
Somayeh Niya

Page Authority and Domain Authority in SEO: How to check and increase

Page Authority and Domain Authority in SEO

Page Authority and Domain Authority in SEO: How to check and increase?

What is page authority?

In simple language, page authority is a ranking score for a specific page based on some metrics. The range of this score is from 1 to 100. The more it gets closer to 100, the page authority will increase, and the more it gets closer to 1, page authority will decrease.

It should be noted page authority isn’t a ranking factor by Google. This concept was developed by an SEO company tool, MOZ, to help for a better understanding of page value.

What is domain authority?

Domain authority is a metric that measures the strength and authority of a website. It was developed by Moz, a leading SEO software company, to help website owners understand how their sites rank in search engines. Like page authority, the score ranges from 1 to 100, and the higher scores indicate more authority.

Page authority (PA) vs. domain authority (DA)

While page authority indicated the authority of a single page in a specific website, domain authority pointed to the authority of the whole pages of a website.

In other words, domain authority = average authority of the whole pages of a domain. So, as much as you increase the authority of every single page on your website, indeed you increase the authority of your website.

Although they may seem similar, there are some differences between PA and DA that are worth noting:

  • First, PA takes into account factors such as the number and quality of inbound links, the content on the page, and the overall user experience. On the other hand, DA takes into account factors such as the age of the domain, the number and quality of inbound links to the entire site, and the overall reputation of the domain.
  • Second, both PA and DA are measured on a scale of 0-100, with higher scores indicating stronger pages. But it is much harder to achieve a high score in DA because it considers the entire domain rather than just one page.

Why page authority & domain authority are important in SEO?

Page Authority and domain authority don’t have any correlation to SEO; they aren’t official rankings given by Google and are not factored into the final scale of results. But they play critical roles in SEO. How do this?

MozBar accurately reflects Google’s algorithm by using the same data to determine the Page DA & PA. The ratings given by MozBar are valid and reflect the reality of Google’s algorithm.

Measuring the PA & DA allows you to determine if your page or your domain has been optimized for SEO. This allows you to identify areas that need improvement and those that are already performing well.

Additionally, having a high PA & DA can help you stay ahead of the competition, as competitors may not have invested as much time and effort into optimizing their pages.

This data provides valuable insight into your website. It also can help improve your SEO, even though it is not directly analyzed by Google.

How to check page authority and domain authority?

To check page or domain authority, use a tool such as Moz’s domain authority checker or Ahrefs’ site explorer. These tools provide a score from 0 to 100 that predicts how well it will rank on search engine results pages (SERPs).

To use these tools, simply enter the URL you want to check and click analyze. The tool will generate a report that includes the page or domain authority score, backlinks, and social media shares.

How to improve page authority and domain authority?

Page authority and domain authority are essential factors in determining the success of a website. It can be improved by following some simple steps.

Produce high quality content

There is no doubt a good and high-quality content is one of the most important SEO principles. Nothing can be replaced by good content in SEO. Because Google is so sensitive to the reputation of the company, and bad content hurt it.

Now, the question is how to improve the content to accept by Google.
A very short answer is: Good content should be comprehensive, accurate, useful, and make users satisfied.

In the following, I note some significant points that help to improve your content:

Write for users, not search engines

Good content should write for users, not search engines. It means seeing your content from the point of view of a user. Does it provide the proper answer? Is it comprehensive?

Write simple

Content must be exact and straight. Some writers think the complexity of content is a sign of skill and talent. But it is wrong. People give up complex content. For containing simplicity in the content you should pay attention to below points:

  • Use simple and short sentences.
  • Don’t use complex words.
  • Use short paragraphs.
  • Use many subhead lines that the user can skim.

Find your own point of view

Have your own point of view. It’s one of the things Google loves. When you have your perspective, Google recognizes this content should belong to a knowledgeable person. And also users come back to your blog again and again

Write once and edit twice

Editing content is an inseparable part of writing procedure. It includes checking for grammatical, punctuation, vocabulary, structure, tone, and more errors. It helps to enhance the overall quality of your content. Editing doesn’t conclude with just finding errors. It also takes care of how your content communicates with readers and coherency between different parts of your content.

Use statics

Include statics in your content if possible. When you write something according to your feeling and intuition, it doesn’t need any proof or evidence. But when you write about facts in any scope, include statics if it is possible. It helps your justification and thrust wordiness. Also, link your statics to high-authority sources.

Get valuable backlinks

People who are familiar with SEO, whether skillful or primary, all know backlinks are highly important. In simple language, backlinks are a sign of authority.

There is a widespread discussion in SEO for backlinks. Quality or quantity? Which one is important?

Actually, there is no exact answer to this question. Although backlinks are important, they aren’t the only main factors in SEO. A page or domain with lower numbers of backlink can have higher authority when it at the same time pay attention to the quality of backlinks and also other factors in SEO.

There are many proven ways for acquiring backlinks such as guest posts, asking the publishers for backlinks, paid backlinks, and more. But they are a short-term solution. Nothing more than writing evergreen content can’t bring organic backlinks to your website. Of course, it needs hardworking and consistency.

Some kinds of content like infographics, videos, and how-to Guides content attract people more. For example, if you write unique how-to guides that answer all questions of users, most probably many websites link their users to your website.

Build perfect internal links

For building internal links in a domain, SEO experts recommend linking from high-authority pages to other pages. Because it shares the authority, and low-quality pages get some portion.

Improve user experience

User experience plays a crucial role in improving page and domain authority. Creating a website that is easy to navigate and provides a great user experience will attract more visitors and keep them coming back.

Audit your website

Broken links are harmful to bounce rate and page authority. If it happens constantly and users confront errors, it causes the Google bot doesn’t crawl that page, and you lose the amount of traffic.
So, schedule a time to audit your site and remove broken links.

Why page authority and domain authority change

If you’ve noticed a sudden change in your PA or DA score, it could be due to a variety of reasons. For example, if you have recently added or removed links from your website, this could affect these scores. Additionally, if other websites have linked to your site, this could change your PA or DA score.

It’s important to note the scores are updated regularly, so even if you haven’t made any changes to your website, your score may still fluctuate over time. This is normal and shouldn’t cause alarm.


Page Authority and Domain Authority are crucial metrics for any website looking to establish a strong online presence. These metrics help search engines determine the relevance and authority of a website’s content, which in turn affects its ranking on search engine results pages.

To improve your website’s Page Authority and Domain Authority, it is important to focus on creating high-quality, relevant content that attracts backlinks from authoritative sources. Additionally, optimizing your website’s technical SEO elements such as site speed, mobile-friendliness, and URL structure can also positively impact these metrics.

How to improve crawl budget?

How to improve crawl budget

How to improve crawl budget?

Understanding the search engine’s mechanism isn’t simple. How Google and other search engines crawl pages is one of these matters. There is a long story behind how search engine bots crawl pages, and finding pages is neither by chance nor by an endless effort to write great content. To improve crawl budget, it requires a comprehensive approach that encompasses various aspects of website optimization. 

In this article, I’ll talk about how to improve crawl budget. It includes definition, importance, and how to check and improve crawl budget.

What is crawl budget?

Crawl Budget is the total number of pages or URLs that search engine crawls in a given period.
Some factors affect on crawl budget. A page may crawl better, or another page may not.

As the word budget implies, Google doesn’t want to waste the budget and tries to save it. Google considers the budget for crawling a page based on:

Crawl Rate Limit: Factors such as crawl errors, website size, and limitations set on Google console limit crawling bots. These are crawl rate limits.
Crawl Demand: It’s the page authority and update of content that increases crawling demand.

It means if a page has a lower crawl rate limit (ideally it’s better don’t have a crawl rate limit) and higher crawl demand, Google allocates more crawl budget to it.

According to these factors, Google defines the crawl budget of a website. When this budget finishes for a website, Google goes after crawling other websites. Budget finished!

Why is crawl budget important in SEO?

According to SEO basics Google ranks a page in 3 steps: Crawling, indexing, and ranking.
Crawling as the first step in ranking has crucial importance. If a page has a limitation for crawling, it’ll lose the opportunity of ranking.

How to improve crawl budget: Google ranks a page in 3 steps: Crawling, indexing, and ranking.

Google bots are advanced in crawling, and it seems many websites don’t face a big problem with crawling.

Crawl budget will be an issue when:

  • The website has unhealthy crawling: This reason is more common and happens because of internal linking structure, dead links, outdated content, and loading time.
  • Website is new: When a website is new, Google can’t understand whether it has value for the crawl budget or not. So, it isn’t an important problem and every new website faces it. So, high-quality content and link building can help to solve this problem.

How to check crawl activity?

Google search console is the best tool to calculate your website crawling status and optimize your crawling budget. By using this tool you know about the times your website crawled and the responses.

1- Log in to your Google search console account and go to Settings.
2- Navigate the Crawl Stats Report and click Open Report.
3- Here is a report about the crawling trends chart, host status details, and a crawl request breakdown on the summary page:

Total crawl requests

It is the total number of crawl requests your domain has gotten in the last 90 days.

How to improve crawl budget: Total crawl requests report

Total download size

Every kind of download on your website, such as files and resources check by crawling bots.

How to improve crawl budget: Total download size report

Average response time

It is the average response time for all resources fetched from your site during the specified period. Lessing this time is better for your website and is a sign of good crawling speed.

 That said, under 100ms is excellent, between 100ms~200ms is good, and 200ms~1 second is acceptable but should be improved. The above 1 second is too late and must work on the fundamentals of your website.

How to improve crawl budget: Average response time report

Crawl request breakdown

Crawl request breakdown provides an overview of the HTTP response codes that Google bot has faced during crawling your website. It consists of below categories:

By response:

This category shows errors Google has encountered during crawling. It is a good opportunity to fix these errors. When Google encounters these errors it means your users also experience the same errors. 

