’s about organizations behavior not tracking individuals through cookies.

Be noted using AI tools can boost your content marketing results. These tools analyze a wide amount of data and suggest topics that resonate with your target audience. Also, AI tools save your time.

B2B email marketing

Email marketing is sending emails to a group of people for commercial aims. In B2B marketing a company sends the email to another business as a potential customer. B2B email marketing isn’t based on involving the interest and emotion of another party; it’s based on scale, proven evidence, and return on investment (ROI).

Creating a successful B2B email marketing without careful planning and trial and error is impossible. But it’s worth the effort because it is an effective way to reach the target market.

Email marketing has considerable benefits.
It’s highly targeted and measurable, and it has flexible usage. B2B email marketing is a great way to keep customers engaged and interested in your business in the long term, which will lead to sales conversion.


SEO (search engine optimization) is a process to optimize a website for Google search to earn higher rankings in SERPs for keywords related to a specific business. SEO principles are the same for both B2B and B2C. But it is more complicated in B2B.

The main difference between B2B and B2C SEO is that B2B SEO focuses on longer, more complex keyword phrases in a particular industry or niche.

B2B SEO can be a challenge because of the nature of the products and services you’re trying to promote. Often, B2B companies sell highly technical or specialized products, and creating content that appeals to search engines and potential customers is more complicated.

However, with the help of creativity and effort, it is possible to develop a successful B2B SEO strategy.

B2B social media

B2B marketing social media refers to using social media platforms to promote products or services in business-to-business marketing.

This strategy is highly effective as it allows businesses to connect with their target audience in an engaging way. Social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook provide opportunities for businesses to share valuable content, engage in conversations, and build relationships with potential clients.

One of the key benefits of B2B marketing social media is its ability to reach a wider audience. With millions of users on these platforms, businesses can increase their brand visibility and attract new leads. Additionally, social media provides a cost-effective way to promote products or services compared to traditional advertising methods.

Another advantage of B2B marketing social media is the ability to gather insights and data about your target audience. By analyzing engagement metrics such as likes, shares, and comments, businesses can gain a better understanding of what content resonates with their audience and adjust their marketing strategies accordingly.

B2B referral program

B2B referral program encourages pleased users to support your brand through a systematic process.

Although it has similarities with the affiliate program, it’s different. In B2B referral programs people motivate to promote your products by their passion for your brand, product, or service not for gaining money.

B2B referral program should be through a systematic program. Otherwise, the results aren’t significant or even successful.

B2B direct marketing

B2B direct marketing is a type of marketing that involves direct communication between a company and its potential or existing customers. This strategy can be through various means, such as email, phone, or mail.

B2B direct marketing is different from other types of marketing, such as mass marketing or business-to-consumer (B2C) marketing because it targets a specific audience.

B2B direct marketing is also more personal than other forms of marketing, as it allows for a two-way conversation between the company and the customer. This allows for a deeper level of engagement, which can lead to more sales.

If you are looking for a more effective way to grow your business, B2B direct marketing may be the right choice for you.

Managing B2B marketing buyer's journey by search intent

In B2B marketing buyers pass a long cycle to make decisions for purchasing. It’s so important to give them perfect content at the right time. Like a newborn baby that should receive every nurturing food at the right time; otherwise, growth development isn’t acceptable.

Maybe this metaphor seems irrelevant to B2B marketing. But it’s correct.
Although it seems very simple, sometimes it is a challenge for businesses. Because this journey is long and also buyer behavior is complicated.

First, let’s dive into the buyer’s journey in B2B marketing. Then discuss how to create the right content at the right time.

Buyer's Journey

Buyer’s journey in B2B marketing starts with a consumer searching for an inquiry. This journey includes four steps:


In this stage, the consumer searches for a specific subject. Through this research, they find out that some products or services can improve their business or life. Your content should be ready already to inform them about their problems.


In the previous stage consumer becomes aware that there is a problem, and now wants to find a solution. Surrounding themselves with so many options, they want to make sure to choose the right solution.

Now your content should compare solutions, guide the buying process, and break down exactly what your product does, how it’s different from competitors, and how it will improve the buyer’s outlook.


In this stage, the consumer is ready to become a customer. They entered to decision stage to purchase. At this stage, consumers have done the bulk of research and understand both their problem and what their ideal solution looks like. They may need to seek information about a particular brand, product, or service they want to choose.