 These errors will affect on crawling budget and bounce rate. They are different error codes such as 404 Not Found, 500 Internal Server Error, 502 Bad Gateway 504 Gateway Timeout, and so on.

In the below report, 87% of crawling is ok, and the rest consists of some errors.

How to improve crawl budget: Crawl request breakdown report By response

By file type:

This part of the report shows the percentage of the crawl budget on different files such as javascript, image video, HTML, video, and so on. Here you can determine how frequently and to what extent Google is requesting various files.

By purpose:

This part of the report shows the percentage of newly discovered and refreshed content. The discovery means those URLs didn’t crawl by Google before, and refresh refers to pages previously crawled and now recrawl again for the purpose of updating the information in Google’s search index.

Website owners often see a higher percentage of refreshed URLs than discovered URLs. Except when they launch a new site, migrate one site with another, upload a new sitemap, or add a lot of new content.

By Google bot Type:

Google bot is a web crawler used by Google to gather information. Google bots are of different types. Some of them are for desktop or mobile, and there are special types for images, videos, and so on.

A crawl stats report is a good opportunity to see how your your website is crawling from Google’s point of view. This report can help to solve some problems and optimize your website even if you don’t have technical skills.

How to improve crawl budget?

 Crawling doesn’t mean ranking, and how much your website crawls better doesn’t mean your website ranks better as well. But it isn’t a good reason to postpone solving the crawling problems of your website.

The following, are some crawl budget optimization tips need to consider while you’re trying to enhance your crawling budget.

Improve internal links

Internal links are like a chain to connect different pages of your website. If internal links don’t work well or even if there is a shortage of internal links on your website, the crawling act doesn’t go well.

Fix broken links

Broken links are harmful because they inhibit Google from recognizing the structure of your website. They act like obstacles for crawling your pages.

Unnecessary redirects and broken links are killers of your crawling budget.
This links frustrate visitors, affect the navigation of your website, and damage the traffic. So, it’s an obligation to find and fix them.

Reduce page crawl depth

As said before, some factors determine how much-crawling budget a search engine defines for every website. Demand crawl and rate limit control crawling budget. So, now you should help to boost the crawling budget.

Reducing page depth is one of the factors which it can save the crawling budget for your website to some extent.

Page crawl depth is the distance between a specific page and the home page. In other words, page crawl depth tells the number of clicks you need to reach from the home page to another page. If a page needs just one click, that page is on level 2. If it needs two clicks, it’s on level 3. The home page is above all pages and always on level 1.

Keep fresh

Google loves being up-to-date because users also search for up-to-date content. It’s one of the factors that Google considers when allocating a crawl budget to a specific website.

You can create this freshness in various ways. The most noticeable way is creating new content. Also, you can update your old content; When you write fresh content, make sure to connect it with old articles through internal links.

Always stay updated in your industry and be careful about trends. If you become updated and create content for trends quickly, it’s easier to rank for content that’s not covered by thousands of competitors.

Try to create an editorial calendar for your website. It helps to create a content schedule for consistency and freshness. This calendar includes every type of update, from brainstorming ideas to creating new content and adding notes to old content.

Improve your site speed

Another way to increase your crawling budget is site speed optimization. If your website has high speed, crawling budget crawl them faster. So, they can crawl many pages in a specific period.

One of the important factors in site speed is hosting. Check your host constantly, and if there is a problem you can move to a better host.

Optimizing images is another way to improve site speed. There are plenty of tools, both free and premium, you can use to optimize image size. Just be noted always to use the right format for photos.

There are several image formats but all of them don’t supported by browsers. The most popular image formats are JPEG, GIF, and PNG.

The plugin can also affect your site speed. If you have some unnecessary plugins on your website, it’s time to remove them.

Update your site’s XML sitemap

Unavailable and redirect pages on your sitemap can be an obstacle to crawling your website. Google uses XML sitemap as a reference for crawling. So, every URL in your sitemap should have high quality. To check your sitemap you can use the Google search console.

Avoid duplicate content

Although there is no report of duplicate content penalty from Google, there are many reasons that show duplicate content hurts your SEO including crawling budget.

Duplicate content confuses Google as that which one of these identical pages should be ranked. So, Google prefers to save resources instead of wasting the crawl budget on duplicate content.

There are plenty of duplicate content checker tools. If your site is small you can check it manually. Anyway, while you are working on the crawling budget, take into your consideration fixing duplicate content.


Factors that affect on crawling budget are those always told in SEO. It means the crawling budget isn’t a separate part to check in isolation. When we talk about crawling budget it includes many factors such as internal links, broken links, site speed, etc.

If always you are careful about these factors, a crawl budget won’t be a problem. In other words, a good SEO on your website can guarantee your crawl budget in many ways.

But sometimes you need to examine it in the Google search console, especially when you think technical problems might take place hiddenly.


What is crawl budget and why is it important for SEO?

Crawl budget refers to the number of pages on your website that search engine bots crawl within a given time. In other words, it’s the amount of resources that search engines allocate to your site for crawling.

The importance of the crawl budget lies in the fact that search engines have limited resources, and they need to prioritize which pages to crawl first. If your site has a large number of pages or if your site is slow to load, search engines may not be able to crawl all of your pages in a timely manner. This can result in some of your pages not being indexed or ranked as well as they could be.

How can I determine my website's current crawl budget?

To determine your website’s current crawl budget, you can use various tools such as Google Search Console or third-party crawlers like ahrefs.

How to improve my website's crawling budget?

To improve your crawling budget regularly check your site speed, broken links, 404 errors, thin content, low-quality pages, and duplicate content.

How long does it take to see improvements in crawl budget after implementing changes?

The size and complexity of your website can impact the time it takes to see improvements in the crawl budget. If your site is large and has many pages, it may take longer for search engines to recrawl all of your content.

B2C marketing strategies: A complete guide

B2C marketing strategies

B2C Marketing Strategies: A Complete Guide

B2C marketing is an experience that many of us have every day.
It’s a process of selling a product or a service to individuals.
If you have selling experience, even once, you know it’s not simple as it seems. There are many B2C marketing strategies behind it.

Good knowledge can guarantee your success in B2C marketing to some extent. Having a clear understanding of your target audience and their needs, being aware of the competition, being knowledgeable about B2C marketing strategies, prioritizing customer service, and so on.

In this article, I discuss B2C marketing strategies, definition, and channels, and more.

What is B2C marketing?

B2C marketing refers to the process of promoting and selling products or services directly to individuals. The definition is simple. But we live in a complicated century, and things aren’t as simple as they appear, especially in business.

Yeah, I agree it was more simple when people sold products or services in the 19th.

But now consumers are more knowledgeable. Due to the fast growth of the internet and online businesses, buyers have many choices. If buyers decide to buy a watch, they can choose it from their local market, online shops, or big marketplaces like eBay or Amazon.

Well, it is complex.
How do we take chances in this competition?

The good news is knowing strategies and using the correct channels can make a difference between you and your competitors.
So, now let’s dive more into the discussion.

B2C Marketing vs. B2B Marketing

B2C marketing and B2B marketing are two different approaches to get customers. B2C marketing focuses on selling products or services directly to individual consumers, while B2B marketing targets businesses as potential clients.

One of the main differences between B2B and B2C marketing is the way they communicate with their target audience. B2C marketing typically uses emotional appeals and creative advertising to capture the attention of consumers. In contrast, B2B marketing relies more on facts, data, and logical arguments to persuade businesses to buy their products or services.

Another key difference is the sales cycle. B2C transactions are usually quick and straightforward, while B2B sales can take weeks or even months to complete. Because B2B purchases often involve multiple decision-makers, complex negotiations, and customized solutions tailored to the specific needs of each business.

In terms of channels, B2C marketing tends to focus on mass media such as television, radio, and social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. B2B marketing, on the other hand, may use more targeted channels such as industry events, trade shows, and professional networking sites like LinkedIn.

Although B2C and B2B marketing have significant differences, both require a deep understanding of the target audience and effective communication strategies. However, the marketing tactics used in each approach can vary significantly depending on the nature of the product or service, the target market, and the overall business goals.

B2C marketing strategies: B2C Marketing vs. B2B Marketing

B2C marketing strategies

When it comes to discussing B2C marketing strategies, all are about providing your products or services to customers and converting them into loyal buyers. B2C marketing strategies can significantly grow up your business if they become an inseparable part of your business.

In the following, I’ll discuss B2C marketing strategies that are used widely nowadays.

Connect with your buyers

As a B2C marketer, it’s crucial to connect with your prospects on a personal level. Consumers are bombarded with advertisements every day, and they’re more likely to engage with brands that make them feel seen and understood. Here are tips for building those personal connections:

  • Know your audience. Take the time to research your target demographic and understand their needs, desires, and pain points. Use this information to customize your messaging and approach.
  • Use storytelling. People connect with stories, so use them to humanize your brand and create emotional connections with your prospects. Share customer true success stories about how your product has helped people in similar situations.
  • Be authentic. Consumers can understand insincerity more than you think. Don’t try to be something you’re not or pretend to care about issues that don’t align with your brand values. Instead, focus on being genuine and transparent in all your interactions.
  • Engage on social media. Social media is an excellent tool for connecting with consumers. You can reply to comments and directly get feedback from your audience.
  • Personalize your communications. Use data and technology to personalize your marketing messages and offers based on individual preferences and behaviors. This shows that you value each buyer as an individual and not just as a customer.

By following these tips, you can build strong personal connections with your prospects and increase the likelihood of converting them into loyal customers. Remember, people buy from brands they trust and feel connected to, so prioritize building those relationships in your B2C marketing efforts.

Use content marketing

Content marketing is an effective way to reach and engage with consumers in the B2C space. By creating valuable and relevant content, businesses can establish themselves as thought leaders and build trust with their target audience.

As a marketer, you must align with the buyer’s journey. And what can do better than content marketing?

One of the key benefits of content marketing in B2C marketing is its ability to attract and retain customers. By providing helpful information or entertainment through blog posts, videos, social media, and other channels, businesses can capture the attention of potential customers and keep them coming back for more.

Another advantage of content marketing is its flexibility. Businesses can adapt their content to different stages of the buyer’s journey, from awareness or consideration to purchase. For example, a clothing retailer might create blog posts about fashion trends to attract new customers, while producing product reviews and styling tips to help shoppers make informed purchasing decisions.


Use Social Media

Social media is an incredibly powerful tool for B2C marketing. With the majority of consumers using social media platforms daily, it provides businesses with a direct line of communication with their target audience.

One of the biggest advantages of using social media in B2C marketing is the ability to build brand awareness. By consistently posting engaging content and interacting with followers, businesses can increase their visibility and establish themselves as a trusted authority in their industry.

B2C marketing strategies:Use Social Media

Other benefit is the ability to target specific demographics. Social media platforms allows businesses to reach their customers based on factors such as age, location, interests, and more. This ensures that marketing efforts are being directed toward those who are most likely to convert into customers.

Also, social media provides valuable data and insights that can be used to improve B2C marketing strategies. Analytics tools allow businesses to track engagement, and provide valuable information about what works and what doesn’t.

Using feedback and testimonials

If you know other people have good experience with a product or service that you are going to purchase, you’ll encourage to trust that product or service more. Right?

 So, feedback and testimonials are good B2C marketing strategies that create a confident atmosphere for buyers. Customers are more likely to trust the opinions of their peers than they are to trust advertising messages from companies.

One way to use feedbacks and testimonials is to feature them prominently on your website or social media channels. This allows potential customers to see what others have said about your products or services, which can help build trust and credibility.

B2C marketing strategies:Using feedback and testimonials

It’s also important to actively seek out feedback from customers and use it to improve your offerings. This not only helps you provide better products and services, but it also shows customers that you value their opinions and are committed to providing the best possible experience.


Add a free offer with every purchase

You should attempt to provide the best possible experience for your customers. One way to do this is by adding a free offer with every purchase. This not only adds value to the customer’s purchase, also helps to build brand loyalty.

Free offers can come in many forms such as a complimentary product, service, or discount on their next purchase. It is important to choose an offer that aligns with your brand and appeals to your target audience. ases.

For example, if you sell beauty products, offering a free sample of a new skincare product would be a great way to introduce customers to your brand and encourage them to make future purchases.

B2C marketing strategies:Add a free offer with every purchase

When use free offer strategy, it is important to communicate the offer clearly to customers. This can be done through email marketing, social media posts, or even on the packaging of the purchased product.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

If you want online visibility through websites in B2C marketing, you can’t overlook SEO basics. It is crucial to align your content with what potential customers are searching for and provide them with the most relevant information.

To achieve this, keyword research is essential. By analyzing search queries related to your product or service, you can gain insights into what people are looking for and tailor your content accordingly.

Another important aspect of SEO is creating user-friendly content. Your website should be easy to navigate, and the information provided should be clear and concise. This will help users find what they are looking for quickly and efficiently.

And also, don’t forget about the power of local SEO. If you have a physical location, optimizing your website for local search queries can help attract nearby customers who are more likely to convert.

B2C marketing strategies:Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Create a Membership Program

I highly recommend creating membership programs to increase customer loyalty and retention. Membership programs offer exclusive benefits and rewards to customers who sign up for the program, such as discounts, free shipping, early access to sales, and personalized recommendations.

These programs not only encourage customers to make repeat purchases but also create a sense of community and belonging among members.

To create a successful membership program, it’s important to identify your target audience and their needs. Consider what benefits would be most valuable to them and how you can differentiate your program from competitors.

Personalization is key in making members feel valued and appreciated, so consider offering customized experiences based on their preferences and purchase history.

Another important aspect of membership programs is communication. Keep members engaged with regular updates on new products, promotions, and exclusive offers.

Use email marketing, social media, and other channels to communicate with members and encourage them to stay active in the program.

B2C marketing strategies

What are B2C marketing channels?

B2C marketing channels refer to the various methods and platforms that businesses use to promote their products or services directly to consumers.

Some of the most common B2C marketing channels include social media advertising, email marketing, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising,blog posts, and influencer marketing.

 Each channel has its unique advantages and disadvantages, and it’s up to you to determine which ones will be most effective for your specific business goals and target audience.

Social media advertising

Social media advertising is an excellent way to reach a large number of people quickly and efficiently. By creating targeted ads on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, you can ensure that your message is seen by the right people at the right time.

Email marketing

Email marketing is another powerful channel. By building a list of subscribers who are interested in your products or services, you can send regular newsletters, promotional offers, and other updates to remain at the top of the mind of your customers.

PPC advertising

PPC advertising has proven to be effective in reaching and engaging with the target audience. This form of online advertising allows businesses to display their ads prominently on search engine results pages and other relevant websites. 

Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is another channel for promoting products in B2C marketing. By working with influencers who align with your brand values and target audience, you can tap into their existing audience and gain exposure to new potential customers.

Blog posts

By publishing blog posts, videos, infographics, and other types of content, you can establish yourselves as thought leaders in your niche and build trust with potential customers.

Buyer's Journey

To plan marketing strategies, you should know the way a buyer pass.
Buyer’s journey in B2C marketing refers to the process that a potential customer goes through before making a purchase. It includes three stages: awareness, consideration, and decision.

Awareness stage

During the awareness stage, the customers become aware of a problem or need. They may begin researching solutions to this problem, but they are not yet committed to making a purchase. At this stage, businesses need to provide educational content that helps the customer understand their problem and potential solutions.

Consideration stage

In the consideration stage, the customer has identified potential solutions and is evaluating them. They may compare different products or services, read reviews, and seek out additional information. Businesses should focus on providing detailed information about their offerings and addressing any concerns or objections that the customer may have.

Decision making stage

Finally, during the decision making stage, the customer decides whether or not to make a purchase. This is often the most critical stage, as customers may be weighing multiple options and considering factors such as price, quality, and convenience. Businesses should make it easy for customers to complete the purchase process and provide excellent customer service to ensure satisfaction.

Understanding buyer’s journey is crucial for effective B2C marketing. By creating targeted content businesses can increase their chances of converting potential customers into loyal buyers.

How to align B2C marketing strategies with the buyer's journey?

Any good marketing strategy should use at the right time and place. You must know where the buyer in the journey is and use the right strategies accordingly. Otherwise, the best efforts will be useless.

You can create blog posts, social media content, and videos that educate your audience about their problems and how your product or service can solve them.

In the consideration stage, the buyer starts to evaluate different solutions to their problem. At this point, you can use email marketing to nurture leads with targeted messages that highlight the benefits of your product or service. You can also offer free trials, demos, or consultations to help them make an informed decision.

And in the decision making stage, the buyer makes a purchase decision. Here, you can use retargeting ads to remind them of your product or service and encourage them to take action. You can also use customer testimonials and reviews to build trust and credibility.

To effectively align your B2C marketing strategies with the buyer’s journey, you need to have a deep understanding of your target audience. By doing so, you can send your marketing messages and tactics to meet their specific needs at each stage of the journey.


What is B2C marketing?

B2C (business-to-customer) marketing refers to the process of promoting and selling products or services directly to individuals.


How does B2C marketing differ from B2B marketing?

One of the main differences between these two types of marketing is the way they communicate with their target audience. While B2C marketing focus on individuals as target buyers, B2B marketing focus on businesses as the target buyer.

 Another difference is sales cycle. B2C transactions are usually quick, while B2B sales can take longer time complete.
In terms of channels, B2C marketing tends to focus on mass media such as television, radio, and social media platforms while B2B use channels like event and exhibitions.

What are some common B2C marketing strategies?

Content marketing, using feedback and testimonials, free offer with every purchase, membership program, and SEO are some common strategies current in B2C marketing.

How do companies measure the success of their B2C marketing campaigns?

Measuring the success of B2C marketing campaigns requires a comprehensive approach that takes into account both quantitative and qualitative data.

By regularly tracking and analyzing metrics like conversion rate, customer acquisition cost (CAC), return on investment (ROI), and monitoring engagement metrics such as click-through rates, and social media engagement you can make data-driven decisions.

How does technology impact on B2C marketing?

One of the most significant impacts of technology on B2C marketing has been the ability to collect and analyze data. Big data has become a crucial tool for marketers, allowing them to gain insights into customer behaviour and preferences that were previously impossible to obtain.

Another key development in recent years has been the emergence of social media as a major marketing channel. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have given businesses new ways to reach consumers and engage with them directly.

By regularly assessing keyword rankings, organic traffic, and user engagement metrics, you can informed about success of your SEO keywords and accordingly optimize your content and improve your overall search visibility.

8 Best SERP Tracking Tools to Improve Your Rankings

8 Best SERP Tracking Tools

8 Best SERP Tracking Software Tools to Improve Your Rankings

Analyzing and improvement are two inseparable parts of every success. And improving your online visibility can’t happen without knowing what and how to improve the shortcomings.

So, a SERP tracking software helps you to understand where your website is on search engines and how to make strategies to improve it.

In this article, I introduce the best SERP tracking tools that report the most accurate data to optimize your website.

First, let’s take a glance at what a SERP tracker tool does for you.

What is a SERP tracking software?

A SERP tracking software is a powerful software that allows you to monitor and analyze the performance of your website in search engine results pages (SERPs).