If you are in this step, it means you did loads of things right. But even though you’ve sold your products or services, the journey didn’t finish yet.

Maintenance stage is where you start to strengthen your relationship with your customers and help them gain the most value and satisfaction from your product or service.

Now you understand the buyer’s journey, let’s talk about how search intent helps to create content based on the buyer’s journey.

How search intent help to create a buyer journey-based content?

There are four types of search intent:

  • Informational: Searches to gather information and includes question words such as who, what, where, why, and how.
  • Commercial: Searches aimed at purchase preparation and increasing knowledge before the purchase.
  • Transactional: In this type of search intention user is ready to buy.
  • Navigational: User knows the brand or product wants to purchase.

You should optimize your content based on the search intent in every step. In other words, buyers have different intentions on each step of their journey.
Although to some extent maybe search intentions overlap with each other, they fall into the following categories:

Awareness stage= Informational intent

  •  Buyer’s intention: To search for information to solve a problem.
  • Your marketing goal: Show how to solve the problem and create trust.
  • Type of content: Educational content, working principles, instructions, etc.
  • Source: Blog articles, eBooks, and so on.

Consideration Stage= Commercial intent

  •  Buyer’s intention: To understand the different solutions and how these solutions solve the problem.
  • Your marketing goal: Present your solution and compare it with competitors.
  • Type of content: Guide users by presenting the real characteristics of your brand.
  • Source: Brochures, guidelines, product pages, etc.

Decision-making stage= Transactional intent

  • Buyer’s intention: Make the final decision to purchase.
  • Your marketing goal: Influence the final decision.
  • Type of content: Comparison lists, social proof, product description, etc.
  • Source: Testimonials, compare price and the features of your product with competitor’s product, honest success stories of your brand, etc.

Maintenance Stage= Navigational intent

  • Buyer’s intention: Purchasing (Since customers are satisfied with the previous purchases or your products was introduced to them)
  • Your Marketing goal: keep customers and make them loyal customers
  • Type of Content: branding and emotional content, special offers, etc.
  • Source: customized login area, customized services, etc.

After content creation, you need to track customer journey behaviors. You can check the bounce rate of your website with Google Analytics to know how much users engage with your content. A high bounce rate shows you need to improve your content.
Also, buyer’s journey tools can make this process easier for you.

B2B marketing best practices

There are proven practices to speed up your B2B marketing:

Target your audience

Defiantly you know your audience. But do you target them specifically?

Well, targeting your audience needs to go through research to understand their needs and preferences.

For example, consider factors like industry, company size, job titles, and pain points. This helps your messaging and maximizes marketing effectiveness.

Analyze market trends and consumer behavior. It helps to find potential pain points that your products or services can address. This deep understanding allows you to craft compelling marketing messages to target audiences on a personal level.


Since B2B marketing has specific buyers and a long sales cycle, it needs personalization.

For example:

First, provide a wide research on the pain points and challenges of the prospects. Then, address specific challenges.

Finally, customize your marketing campaigns and messaging to resonate with individual prospects.

Building relationships

Try to build long-term relationships with your customers.

Building relationships goes beyond transactional interactions. You need to make genuine connections with your customers and grow loyalty and advocacy of your brand.

This involves not only delivering on your promises but also actively seeking feedback and incorporating it into your business practices.

In summary, building a relationship happens through the following factors:

  • Regular communication
  • Providing exceptional customer service
  • Exceeding their expectations

Data-driven decision making

Here is the truth:

Successful B2B marketing and analytical data go hand in hand.

B2B deals with a lot of money and any decision without aesthetical data will be dangerous.

Use data and analytics to drive your marketing strategies. To achieve this, pay attention to the following:

  •  Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • Track campaign success
  • Consider customer insights
  • Utilize analytical platforms

Continuous learning

Continuous learning and experimentation can help you stay ahead of the competition.

 Stay up to date with the latest trends, technologies, and best practices in B2B marketing.

This ongoing learning includes being updated about the latest marketing tools and trends. It helps that your strategies resonate with business clients.

B2B marketing challenges

While B2B marketing offers great opportunities, it also comes with its own set of challenges.

Here are some common challenges faced by B2B marketers:

Longer sales cycles

B2B sales cycles are longer than B2C sales cycles. Why does it demand a long time?

Because it’s a matter of a high volume of money transactions. Therefore, it requires patience, persistence, and effective strategies to move prospects through the sales funnel

Multiple decision-makers

B2B purchases often involve multiple decision-makers within a company. It can be another challenge for B2B marketers.

To overcome this matter, B2B marketers need to align their marketing efforts with the needs and preferences of various stakeholders. By doing that decision-making process won’t be an issue

Content creation

Content marketing plays a vital role in B2B marketing.

Consistently producing high-quality and relevant content can be challenging. A successful content marketing campaign must educate and inform the audiences and build trust.

Measuring ROI

Determining the return on investment (ROI) of B2B marketing efforts can be complex. Tracking and measuring the impact of various marketing initiatives on revenue generation requires proper analytics and reporting tools.


Staying ahead of the competition

Competing in the B2B market requires constant innovation and staying ahead of competitors. A strong competitive analysis and a strategic approach are essential for success.

Personalized communication

B2B transactions involve long-term relationships. So, it needs to a personalized communication tailored to the specific needs of each client.

This level of customization requires a deep understanding of the client’s business, industry trends, and pain points.

Evolving digital marketing landscape

B2B transactions involve long-term relationships. So, it needs to a personalized communication tailored to the specific needs of each client.

For example, you need to search engine optimization best practices. It improves your visibility and helps your success in the competitive B2B space.

B2B marketing trends 2024

To stay ahead in the B2B marketing landscape, you need to keep an eye on emerging trends:

AI-powered marketing: Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionary effects on B2B marketing. It includes automating processes, improving personalization, and providing valuable insights for better decision-making..

Video marketing: Video content is gaining popularity in B2B marketing. Videos can effectively communicate complex information, showcase products or services, and engage prospects.

Virtual events and webinars: With the rise of remote work and virtual interactions, webinar has become a popular option for B2B marketers to generate leads, educate prospects, and build brand awareness.

Personalized content experiences: B2B buyers expect personalized experiences. Offering personalized content based on preferences, previous interactions, and demographics can significantly impact conversion rates.

Voice search optimization: With the increasing use of voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant, optimizing content for voice search is becoming essential. B2B marketers are focusing on creating conversational and long-tail keyword phrases to align with how users speak their queries.

B2B marketing examples

There are many examples of successful B2B marketing campaigns that have helped companies grow their business.

Here are some of the most examples:


IBM has been a leader in B2B marketing for decades. They have developed an extensive network of partners and customers, and use their resources to create effective campaigns. For example, they launched a campaign called “Smarter Planet” which focused on using technology to make the world a better place. The campaign was a success and helped IBM gain more recognition in the market.


 Microsoft has been a major player in B2B marketing. Their campaigns focus on providing solutions to businesses, such as cloud computing and enterprise software. One of their most successful campaigns was the launch of Office 365, which allowed businesses to access their applications from anywhere. This campaign was a huge success and helped Microsoft gain more customers.


Google has become one of the leading companies in B2B marketing. They use their vast resources to create innovative campaigns that target businesses. For example, their “Grow with Google” campaign focuses on helping small businesses succeed by providing them with tools and resources. This campaign has been very successful and has helped Google gain more customers.


B2B marketing is a complex and ever-evolving field that requires constant adaptation to stay ahead of the competition. As a marketer, it’s important to understand your target audience and their unique needs in order to create effective strategies that drive results.

Ultimately, successful B2B marketing requires a combination of creativity, strategy, and a deep understanding of your target audience. By staying up-to-date on industry trends and continually refining your approach, you can achieve your marketing goals and drive growth for your business.


1. What's B2B marketing?

B2B marketing is the process of promoting a business to other businesses. It involves creating relationships with potential customers, understanding their needs, and providing solutions. B2B marketing can be used to target specific industries or sectors, as well as individual companies.

2. How can I measure the success of my B2B marketing strategy?

By tracking key performance indicators, customer engagement metrics, lead generation metrics, and return on investment, you can measure the success of your B2B marketing strategy and make informed decisions about future campaigns.

3. What are the most effective B2B marketing channels?

The most effective B2B marketing channels include content marketing, email marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and social media.