It provides valuable insights into how your website ranks for specific keywords and helps you understand your online visibility.

With SERP tracking software, you can easily track the position of your website in search results for various keywords over time.

This helps you to identify trends, measure progress, and make data-driven decisions to improve your website’s SEO basics.

Also, SERP tracking software provides accurate and up-to-date information about keyword rankings. It retrieves real-time data from search engines and displays it in an organized manner, and allows you to see where your website stands compared to competitors.

In summary, a SERP tracking tool is essential for anyone looking to optimize their website’s performance in search engine results.

What are the best SERP tracking software tools?


Analyze competitors profile and make comparisons between multiple domains side by side.

Best for Competitors Tracking


Get reports & email alerts to let you see the keyword rankings, all metrics, and their progress in time.

Best for Keyword Tracking


Gain a better understanding of which SERP features drive traffic to your site and then evaluate your next move.

Best Overall

Now let’s dive into the discussion and talk about the reasons that standout these SERP tracking tools among competitors.


Best SERP Tracking Tools: semrush home page

Semrush is one of the most powerful SEO tools that support every aspect of SEO.

In SERP tracking Semrush is outstanding and give you the most accurate and up-to-date reports, and enables you to make data-driven decision for improving your website optimization.

Notable Features

Position tracking is one of Semrush’s SERP tracking tools. Some reports of position tracking tool is the same as below:

Rankings distribution: By using this report you can compare your rankings with the top 3, 10, 20, and 100th competitors in Google’s organic search results.

Tag report: This report enables you to segment thousands of search terms.

Best SERP Tracking Tools: semrush features tag report

Landing pages report: This report identifies the landing pages of your competitors and shows the metrics of high-ranking keywords.

Featured snippets report: Snippets are a good opportunity for showing online visibility and Semrush help to discover this chance to appear at the top of SERP. After setting up a project the tool checks the keywords to help your page appear as a featured snippet.

Best SERP Tracking Tools: semrush Featured snippets report

Semrush Rank tool is another software designed by Semrush to find domains that are acquiring the most traffic from organic searches. With this tool, you can identify the performance of different websites and their keywords.

Also, Semrush Rank tool provides data about the estimated budget for advertising every business, the keywords they cover, and how the website of that business works in different locations.

Semrush Sensor tool helps to identify technical issues at the right time. These issues or updating algorithms can affect the performance of your website, and you can’t find out until the position of your website declines.

Best SERP Tracking Tools: Semrush Sensor tool


Best SERP Tracking Tools :semrush pricing

Semrush is more expensive than other competitors, but the features, accuracy, and support are of high quality.
Also, Semrush provides a free plan with a limited feature that doesn’t need to credit card.

Final Thought

Semrush is an all-in-one tool that covers all aspects of SEO. This platform is one of the best SERP tracking tools with accurate and up-to-date tracking reports. Semrush has powerful tracking tools that help to improve your ranking.

If Semrush meets your requirement and your budget, so don’t hesitate to use this professional platform.


Best SERP Tracking Tools software : Mangools home page

Mangools is one of the great rank-tracking tools among competitors.

The SERP tracking software offers an impressive range of rank-tracking features that are essential for monitoring and analyzing website performance.

Mangools consist of five tools. SERPWatcher and SERPChecker are those that track the SERP.

Notable Features

SERPChecker tool provides accurate and up-to-date keyword rankings. This feature allows you to track the performance of specific keywords in real time, and make data-driven decisions for your SEO strategies.

By knowing where your website ranks for certain keywords, you can optimize your content and improve your overall visibility in search engine results.

Best SERP Tracking Tools software : Mangools features- keyword ranking

Competition analysis is another feature. SERPtracker helps to assess the strength and weaknesses of my competitors’ websites. By analyzing their backlink profiles, domain authority, and other key metrics, you have the opportunity to outrank competitors.

The daily ranking updates provided by Mangools’ SERPWatcher is another feature that sets it apart from other rank tracking tools. With daily updates, you can closely monitor any fluctuations in keyword rankings and quickly identify any potential issues or opportunities.

Best SERP Tracking Tools software : mangools features- daily ranking

 Furthermore, the SERPChecker tool provides in-depth SERP analysis, allowing you to understand the composition of search engine results pages for specific keywords.

This information helps you to tailor your content to meet user intent and increase click-through rates.

It also helps to uncover featured snippets, knowledge graphs, and other rich results that may impact your website’s visibility.


Best SERP Tracking Tools software : mangools pricing

Mangool offers 4 plans with affordable pricing for any type of business. This platform tailored the plans to your needs and budget.

Also, Mangools supports a free plan with limited features, and it doesn’t require a credit card.

Final Thought

Mangools is a powerful SERP tracking software that simplifies the process of tracking keyword rankings, monitoring competitors, and gaining valuable insights into SEO performance.

Its user-friendly interface, comprehensive reports, and real-time updates make it an SEO asset for any digital marketer or business.

3-SE Ranking

Best SERP Tracking Tools software : SE Ranking Home page

SE Ranking offers a wide range of powerful features that enable users to effectively manage and optimize their search engine rankings.

With its comprehensive suite of tools, you can easily track keyword positions, analyze competitors, conduct website audits, and monitor backlinks.

The platform is a user-friendly interface and works as an efficient tool for your SEO needs.

Notable Features

One of the standout features of SE Ranking is its ability to provide accurate and up-to-date keyword position tracking. You can monitor the performance of your targeted keywords across different search engines and locations.

Best SERP Tracking Tools :SE Ranking keyword position tracking

This feature enables you to identify areas where improvements are needed and make necessary adjustments to enhance your website’s visibility in search results.

Competitor analysis is another crucial aspect of SERP tracking, and SE Ranking is an expert in this area. It provides valuable insights into the strategies and tactics that your competitors use.

Best SERP Tracking Tools :SE Ranking Competitor analysis

Monitoring backlinks is essential for maintaining a healthy link profile, and SE Ranking simplifies this process. It provides detailed reports on backlink quality, anchor text distribution, and referring domains.

In addition to these key features, this SERP tracking software also offers a range of supplementary tools such as keyword suggestions, on-page SEO checkers, and social media management.

 These tools further enhance your ability to optimize your website’s performance and drive organic traffic.


SE Ranking includes 3 plans with affordable prices.
Each plan supports a 14-day free trial and no credit card is required for using the free trial.

Best SERP Tracking Tools :SE Ranking pricing

Final Thought

SE Ranking provides a comprehensive set of features that empower you to effectively manage and improve your search engine rankings.

Its accurate keyword tracking, competitor analysis, website audit, and backlink monitoring capabilities are invaluable for any SEO professional or business looking to enhance its online presence.


Best SERP Tracking Software :Nightwatch home page

Nightwatch is one of the best SERP tracking tools that mainly focused on tracking the search engine result pages.

Nightwatch offers an extensive range of features, and it has the highest-rank tracking accuracy in the market. Its user interface is highly intuitive and the smart utilization of diagrams and graphs makes it simple to monitor the progress of your SEO efforts.

Notable Features

Competitor Analysis: Nightwatch offers comprehensive competitor analysis program. The tool provides detailed reports on competitor rankings, allowing you to benchmark against them and adjust your approach accordingly.

Customizable Reporting: This tool offers a customizable reporting system. These reports include key metrics such as visibility, average position, and search volume, providing a clear overview of the effectiveness of your SEO efforts.

Advanced Filtering: Nightwatch’s SERP tracking tool offers advanced filtering options. You can segment data based on different parameters, such as location, device type, or search engine.

This SERP tracking software enables you to target specific audiences more effectively. This level of granularity allows you to refine your strategies and maximize the impact of your SEO campaigns.

Local Rank Tracking: Through Nightwatch’s local rank tracking you can track your keywords in 107,296 locations worldwide, across the search engine results page and map pack.

Integration: This SERP tracking software provides integration with other popular SEO tools and platforms such as Google Analytics, and Google Search Console and it helps to gain invaluable data about your website.

 Nightwatch’s SERP tracking tool provides accurate and up-to-date data on keyword rankings. With real-time monitoring, you can effortlessly track the performance of specific keywords across various search engines, including Google, Bing, YouTube, and more.

This feature allows you to identify trends, measure progress, and improve your SEO strategies.


Nightwatch has a flexible pricing plan. Based on the quantity of the keywords (+ other features) you want to track, you can choose your plan. It starts at $32/month.

Best SERP Tracking Software :Nightwatch pricing

Also, Nightwatch offers a 14-day free trial to examine the effectiveness of the tool.

Final Thought

Nightwatch has a wide range of feature that helps businesses of every size. You can rely on this SERP tracking tool to monitor and analyze search engine ranking positions. This exceptional tool enables you to stay ahead of the competition and optimize your online presence.


Best SERP Tracking Tools: Sitechecker home page

Sitechecker has established in 2016. This platform through innovation, accuracy, and customer satisfaction has earned a reputation for excellence.

Notable Features

Keywords Tracking– With Sitechecker’s rank tracker tool, you can track website positions by keywords. The tool gives weekly reports for potential keywords.

Best SERP Tracking Tools: Sitechecker Keywords Tracking

Filtering Keywords in Multiple Conditions: With rank tracker tool, you can filter keywords in multiple conditions to find the right keywords faster. You are able to filter keywords by search volume, landing pages, groups, position, and text.

Best SERP Tracking Tools: Sitechecker Filtering Keywords

Site monitoring: Sitechecker’s monitoring feature helps to reduce the risk of losing traffic.
For instance, you never know the changes happen in your website through plugins or hacking until you track code changes. Sitechecker does it for you.

Or when you make changes to your website such as modifying the title tag, description, or content, subsequently some changes may happen. Sitechecker measures these changes for you.