4. What challenges should I anticipate when creating a B2B marketing plan?

Creating a B2B marketing plan needs many investigations. It requires careful analysis of the target audience, budget, and resources. Additionally, there are several challenges such as understanding the customer’s needs, developing a strategy for reaching the target audience, considering the timeline and budget for the marketing plan.


Different types of editing: 4 steps to a perfect editing

Different types of editing

Different types of editing: How to do a perfect editing in four steps

In simple language, editing is like polishing a stone. It removes all errors, including grammatical, structural, factual errors, readability, style, syntax, and other kinds of mistakes in content.

Knowing different types of editing is essential for every writer. Maybe some new writers overlook the importance of content editing. But more professional writers know it is vital to edit content before publishing. No matter how much your content is significant and how much it is valuable. Without perfect editing, it will be messy, unfocused, and unreadable.

This article covers different types of editing. I know if you look at articles in other websites, maybe you see the other names for every steps in editing. All are correct. Just different sites used other names interchangeably for different types of editing or break down every steps in editing.

Different types of editing

What is editing for written content, and why is it important?

Editing allows you to refine your message and ensure that it is communicated effectively. It helps you to eliminate errors, clarify confusing language, and improve the overall flow of your writing. By putting much time into editing your work, you show your readers that you value their time and attention.

In today’s fast-paced world, where there is an abundance of content available at our fingertips, it is more important than ever to produce high-quality content. By prioritizing editing and striving for excellence in your writing, you can stand out from the crowd and make a lasting impression on your audience.

semantic keywords :Quick tip

It is recommended to quit your content after writing for a while. Then come back to edit it. Because your mind got involved with the content you wrote and needs to refresh. A busy mind can’t find errors well.

What are different types of editing?

Mainly there are 4 types of editing:

These major types are steps of perfect editing. None of them work for you without the three other ones. If you want your content to be error-free go through these four steps.
For editing, start from the surface and then go to the depth of your content. First, remove apparent errors and then check hidden aspects of your content.
Now let’s dive into discussing the four steps of a perfect edition.

Step 1: Copy editing type

Copy editing also called Mechanical Editing. When you look at a written document, the most significant errors are apparent errors. These are the errors you should remove in copy editing step. Depending on the type of your publication, copy editing involves the following:

  • Grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors should be correct.
  • Ensure the verb and tense are in agreement.
  • Ensure removal of jargon and choose words based on standards of publication.
  • Ensuring agreements of style based on your publication type (APA, MLA, AP, etc.)
  • Remove unnecessary words to make your prose more clear and more valuable.
  • Ensure display types are correct and suitable for your content. Display types are bold features in content. It includes headlines, subheadlines, photos, photo captions, conclusions, etc.
  • Ensure to include specific rules for capitalization, abbreviations, and citation formats.
  • Formatting plays a significant role in copy editing. This involves checking for proper margins, font size, type, spacing, and alignment. A well-formatted document enhances readability.

By considering these factors, you’ll have a polished and error-free document. Apparently the content seems well. But does it finish?
Defiantly no. For professional content production, you should go deeper.

Different types of editing: Copy editing

Step 2: Content editing type

This type of editing also called developmental, substantive, or structural editing. Content editing mainly focuses on the accuracy of the message a content conveys to the reader, facts-checking, structure, and other hidden features. This step needs more thinking and investigation of the different aspects of content.
Here are factors that should be included in the content editing process.

Statistics and fact checking

Statistics and other kinds of facts such as scientific facts, data, names, places, and events are inseparable parts of many contents. They are critical because facts and statistics improve the authority of a website.

These elements should be double-checked in the editing process. You can use factbrowser, staticticsbrain.com, factmonster, and Google search to ensure the data.

If your content is confidential, maybe you need to double-check your own sources (for example, if you wrote based on data from an organization). After agreement of your findings and your search result use the data.

Checking contradictions

Content should be empty of contradictions. All pieces of your content should support each other for the sake of the main idea. And since good content should take care of coherency, contradiction damage to the whole of your content. So, check every sentence to ensure consistency in the meaning of the whole content.

Check content structure

Don’t overlook a good structure. Structure of the content is those features that allow readers to understand what the content is about with a glance at your content. It includes headings and subheadings, tables, lists, tables of content, paragraphs, links (in blog post content), and so on.