Sitechecker’s rank tracking tool launches SERP analysis for any keyword. It helps to compare your ranked pages’ performance in relation to competitors’ pages.


Sitechecker pricing is affordable in comparison to competitors.
A 14-day free trial without the need for a credit card is a good opportunity to examine the effectiveness of the tool before purchasing.

Best SERP Tracking Tools: Sitechecker pricing

Final Thought

Sitechecker is a user-friendly interface SERP tracking software. The intuitive interface makes it simple to navigate through the tool’s features and access the information you need. Not only you can track SERP, also other aspects of SEO can be optimized through this tool.


Best SERP Tracking Tools: Ahrefs home page

Ahrefs tool is a comprehensive and powerful SEO software that provides valuable insights and data to help you to improve your online presence.

This platform has professional performance in rank tracking with effective reports for rank improvement.

Notable Features

Ahref’s rank tracker tool provides a comprehensive range of features that are essential for monitoring and improving website rankings.

By using the rank tracker tool you observe your website ranks for 13 features. If your website has more SERP features such as snippets, top stories, or people also ask questions ranking will be easier.

Ahref's Rank Tracker tool

For example in this graph, those 13 features are noted in the right hand in grey and blue colors. Grey are features your website doesn’t own while blue parts are those features your website owns.

Ahrefs’ rank tracking tool shows how your competitors doing by ranking progress, SERP features, and search traffic reports.

Best SERP Tracking Tools: Ahref's

By using Ahrefs’ rank tracking tool you can track your rankings on Google on different devices (desktop and mobile) in different countries.

Just import a list of keywords, specify multiple countries per keyword, and provide your competitors’ URLs. Accordingly, the tool tracks the data and sends regular updates to you.

Best SERP Tracking software: Ahref's


Ahrefs is pricy in comparison to competitors but it owns essential features.
It starts at €89/ mo and ends at €899/mo for Enterprise plan. This platform doesn’t support a free trial, but some free tools are available.

Best SERP Tracking Tools: ahrefs pricing

Final Thought

Ahrefs Rank Tracker tool is an indispensable tool for anyone looking to enhance SEO efforts. Its accurate ranking data, advanced filtering options, and competitor analysis capabilities make it a must-have resource for optimizing website visibility and driving organic traffic.


Best SERP Tracking Tools: Serpstat home page

As an SEO comprehensive management platform, Serpstat is a smart and powerful tool for backlinks analysis, keyword research, rank tracking, competitor analysis, and site audit.

Notable Features

Competitor analysis tool capabilities are one of the most accurate Serpstat’s rank-tracking tools. The tool provides detailed insights into competitor keywords, backlinks, PPC, and traffic sources that enables you to refine your tactics and gain a competitive edge.

 By using competitors analysis tools find out common and missing keywords of competitors. And also, you can make a detailed domain comparison to find a ranking gap.

Best SERP Tracking Tools: Serpstat competitors analysis

This feature provides hidden keyword opportunities based on competitors’ keywords. Also by checking the ads of your competitors, you can speed up your PPC campaign.

Keyword Rank Checker tool is another tool designed by Serpstat to track website keywords on mobile and desktop with daily reports.

Best SERP Tracking Tools: Serpstat Keyword Rank Checker tool

Link Intersect is another tool by Serpstat to check competitors’ backlinks. With this SERP tracking software, you can compare domains and get deep insight into your competitors backlinks.

Serpstat -Link Intersect tool

Keywords and domain batch analysis is another powerful tool designed by Serpstat for analyzing competitors.

Keyword Batch analysis contains a wide range of metrics including, 9 SEO metrics for keywords, 9 indicators for link research, and 5 databases to evaluate simultaneously.

Domain batch analysis includes 18 metrics such as visibility, traffic, keywords, internal and external links, and more for analyzing every domain.

Best SERP Tracking Tools: Serpstat -Domain batch analysis


Serpstat pricing starts at $50 and offers a wide range of features in addition to SERP tracking.
Serpstat includes a 7-day free trial and a credit card isn’t required.

Best SERP Tracking software: Serpstat pricing

Final Thought

Serpstat is great in SERP analysis. Tracking geo locations, daily keyword rankings reports, and monitoring competitors’ keywords are some parts of this SERP tracking software. By using this tracking tool the hide aspects of your competitors will be revealed to you.


Best SERP Tracking software: AccuRanker home page

Accuranker has established in 2013. The main focus of this platform is on SERP tracking.

Accuranker as a SERP rank tracking & analytics platform is perfect for SEO agencies and enterprises.

Notable Features

Competitor Analysis: AccuRanker allows you to track your competitors’ performance effortlessly. This tool tracks both known and unknown competitors.

It means in addition to the domains you input as a competitor to track, the tool also identifies sites that frequently appear in the SERPs. These sites appear in the overview tab as Dynamic Competitors.

Best SERP Tracking software: AccuRanker Competitor Analysis

SERP Feature Analysis: SERP features are effective in ranking. Accuranker reports the opportunity to rank for SERP features and also reports when you rank for these features.

Keyword Tracking : Accuranker refresh keywords ranking on demand. It means keyword ranking is not just daily. In addition to daily automatic refreshes, you can demand the data whenever needed.

Keyword tracking is very detailed in Accuranking. To track your local rankings you can specify the name of the city or even a specific address to your keyword settings.

Best SERP Tracking software: AccuRanker Keyword Tracking

Tracking rankings for mobile and desktop: Accuranker allows you to track keyword rankings for both mobile and desktop. Just you need to import the keywords you want to track and check the result.

Best SERP Tracking software: AccuRanker Tracking Keyword for mobile and desktop

Tracking competitors’ rankings: Accuranker provides a list of keywords for the top 10 competitors, and it is possible to add 10 additional competitors by yourself to compare your website with theirs.

Best SERP Tracking software: AccuRanker Tracking competitors' rankings

Rank tracking of landing pages: With Accuranker you can track your landing pages. It gives data about the number of keywords, search volume, and SERP features.

Best SERP Tracking software: AccuRanker- Track rankings of landing pages


Pricing in Accuranker is flexible. You can select your plan according to the number of keywords you want to track. It starts at $116 for tracking 1000 keywords per month.

This SERP tracking software offers a 14-day free trial, and it doesn’t need a credit card.

Best SERP Tracking software: AccuRanker pricing

Although pricing is according to the number of keywords you track, it includes the below features too.

Best SERP Tracking software: AccuRanker features

Final Thought

AccuRanker provides a comprehensive suite of features to optimize your website effectively. This tool is precise and reliable. Accuranker is a must-have tool if you want to grab the opportunity of rankings from your competitors and grow your organic traffic.


Choosing the best SERP tracking tool depends on individual needs and preferences. However, based on my evaluation, the nominated tools in this article are powerful due to their exceptional features, ease of use, and reliable customer support.

Whether you are an individual website owner, a digital marketing agency, or an SEO professional, these tools can significantly enhance your SERP tracking efforts and contribute to the overall success of your online presence.


What is a SERP tracking software tool?

A SERP tracking tool is a powerful software that allows you to monitor and analyze the performance of your website in search engine results pages (SERPs).

It provides valuable insights into how your website ranks for specific keywords, competitors analyzing, targeting specific geographic locations, providing historical data, and more.

What is the difference between SEO and SERP?

SERP stands for Search Engine Results Page while SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SERP tracking is a part of comprehensive SEO.

How do I track my SERP ranking?

To track your SERP rankings, you need a SERP tracking tool. There are many free and paid SERP ranking tools such as Semrush, Mangools, Serpstat, and Google Search Console.

How can I improve my SERP?

To improve your SERP (Search Engine Results Page), you need to focus on several key strategies:

  • Search for the right keyword
  • Create high-quality content
  • Get high-quality backlinks
  • Make a user-friendly structure
  • Improve website speed
  • Optimize your website for mobile
  • Analyse your competitors
  • Find keywords gap and grab the chance for ranking
  • Update your content
  • Monitor and analyze data by using a SERP tracking tool

9 Best Content Planning Tools

8 Best Content Planning Tools

9 Best Content Planning Tools

Success in every field needs persistence. You can’t go fast sometimes and then stop for a while. You should do the right task at the right time.

Creating content marketing, whether for a website or social media, has the same story. If you manage B2B or B2C marketing, you should know how and when to produce and publish your content.

A content planning tool does it for you. This software plans your content, organizes it and schedules publishing time.

In this article, I’ll introduce the best content planning tools to grow your business.

First, let’s take a glance at the definition and features of a content planning tool.


Create a content calendar for your blog to get stay organized, plan ahead, and be consistent with your posting schedule.

Best for Blog Posts


Enhance your social media strategy with this calendar tool that enables planning, scheduling, and publishing – all from one place.

Best for Social Media


Create and manage video content, generate leads, host webinars, and measure video performance—all in one place.

Best for Video Content

What are the benefits of a content planning tool?

  • Manages and organizes content campaigns in a centralized platform
  • Facilitates team collaboration and communication
  • Analyses and tracks content campaign performance
  • Maintains consistency and brand alignment
  • Schedules publishing date and sends notifications
  • Makes organized and meets content campaign deadlines
  • Streamlines workflows and eliminates the need for manual entry

How does a content planning tool work?

If you aren’t familiar with content planning tool, maybe you wonder how it works.

The first step in using a content planner tool is creating a content plan. This involves identifying the topics you want to cover, the target audience, and the goals for each piece of content. Once you provide this information, you can start creating a schedule.

Scheduling involves selecting the date and time for publication, as well as any other relevant details such as keywords, tags, and images. Then, content planning tool will automatically publish the content at the time. It helps to the consistency of your work. Consistency is an SEO basic and helps website owners.

Meanwhile, you can collaborate with your team through the content calendar tool and enjoy automation.