Headings and subheadings must be in agreement with their following content; Paragraphs should support their messages and don’t include extra information.
Tables and table of content must give a good summary of the content, and links must relate to correct information and use appropriate anchor text.

Brand voice agreement

Content editing also checks the voice of your brand. Whether you write for yourself or a brand, you have a specific voice and style. If you are a brand, I recommend always outsourcing your work to the same content editor.


If you write to publish online, the next step of content editing is SEO (search engine optimization) of your content. SEO is a broad scope, and if you aren’t an expert, SEO specialists can help you. Any way ensure:

  • Include right keywords in the content.
  • Ensure use of internal links.
  • Check different types of SEO rules (on-page & off-page) in your content so that search engines understand your content well.

Edit your content for skimmers.
It means using several subheadings and bold features in your content. It acts like a hook to grab the attention of readers.

Step 3: Content rewriting type

The editing process isn’t just modifying the errors. After two previous steps, you need to rewrite or add some extra content to develop consistency in the whole of your text. Maybe you need to go back to the sources and do new research.

Rewriting allows you to take a step back and look at the big picture. You can ask yourself questions like: Is this section really necessary? Does it add anything to the overall message of the piece? Are there better ways to express this idea?

Through the process of rewriting, you can also identify areas where more research or information might be needed. For example, if a particular paragraph seems weak or unsupported, you may need to do some additional fact-checking or review sources to strengthen it.

Of course, rewriting can be time-consuming and challenging. It requires a willingness to let go of your initial ideas and be open to new possibilities. But ultimately, the end result is worth it.

By taking the time to rewrite and refine your writing, you can create pieces that are truly impactful and memorable.

If you need to add some content to the main content, just be careful to perform two previous steps, copy editing and content editing on rewriting.

Step 4: Proofreading type

Well, now it’s time to come to the surface from the depth of your content. After perfect copy editing, content editing, and rewriting, your content needs final proofreading. It includes modifying little and big errors that were either overlooked or made during the editing process.

Although you are on the surface of the content, it’s so sensitive. It’s last checking, and as an editor, you should guarantee that the content is free of any kind of errors such as grammatical, factual errors, readability, style, syntax, and typographical faults. In addition, you must ensure that the content follows the style guide that has been chosen.

Overall, proofreading is essential in the writing process to ensure that the final product is polished and professional. Whether it’s a business report, academic paper, or personal blog post, proofreading can help to enhance the credibility and effectiveness of the written work.

What is a content editing tool, and how to use it?

A content editing tool is a software program designed to help writers to improve the quality of their content. It provides a range of features that enable users to check spelling and grammatical errors and enhance readability. Some tools even offer suggestions for improving sentence structure, tone, and style.

Sometimes editing by a tool offers features like checking plagiarism that you can’t achieve in manual editing.

Here are the steps to edit content with a tool:

1. Choose the right tool: There are many tools available for editing content, so it’s important to choose one that suits your needs. Look for a tool that has features like spell-check, grammar-check, and style suggestions.

2. Upload or copy and paste the content: Once you have chosen your tool, upload the content you want to edit or copy and paste it into the tool’s editor.

3. Review the suggestions: The tool will likely highlight areas of the content that need attention. Review these suggestions carefully and consider making changes based on them.

4. Make necessary edits: Based on the suggestions from the tool, make any necessary edits to the content. This may include fixing spelling or grammar errors, rephrasing sentences for clarity, or adjusting the tone or style of the writing.

5. Review again: After making edits, review the content to ensure everything flows smoothly and makes sense.

6. Save and export: Once you are satisfied with the edits, save the content and export it in the desired format.

Using a tool to edit content can be a valuable time-saver and can help improve the quality of your writing.


The benefits of good content are numerous. It can increase engagement with your audience, establish you as an authority in your field, and ultimately lead to more conversions. However, none of these benefits can be achieved without proper editing.

 A poorly edited piece of content can do more harm than good.
So, editing is a crucial step in the content creation process. It ensures that the final product is error-free. Good editing can make the difference between a second-rate piece of content and one that is exceptional.


How do I edit my content after writing?