One of the key benefits of using a content planning tool is that it allows you to see all of your content in one place. This makes it easy to identify gaps in your content plan and ensure that you’re covering all topics that are important to your audience.

Now, let’s introduce some of the great content planning tools to know more about this helpful platform.

What are the best content planning tools?

Best content planning tools


Best content planning tools: Monday.Com home page

Monday.com is a low-code and cloud-based framework. It includes blocks that permit users to assign tasks, screen status, put limitations, and review the timelines of the allocated tasks.

You can create different boards and customize them. Also, add columns or as many items as you want, assign any specific task to colleagues, track the status of each task, and more.

Notable Features

Templates: Start your board from scratch or choose one of 200+ pre made templates.

Various view formats: This software provides a feature to see your data in different formats such as charts, calendars, forms, maps, timelines, and more.

What’s the benefit?

Each format can help to see the strengths and weaknesses of every project. So, it helps to improve shortcomings.

Best content planning tools (Editorial calendar tool ): Monday.Com features

Integration: Monday.com has over 40 integrations with other tools. It helps you centralize all your data and access your information in one place.

Customization: This content planning tool has a very customizable dashboard. This great feature helps you to have more control over all of your team from a single place. You can get information from other boards and make it available for your entire team.

Automation: Do you enjoy automation? This platform also supports automation. Simply go to the automation centre and choose the task you want to automate.
Some examples of automation are as below:

  • Task status: Assign tasks to co-workers, change items’ statuses, and send notifications.
  • Recurring: Organize recurring tasks according to dates.
  • Dependencies: Set dependencies between tasks automatically.

Or you can create your own automation based on your needs.

Collaboration: Many customers love Monday.com for its collaboration feature. It allows you to gather your colleagues, and appoint tasks to everybody. Then collaborate, communicate, and measure the advancement of all activities in a single spot.


Monday.com offers four paid plans. It starts at $10 per month. Each paid plan has 14 days free trial.

It also has one free forever plan for individuals with limited features.

Best content planning tools (content planner tool): Monday.Com Pricing


  • Monday.com has powerful automation and collaboration features.
  • Multiple views help to improve shortcomings.
  • It is intuitive and easy to use.
  • It has over 200 templates for project management.


  • Time tracking is only available on the Pro plan.
  • Mobile app needs to improve.

Final Thoughts

Monday.com is a good choice for all businesses of all sizes. It’s a customizable platform with a powerful CRM that efficiently handles projects. If you need a robust content planning tool, don’t hesitate to try this platform.


Monday.com has a free plan which is ideal for individuals.

Yes. You can easily integrate your Monday.com account with your favorite email marketing platforms like Mailchimp and create your email automation.

Yes. By using monday.com automation, you can schedule reminder notifications before your deadlines are approaching.

Monday.com is intuitive and easy to use even for beginners.

Free plan includes:

-Unlimited docs

-200+ templates

-8 column types

-Up to 2 team members

-iOS and Android app

-Up to 3 boards

Monday.com has a sales CRM that helps businesses track customer data and manage the sales cycle with customizable automation.


Best content planning tools: SocialPilot home page

SocialPilot is another content planner app that allows you to manage your content marketing campaign on social media.

Notable Features

Social media scheduling: This content planning tool supports scheduling and publishing on different social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube, TikTok, Pinterest, and more.

Analytics: This platform provides analytics reports. The analytics give a deeper insight into your brand. Through this analytics report you know about content performance, audience, the fans interacting with your posts, and much more.

But SocialPilot does not integrate with external analytics platforms.

Collaboration: You can add multiple team members and assign roles such as admin, manager, and content scheduler to them. Also, you are able to collaborate effectively with clients.

Content Suggestion: It’s the feature that rescues you when you are confused about the idea of the next post. SocialPilot can help you to find new content for posting. With this feature, you never stare at a blank page when you are going to find a new post idea.

Simply enter your keyword into the search box, and the tool selects a list of posts. If those recommended posts are relevant to your audience you can add it to your schedule and work on it.

Managing the content publishing process on social media with SocialPilot is very interesting. The post-review device is so helpful. You can add clients or team members to record their opinions before publishing.

Also, you can download SocialPilot as an app on your Android or iOS device.

This content planner tool has good integration with other platforms including Canva. It will be very helpful if you want to add images or videos to your content.


SocialPilot has four paid plans starting at $30. Each plan has a 14-day free trial. It’s a good opportunity to try the effectiveness of plans and then make a decision to purchase.

Best content planning tools (content planning tool): SocialPilot Pricing

If you choose annual plans, you will get a 15% discount.

Be noted you can switch your plans or downgrade/upgrade your subscription anytime you want.

Also, if you don’t need your account for a certain period of time, you pause it for a while.


  • It has good integration.
  • It’s very easy to use.


  • Customer service is limited and needs to improve.
  • Advanced features aren’t enough for large businesses.

Final Thoughts

If you need a content planning tool to centralize your social media marketing campaigns, SocialPilot is a good choice. It is easy to use, and newbies in social media management can use it without getting confused. Also, it is a good choice for agencies that want to manage multiple clients.


By using the bulk scheduling feature, you can schedule up to 500 posts at once.

Ease of use, bulk scheduling, team collaboration, and customizable scheduling are some benefits of SocialPilot that stand out in comparison to competitors.

Businesses of all sizes including individuals and small companies, growing companies, and agencies use SocialPilot.

No. This platform offers a 14-day free trial for all paid plans.

Instagram, Pinterest, Google My Business, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,Tumblr and TikTok.

Yes. SocialPilot offers an app for Android & iOS.


Best content planning tools: CoSchedule home page

CoSchedule is another content planner platform that allows you to manage various content from a single spot. It includes email campaigns, social media accounts, blog posts, and more.

Notable Features

Integration: Many social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and LinkedIn are integrated with CoSchedule.

This tool has some integrations that may you don’t find in other competitors.
In the case of the blog post, this tool is integrated with WordPress directly. This feature allows you to write your blog posts from CoSchedule app.

It means your blog post in WordPress will show up in your CoSchedule account.

The other integration is for email marketing platforms such as Mailchimp, Active Campaign, and Campaign Monitor.

Headline analyzer: CoSchedule helps to write powerful headlines to drive traffic.

Email subject line tester: Subject is very important in emails. It can cause people open or delete your emails. CoSchedule helps you to write more compelling email subjects that lead to more open rates.

Social message optimizer: This feature helps to write more effective and compelling messages and even get more likes, comments, shares, and clicks.

Idea generator tool: By using AI power, CoSchedule helps to generate titles or idea captions for YouTube, blog posts, Instagram, podcast titles, TikTok captions, and more.

ReQueue: This feature is very interesting and helps your marketing campaign more than you think. With this feature, you publish a post just once, and the tool re-shares it in social media channels again and again at the right time. It drives more traffic for you.


CoSchedule offers three paid plans:

  • Social calendar: $29/mo
  • Content calendar: Call sales.
  • Marketing suite: Call sales.

If you choose CoSchedule annual plans, you will get a 20% discount.

CoSchedule offers a free forever plan with limited features. Also, the Social calendar plan has a free trial. No credit card is required for using this free trial.


  •  It’s very easy to use.
  •  No credit card is required for the free plan.
  • Integrations are helpful.


  • Analytics needs to improve.

Final Thoughts

CoSchedule is a very easy-to-use content planner. It is a drag-and-drop calendar that you can schedule all your projects in the same place and collaborate with colleagues. This platform is a good solution for marketing teams, agencies, and also individuals.


Yes. CoSchedule has a free forever plan with limited features. You can connect 2 social profiles to your free plan.

Yes. CoSchedule has an app for Android or iOS. You can download it from Apple App Store or Google Play Store. When you log in to the app use the email address and password tied to your CoSchedule account.

Yes. You find email subject line tester and headline studio integration in the free plan.

Scoring between 70 and 89 are good headlines. Although you can use a headline analyzer in the free plan, the score isn’t available for you.


Best content planning tools: loomly home page

Loomly is a content planner tool for social media. It has been designed for both individuals and businesses to organize their campaigns on social media.


Notable Features

Integration: This platform is integrated with many social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Youtube, Google Business Profile, and more. You can easily communicate and reply to your audience on social media through this tool.

Loomly offers integrated ad management tools that enable users to create, enhance, and oversee social media ad campaigns

Scheduling: With this platform, you can schedule social media posts in advance, and it shares at the right time for engagement with your audience.

You can automate publishing on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google Business Profile & TikTok. Or schedule your posts manually. It also has a reminder feature that don’t forget to post at the right time.

Loomly is a very user-friendly calendar. You can easily change your scheduled posts or adjust pre-planned social media content.

New idea suggestion: Maybe you don’t have any idea about the next posts you should publish on social media. Loomly helps you to find new topics. It uses information from social media posts, events happening in your environment, and trends. Then, it gives you relevant hashtags.

Analytics: Loomly offers powerful analytics to measure the success of your posts. You can use these analytics to identify which content types and topics are most popular with your audience so that you can plan your future posts accordingly.

Collaboration: With this content planning tool cooperate with your team members or clients. It has a review and approval workflow, and members can record their comments.


Loomly offers five paid plans. It starts at $35/month for 2 users. The tool provides an opportunity to try each of the plans 15 days for free. Then you can upgrade if the features meet your needs.

Best content planning tools: loomly Pricing

No credit card is required for using the free trial. By the way, if you choose annual plans, you will get a 25% discount.

Final Thoughts

Loomly is affordable and easy to use. Although it needs to improve analytics details and reports, this platform is still invaluable. Loomly is the best choice for individuals, freelancers, startups, and agencies.


No. Loomly doesn’t support a free plan, but it has a 15-day free trial for each paid plan.

Loomly allows you to upload up to 200MB and 5 minutes of videos.
Also, for uploading photos on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn it should be up to 10MB — and 5MB for Twitter.

Yes. You can schedule and auto-post Facebook reels via Loomly.

Yes. You can schedule and auto-post your Instagram stories by Loomly.

Loomly supports YouTube, TikTok, Snapchat, Google Business Profiles, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

Yes. You can reply to comments, like them, or even hide/unhide and delete comments from Loomly platform.


Best content planning tools: Sendible home page

Sendible is another notable social media calendar. Many features are the same as competitors but it works very well. Customers like ease of use and affordable price, and great customer service.

If you are searching for the right content planner for social media, so don’t hesitate!

Notable Features

It has helpful features such as collaboration between team members, performance analysis, scheduling content, and more.

This tool has analytics reports. It helps to know how your social media campaigns are performing and improve the performance if needed.

This content planning tool has integration with social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Google Business Profile. You can manage all your social media comments and messages with Sendible.

If you don’t have any ideas for the next posts, Sendible helps you to find new ideas easily.

Sendible has good scheduling features to save time. It can plan your social media posts, images, and videos either one at a time or in bulk in advance.

Sendible provides professional services for agencies. If you are an agency and want to give the best services to your clients, Sendible is the right choice.


Sendible offers three paid plans.

  •  Creator: $29/mo
  •  Traction: $89/mo
  • White Label: $240/mo
Best content planning tools: Sendible pricing

The two first plans include a free 14-day trial, and no credit card is required.


  •  It’s user-friendly and enhances the user experience.
  • Scheduling multiple social platforms is helpful.


  •  It needs to be faster to load large images.
  • Mobile app sometimes face a problem and needs to improve.

Final Thoughts

Sendible is one of the best social media content planning tools that allows you to create custom reports that show crucial metrics like follower growth and engagement rates. This platform is perfect for individuals, businesses, and organizations that manage their online presence on multiple social accounts.


Yes, you can download the Sendible app (Android & iOS) on the App Store or Google Play.

Sendible’s optimal posting time is a feature that shows the best times for posting on various linked platforms.
It calculates based on your previous 30 days’ posting history and indicates when your posts have received feedback such as likes, retweets, shares, etc.

Yes, Sendible has analytics tool. Also this platform has integration with Google Analytics to track the effects your social media content has on website visits.

Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Business, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, and Pinterest.

Sendible doesn’t have a free plan, but you can use a 14-day free trial for two paid plans, Creator & Traction.

Yes. You can connect your Instagram account to Sendible. Then, schedule and publish your Instagram carousel easily.


Best content planning tools: pallyy home page

Is your content campaign mostly centralized on Instagram?

So, Pally is designed for you.

Pally is a social media content planner tool that scheduling posts on media like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google My Business. But it mostly has designed for Instagram.

Notable Features

With the scheduling feature, you can schedule your posts, and Pallyy handles the rest. This platform auto-publish on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google My Business & TikTok.

Analytics are an essential part of every marketing campaign. Pallyy has an analytics feature that gives you reports about the most necessary metrics. It includes comments, engagement rate, follower growth, follower demographics, and most/least popular hashtags.

If you need more analytics reports you can create your own custom reporting dashboard and customize the analysis you need.

By Pallyy inbox you can keep track of all your social conversations in one place.

This platform supports collaboration features. Everyone including you, your team, or your clients can get involved in the content creation process. The status of a post can be changed by anyone. You can reject, stop or approve, and it will be displayed on each post and in the chat.


Best content planning tools (content planner tool): Pallyy pricing

Pallyy has two plans. The first plan is free forever with some limited features. And the second plan is premium costs $18/mo.

You can save 10% by choosing annual plan.
By the way, the premium plan also has a 14-day free trial.


  •  Unlimited scheduled posts on premium plans.
  • Very affordable.
  •  Powerful UI & workflow.


  •  Limited features for other social networks.

Final Thoughts

Pallyy is one of the best social media planning tools, especially for those who mainly are active on Instagram. This very easy-to-use platform is perfect for freelancers, beginners, and agencies.


Best content planning tools: Notion home page

Notion is another content planner tool. This software has an intuitive interface and powerful capabilities. You can plan your blog posts and social media content on many platforms including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, Youtube, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

Notable Features

One of the standout features of Notion is its flexible workspace. It allows you to create custom templates and layouts tailored to your specific needs.

It has solutions for every area. If you want to brainstorm ideas, outline articles, or manage your workflow, Notion provides the flexibility you need.

Database functionality in Notion is useful for organizing and categorizing your content. You can easily create a database for different topics, tags, or publication dates. Then you can recover relevant information when you need it.

This feature helps you stay organized and ensures no valuable ideas or resources get lost.

Collaboration is perfect via Notion. You can invite team members or clients to collaborate on projects. It allows you to work together effectively without constant back-and-forth communication.

You can leave comments, tag your colleagues, and assign tasks to your team. This feature keeps everyone on the same page and helps to create a collaborative environment.

Notion also offers a range of integrations with other popular tools such as Slack, Adobe XD, Zapier, and more. So, you don’t need to switch between multiple applications anymore.

In addition to integration designed by the tool, you can also add your own integration.


Notion offers 1 free plan and 3 paid plans.
It starts at $8/month for every user.

Best content planning tools: Notion pricing

Final Thoughts

Notion is a highly flexible content planner tool, and users love this feature. It’s a great choice for those who need more workspace and flexibility to manage their projects.


Yes. Notion offers a free plan, in addition to three plaid plans.

Notion has a huge number of templates, and some of them are free.

Yes. Notion offers daily, weekly, and monthly planning. It helps you to make the most of your time.

Notion is one of the best and most flexible content planner tools. Whether you are a marketer or a student, you can organize your tasks and schedule them. Also, create notes, make your presentations, and organize your docs with this platform. It is possible to invite others or track your project individually.


Best content planning tools: Wistia home page

Wistia is a powerful content planner tool that allows you to create, host and plan your video content strategy. This tool is dedicated to video content planning on social media.

Wistia provides a visual representation of your content calendar. This visual interface allows you to see all your planned videos at a glance. So, this feature shows any gaps or overlaps in your content schedule.

Additionally, you can drag and drop videos within the calendar to quickly adjust release dates and ensure everything stays on track.

Another feature of the content planner is its collaboration capabilities. You can invite team members to view and contribute to the content calendar.

Also, Wistia provides analytics that helps you to make informed decisions about your video content strategy. You can track the performance of each video, monitor engagements, and know about viewer behavior.

This data-driven approach allows you to optimize your content strategy and create videos that resonate with your target audience.


Best content planning tools: Wistia pricing

In addition to four paid plans, Wistia has a totally free forever plan.
Also each paid plan has separate free trial. So, this platform provides opportunity to test every plan before purchasing. This is a good opportunity. Enjoy it!

Final Thoughts

Wistia is a great and easy-to-use platform for managing and hosting videos. This platform is customizable and has good integration with other platforms. If you are searching for a platform that helps to create, host, manage, and analyze your video content and webinars, don’t hesitate to try Wistia.


Wistia is a platform that helps marketers create, host, and analyze their videos and webinars— all in one place.

Wistia analytics is more advanced than Vimeo. By Wistia analytics you can know about the people who watch your video, and how many videos each user has watched. Also, you can see which part of your video was watched, skipped, or re-watched. But Vimeo just lets you know how many people have watched your videos.


Yes. This platform has an app for use on iOS or Android.


Best content planning tools (content planner tool): Planable home page

Do you want a content planning tool that can create, edit, schedule, and publish different types of content in one place?

Planable is the best choice for you.

You can manage your blog posts, newsletters, emails, and social media posts with this content planning tool.

These social media platforms are integrated with Planable: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google My Business, TikTok, and Twitter.

Notable Features

Multiple timeline views: You can manage your project through various timeline views such as grid view, calendar, and feed view. It helps to observe the strengths and weaknesses of your work.

Collaboration: It is very easy to collaborate with team members through Planable. This tool has a high capacity to manage the collaboration process for large teams.

You can share the project’s progress with your team, client, or anybody else. The guest-sharing feature allows you to get help from others if you need it.

Workspace is a great feature of Planable. If you have many clients, enough workspace will be a struggle. But Planable solves this problem, and you won’t be confused by the shortage of space.


Best content planning tools (content planner tool): Planable pricing

Planable offers one free plan and three paid plans:

  •     Basic: $11/mo
  •     Pro: $22/mo
  •     Enterprise: Call sales team


The above prices are just for one user per month.
In addition to the free plan, you can use a free trial for two paid plans, Basic and Pro.

Planable’s Basic plan is perfect for individuals and small teams. The Pro plan is suitable for freelancers or small businesses. Enterprise is ideal for large businesses and those that have clients.



  • All paid plans support unlimited posts.
  • It has high security, especially for Enterprise plan.
  • It has unlimited storage that is great for social media files.
  • Planable offers tutorials for managing the content marketing process.


  • Lack of analytics tools is one of the shortcomings of Planable.


Final Thoughts

In comparison to competitors, Planable is expensive. Although it doesn’t support features like analytics or detailed reports, it has some features that can’t find in other content planning tools.
Finally, it’s up to you to consider your core needs and choose it if meets your requirements.


Yes. Planable has a free plan to get familiar with this platform. These features are limited.

Planable doesn’t have analytics, but it has a partnership with Social Insider that gives you detailed reports. By the way, it doesn’t have extra payment.

1-Log in your Planable account.
2- Go to “Add Pages”.
3- Among social media channels, select Facebook.
4- Click on the “Add Pages” button. Then follow the instructions and confirm the connection.

5-Your page will appear in the workspace.

• 50 total posts
• No Twitter post publishing
• Unlimited experience

Content management, multi-user collaboration, automated publishing, multi-account management, and post-scheduling.