  •  The first step in editing your content is to review your work for clarity and coherence. Check spelling mistakes, punctuation, and grammatical errors. These can be easily corrected using online tools such as Grammarly or Hemingway Editor.
  •  Focus on the structure of your content. Make sure that your paragraphs are well-organized and have a clear topic sentence. Check if your sentences are too long or too short and adjust them accordingly
  • Check for factual accuracy. Verify any statistics, quotes, or references used in your work. Ensure that they are up-to-date and from reliable sources.
  • Proofread your work one last time before submitting it. Read through your work carefully, line by line, to catch any remaining errors.

What are the types of editing?

1-Copyediting (also called Mechanical Editing)

2-Content editing (called developmental, substantive, or structural editing)

3-Content rewriting


Who typically needs edition services?

Content editing services are essential for anyone who wants to produce high-quality written content including authors, bloggers, businesses, and students.

Authors need to ensure that their manuscripts are ready for publication. Bloggers also benefit from content editing services, as they need to produce engaging and informative content on a regular basis.

Businesses often require content editing services for their marketing materials, such as content marketing, websites, brochures, and press releases.

And also students can benefit from content editing services when working on academic papers or other assignments.

What are some common issues that content editors address?

One of the most common issues you encounter is grammatical errors. This can include anything from misspelled words to incorrect verb tenses. Another issue is modifying inconsistencies in tone or style. This can happen when multiple writers contribute to a piece of content, or when a writer changes their approach midway through a project.

Factual inaccuracies are another common issue need to address. This can include anything from incorrect dates or statistics to misattributed quotes. It’s essential to fact-check all content thoroughly before publishing it.

Formatting and layout issues can also be a concern. This can include things like inconsistent font sizes or spacing, or poorly formatted images.

How can I find a reliable editor for my project?

First and foremost, research is key. Look for editors who have experience in your specific industry or niche, as they will be more likely to understand the nuances of your content.

Networking is also an important part of finding a reliable content editor. Reach out to colleagues or other professionals in your field and ask for recommendations.

How to choose the best anchor text? A comprehensive guide

How to choose the best anchor text?

How to choose the best anchor text? A comprehensive guide

Anchor text is a vague term at first glance, but at the same time, it triggers curiosity:
What’s the relation between anchor and SEO???

Searching on the internet becomes an inseparable part of daily life, and you constantly read content to get more information.
When you read through lines, you face hyperlinked words or phrases in different colors (maybe bold, or in different formats too). Clicking on them takes you to another page. These words are anchor text.

Anchor text is a word or phrase that presents new content by linking you to another page.
In the following article, I’ll provide a complete guide about anchor text. It includes definition, importance, types of anchor texts, how to choose the best anchor text and some additional tips.

How to choose the best anchor text?

What is Anchor text?

Anchor text is a clickable words or phrase in a hyperlink. It provides an opportunity to link your users to another page inside (or outside) your website.
In HTML code anchor text is the same as below:

How to choose the best anchor text?

But users see it the same as below:

How to choose the best anchor text?

If you want to see the HTML codes of any page, right-click the page. Then select view page source in the menu appears. Another page open in your browser. On the opened page the whole HTML codes will show.

Why is anchor text important for SEO?

If you want to find by users and search engines, don’t overlook the importance of anchor text. It provides context and relevance to both users and search engines.

When users click on an anchor text link, they expect to take to a page related to the text they clicked on. Similarly, search engines use anchor text to understand the content of the page linked to and its relevance to the search query.

Another reason anchor text is crucial for SEO is helping to distribute link equity throughout a website. Link equity or link juice is passing the value of one page to another through links. By using relevant and descriptive anchor text, you can help search engines understand the content of the page link to and pass link equity accordingly.

Types of Anchor text

Efforts to accept by Google’s algorithm caused experts to examine different types of anchor text. Some of these anchor texts are more useful, and others can be good to some extent. Let’s talk about it.

Exact Match Anchor Text

In this type of anchor text exactly use the keywords you want to rank. This strategy was widespread in past SEO.

Assume you have a website for chocolates. To rank it, you should use the same keywords in your anchor text. For example: the best milk chocolate brand. It is an exact match.

Although exact match anchor text is a very good choice, but it should be noted overusing it can cause penalization by Google.

How to choose the best anchor text: Exact match anchor text

Partial match Anchor Text

Since exact match anchor text can’t be use too much, partial match anchor text is a good choice. It is a combination of core keywords in addition to some extra words.

For example, “online digital Marketing Services” links to a page about digital Marketing. Partial match anchor text should contain one of the main keywords at least. 

Partial anchor text provides more data for both users and search engines. Users know more about the page will link to, and search engines also understand it better. Actually using partial match anchor text is a good idea. It cause your content doesn’t seem spammy and penalizes due to overusing match anchor text.

Just pay attention! Don’t confuse users and search engines with long partial anchor text. If you use long partial anchor text, Google confuses about the content on the page you pointed at. So, Google gives up your content and doesn’t crawl it.

How to choose the best anchor text: Partial match Anchor Text

Generic Anchor Text

If you want to know the worst type of anchor text, I will say it is the Generic type.

This type of anchor text doesn’t make an information chain for search engine bots. Search engines don’t understand where this link will lead. So, logically save its crawling energy and give up such anchor text.

On the other side, a generic anchor text is like entering to unknown place for users. No one likes to click on ambiguous anchor text that isn’t clear where it ends up.

How to choose the best anchor text: Generic Anchor Text

Naked Anchor Text

As the name implies, naked anchor text doesn’t have any contextual information. It just point to source and use a URL instead of meaningful words. For example:

Based on https://www.example.com remarks, people just use 10% of capacity of their mind.

According to Google’ John Muller remarks, search engines including Google don’t count this URL as anchor text. It’s just a normal link but doesn’t add to quality of content. Although sometimes we need to use a URL in content, but don’t use it if your main goal is getting traffic.

Latent Semantic Index Anchor Text

Latent semantic index or LSI refers to synonyms or conceptually related to the main keywords.
In the coffee maker case, there are other words related to the coffee maker and usually, these words constantly repeat in content. Google recognizes this relationship.
For example, if the page you are going to link users to is about ‘coffee maker,’ then LSI anchor text would be words such as Espresso, cup, coffee, kettle, coffee beans, and so on.

How to choose the best anchor text: Latent Semantic Index Keywords

LSI anchor text is a good idea. It makes your content natural, and you will get rid of using some artificial anchor texts in your content.

Branded Anchor Text

Branded anchor text uses a brand name as anchor text. Usually, it’s an external link takes users to the brand’s page. By referring users to a high authority brand Google considers it as a good signal. It’s a sign of giving value to users. So, use high-quality brands in your content but don’t overuse a brand name.
Overusing a brand isn’t a good signal for Google and seems unhealthy.

Branded Anchor Text

Image Anchor Text

Image anchor text is clickable information about the image and it is visible for readers. If users click on image anchor text, they will lead to another page. In the other words, anchor text for an image makes it clickable.

 On the other hand, always it recommend to use alt tag for images. Because Google can’t understand the visible appearance of images, and by using alt tag it becomes readable. But what’s the difference between alt tag and image anchor text for images?

 Alt tag or alt text is an HTML attribute to provide more information about images for Google. It’s not visible to readers usually. But if the image fails to load, readers can see it. The difference between image alt tag and image anchor text is that the first one isn’t visible to readers, but the second one is visible and clickable.

In the below tweet John Muller was asked about the relevance of such links for SEO.

How to choose the best anchor text: Image Anchor text

How to choose the best anchor text?

Answering this question is very simple: To choose the appropriate anchor text, straightly go to the main point in a concise and specific way.

Make it natural and don’t use words or phrases with complicated and sometimes irrelevant sentences! It’s better not to use complete sentences as anchor texts and optimize it SEO-friendly.

Below are some tips to select the best anchor texts:

Choose clear, concise, and descriptive anchors

An anchor is a visible text that appears as a hyperlink, and it should accurately reflect the content of the linked page.

Using vague or generic anchors such as “click here” or “read more” can be confusing for users and may not provide enough information about where the link leads. Instead, use specific words or phrases that accurately describe the content of the linked page.

Optimize anchors for users, not search engines

It’s important to keep in mind that you should be doing it for users and not just for search engines. While having relevant words in anchors can help with SEO, it’s equally important to make sure that the anchor text is clear and descriptive for users.

By using descriptive language, making links visually distinct, and avoiding misleading users, we can create a better user experience.

Don't use the same anchor text more than once

Using the same anchor text repeatedly can be seen as spammy by search engines and may result in penalties or lower rankings. When creating links, it’s important to use varied anchor texts that accurately reflect the content of the linked page.

To avoid using the same anchor text multiple times, consider using synonyms or related phrases instead. This not only helps with SEO but also provides a better user experience for visitors to your website.

Make sure about the right anchor text distribution

A good anchor distribution means using different types of anchor text in your post. Some people over-optimize their anchor texts by excessive use of one type of anchor, especially exact match. It is harmful to a good SEO. So to avoid it, utilize different types of anchors in a specific blog post.

Use brief anchors

Anchor text should be short and brief and not a complete sentence. Using a sentence as an anchor text makes it difficult for search engines to identify the relevance of the linked page. It can also appear cluttered and unprofessional.

Ensure to use relevant anchor text

Search engines become smarter and they find ways to find out how anchor texts are related to page content. If the search engine determines that the anchor text and the target page are well related, both the linking page and the target page will have a good chance for crawling and ranking.

Also, the relevance of the overall theme of the website is important. If a coffee shop’s website links to a similar website about how to make different types of coffee, it will be better in Google’s view than linking to irrelevant sites like sports sites!

Without relevancy, your anchor text will be unnatural. It will damage user experience and waste your efforts for ranking.

Heads up! Errors should be avoided in anchor texts

When it comes to writing anchor texts according to SEO standards, there are mistakes that should be avoided. These include:

Using generic phrases

Regarding the use of generic anchor text, a user asks a question from Google’s Lizzi Sassman:

Question: Is there any difference if an internal link is under the word “here” or if it is linked in a keyword?

Answer: It doesn’t matter if it’s an internal link to something on your site or if it’s an external link pointing to something else, “here” is still bad link text. It could be pointing to any page and it doesn’t tell us what the page is about. It’s much better to use words that are related to that topic so that users and search engines know what to expect from that link.”

Besides SEO discussion, generic anchor texts don’t create good space in your content. They are unpleasant and away from writing art.

Overusing exact match keywords

While it’s important to use keywords in your anchor text, overusing them can be seen as spammy by search engines. Instead, try to use variations of your target keyword or use related phrases that still convey the same meaning.

Including too many links

Including too many links in your content can make it look cluttered and overwhelming for users. Try to limit the number of links you include and focus on linking to high-quality sources that add value to your content.

Using irrelevant anchor text

Your anchor text should accurately describe the content of the page you’re linking to. Using irrelevant anchor text can confuse both search engines and users and may even hurt your rankings.

Using false and deceptive phrases

clickbait anchor text to draw users to click on links is not a good idea. You will lose the authenticity and value of your content.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can create effective anchor texts that not only improve your SEO but also provide a better user experience for your audience.


Anchor text is an old but complex topic in SEO. Many active people in this field believe that anchor texts should be used according to the content of the page linked to it, but recommend that be cautious in using anchor texts as much as possible.

You should use different methods in link building. If you only use an anchor text model for your site, it is not out of mind that your site will be penalized by Google in the future, because Google’s algorithm is constantly changing the review criteria.

If users are not redirected to relevant pages by clicking on anchor texts, they will most likely stop clicking on other anchor texts created on your site and their trust in your site will be lost over time.


What's anchor text?

Anchor text is the clickable text in a hyperlink that directs users to another page or website. It is usually underlined or appears in a different color than the surrounding text. The purpose of anchor text is to provide context and information about the target page.

Why is anchor text essential for SEO?

Anchor text is like a road sign. It tells search engine bots and users where they will lead after clicking on it. Therefore it’s important to select them sensitively and intelligently.

Is there any difference between optimizing anchor text in internal links and external links?

Actually no. But anchor text in internal links is more sensitive. Because by using internal links we want to show our other pages to search engine bots and should be more sensitive about anchor text selection. In addition, internal links are fully under our control and we must be careful to don’t lose this opportunity with wrong anchor texts. But it doesn’t mean overlooking anchor text in external links.

What is very important in anchor text discussion?

The most important thing in anchor text study is knowing the context well.
Now you maybe say ok. But what does happen then?

All of us know the time has passed to select the exact match keyword as anchor text. So, you must focus on ISL or partial match anchor text. (Using branded anchor text in its right place is a good choice.) And ISL and partial match anchor text need a good understanding of your context.

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