Yes. Planable has a mobile app for IOS and Android. You can download it from App Store or Google Play.


Content planning tool is essential for any organization that wants to streamline its content creation process.

With the ability to plan, organize, and schedule content in advance, this software can help businesses save time and resources. Also, they can ensure their content creation is consistent.

Additionally, features such as collaboration tools, analytics, and social media integration make it easier than ever to create engaging content that resonates with your audience.

So, select a content planner tool based on your needs and enjoy the consistency that this tool provides for you!

9 Best AI Copywriting Software Tools (2023)

9 Best AI Copywriting Software tools

9 Best AI Copywriting Software tools (2023)

You, as a writer, experience the moments when don’t know how to start. You have an idea but staring at a blank page and don’t know how to state what occupies your mind. Isn’t it a familiar story?

AI writing software has been developed to help you in this challenging situation. Whether you manage B2B or B2C marketing, AI power can boost your marketing results.

This article is about the best AI copywriting software tools.
First, let’s take a glance at the introduction of AI copywriting software and how to choose the best AI copywriting software tool.

What are the best AI Copywriting tools?


Whether you want to create a blog, social media posts, or emails, or if you are a copywriter, Copy.AI has a feature tailored to your needs.

Best Overall


SEO-optimized content for your blog or website with optimal headings, keywords, word counts, internal links, and more.

Best for SEO


Highly specialized cold email outreach for increasing your open and response rates. Personalized LinkedIn outreach is supported.

Best for Cold Email

What is AI Copywriting software?

AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. As the name implies it performs by a trained algorithm to search among many web pages to find important patterns.

AI copywriting has a wide range of uses. It can generate any type of content from blog posts, and email newsletters to product descriptions or social media posts. It also affects SEO because it analyzes a huge amount of data and provides opportunities like keywords.

 It is very important to consider you can’t use the same content generated by an AI copywriter as your content. Always you need to do some editing on it. If you use the exact content generated by an AI copywriter, Google will not rank your content.

How to choose the best AI copywriting software?

To choose the right AI software, it’s essential to consider your own requirements because every tool has its features and also limitations

Do you need to write long content or short content for social media? Do you want to write product descriptions or blog posts?


Anyway, before choosing an AI copywriting software consider below points:

  • Look for software with a user-friendly interface: The software should be easy to navigate and use, even if you have no prior experience with AI technology.
  • Pay attention to the features: It is important to evaluate which features are most relevant to your needs when selecting AI copywriting software.
    Some tools are more professional in generating social media posts, while others may be more adept at creating blog posts.
  • Check for customization options: The best AI copywriting software should allow you to customize your content according to your specific needs and preferences.
  • Consider the level of automation: Some AI copywriting software offers full automation, while others require human input. Decide which level of automation suits your needs best.
  • Evaluate the quality of output: Look for software that produces high-quality, error-free content that is engaging and relevant to your target audience.
  • Read reviews and testimonials: Before making a purchase, read reviews and testimonials from other users to get an idea of their experiences with the software.
  • Compare pricing: Compare the pricing of different AI copywriting software to find one that fits within your budget.

By considering these factors, select the AI copywriting software that best suits your requirements and facilitates the creation of compelling content with speed and efficiency.

Now, let’s dive into the discussion and introduce the best AI copywriting software to boost the quality of your content.

What are the best AI Copywriting Software tools?


Best AI Copywriting Software tools :Copy.AI home page

Copy.ai is a GPT-3 program for generating content for blogs, social media, email subject lines, and so on.

It is one of the convenient copywriting tools that has grown rapidly and evolved its technology. This software is a leader in the content creation industry.

This tool helps to write natural content from emails, landing pages, and social media posts to personal stuff. It has perfectly adequate support to control AIDA & PAS framework.

All of the things are clear and straight in this software, and for this reason, customers love it.

This software has good support and tutorial. Weekly demos are very effective for better use of all features. Also, if you need to new feature you can request it.

If you want to generate high-quality content while saving more time and money, I suggest trying this AI copywriting tool.

Notable Features

90+ tools and templates: The variety of tools and features allows you to use Copy.ai in different contexts from digital ads copy to personal letters.

Text editor: Use Copy.ai’s editor to rewrite paragraphs and edit sentences. Then, simply copy and paste the work for publishing.

Weekly live demos: It is really awesome. Weekly demos help you to understand the features well and use all of their potential.

Compelling marketing email: Copy.ai do the heavy lifting for you and generates high-converting email campaigns in just a few clicks.

Blog Wizard tool:Copy.ai’s AI-powered Blog Post Wizard boosts your creativity and helps to grab the attention of readers from the first sentence.


Best AI Copywriting Software tools :Copy.AI pricing

Copy.ai offers 3 plans:

  • Free: $0/mo
  • Pro: $49/mo
  • Enterprise: contact the sale for the price.

Considering services and also in comparison to other competitors, Copy.ai is affordable.

The free plan is a good opportunity to try it for a long time and then purchase the paid plan.


  • It has affordable pricing.
  • Write in 25+ languages.
  • Customer support is very fast.
  • It’s easy to use. All the things are clear and straight.


  • A long-form copy can be a challenge.
  • Require to work on content more.

Final Thoughts

If you’re searching for a simple structure tool, I recommend Copy.ai.  Also, it has a very good history in generating email marketing. Copy.ai will support your marketing content through its AIDA & PAS framework.


Best AI Copywriting Software tools : jasper home page

Jasper is the most significant competitor of Copy.ai. The former names of Jasper were Conversion.ai and Jarvis.ai.

Jasper is the most outstanding AI software among competitors. It helps to write your blog copy, email, and ads naturally.

Notable Features

  •  Document editor
  • Rewriting
  • Plagiarism checker
  • Grammarly integration

Jasper generates SEO-optimizing content through integration with Surfer – a dependable SEO tool that helps businesses grow their organic traffic by optimizing their pages for higher search engine rankings.

This tool significantly boosts creativity by utilizing an AI algorithm that analyzes existing content and provides suggestions for improvement to generate new ideas.

Jasper automation simplifies tedious tasks such as rewriting copy, optimizing titles, and creating images.

Jasper offers 50 templates including:

  • Personal Bio
  • Facebook Ad Headline
  • Company Bio
  • Google & Facebook Ads Headline
  • Google Ads Description
  • SEO – Title and Meta Descriptions
  • Real Estate Listing – Residential
  • Amazon Product Features (bullets)
  •  Amazon Product Description (paragraph)
  •  Engaging Questions
  •  Quora Answers
  •  Website Sub-Headline
  • Photo Post Captions
  • Video Topic Ideas
  •  Video Script Outline
  •  Video Script Hook and Introduction



Best AI Copywriting Software tools : jasper pricing

Jasper 2 plans, Creator and Team, provide this opportunity to examine the effectiveness of the software with the 7-day free trial. The free 7-day trial is required a credit card.


  •  Using powerful tools like Serf SEO and Grammarly
  • Using Copyscape, an integrated plagiarism checker. (It adds to your cost)
  • Strong community on Facebook.
  •  Multiple language support


  • Credit-card requirement in the free plan.
  • Expensive plans.

Final Thoughts

Do you need a perfect writing tool to make easy your writing workflow? Jasper do it for you. It has all the features you need to complete your writing projects quickly and efficiently. It also helps to set your writing goals and deadlines and track your progress.


Best AI Copywriting Software: Closerscopy-homepage

The most significant difference between ClosersCopy and other Copywriting software is that Closerscopy does not use GPT-3 and utilizes its own AI algorithm for generating content. Because of this reason, this tool support marketing content more than competitors. This software offers content in 128 languages and 900+ templates.

Notable Features

Longform Editor: It is a powerful feature of this tool, allowing you to write long content with no limits. There are some features to adjust the length and range of creativity of AI output and has three unique AI Generation Models for generating different types of content:

  •  SalesAI –For writing sales pages, ad copies, and email marketing campaigns.
  • BlogAI – For producing blog articles.
  • StoryAI – For creating compelling stories, books, and novel.

SEO Audit: This feature allows you to analyze the top results on the SERPs. Choose the relevant result and then use the audit to identify the most frequently used keywords and H tags on the ranking pages.

Frameworks: With 63 different frameworks to choose from, such as ads, blogs, courses, business, reviews, and more, you can select the one that best suits your needs. For example, if you select the Ads framework, you will be provided with content that includes a call to action.

Product Description: This tool provides comprehensive product descriptions that include all the key features of your products.

Product Benefits: Powerful copywriting emphasizes the advantages of a product, as opposed to content writing which simply outlines the product’s features. There is a major contrast between  two of them.


Best AI Copywriting Software tools : closer copy pricing

ClosersCopy offers 3 paid plans:

  • Power plan: $49.99/mo
  • Superpower: $79.99/mo
  • Superpower Squad: $99.99/mo

ClosersCopy doesn’t offer any free plan. But it has 14 days guarantee to pay back money if this software isn’t effective.


  •  The tool owns a wide range of knowledge bases.
  •  It supports more than 100 languages.
  • It’s very user-friendly


  •  Sometimes speed is low, and face bugs too.
  •  Needs more tutorials, especially for beginners.

Final Thoughts

Closerscopy generates SEO-focused content that helps rankings. This tool supports your marketing content and stands out among competitors for producing long-form content.


Best AI Copywriting Software tools : Writesonic home page

WriteSonic is one of the best AI copywriting software for generating articles and blog posts, ecommerce product descriptions, Ads and marketing tools, and website copy.

This tool lets team members work on content projects with word count limitations for each plan. However, there is no limitation on how many projects you create.

 It also supports 25+ languages, has a built-in grammar fixer and a readability checker, and offers a SEMrush integration that helps marketers optimize content for search engines.

Notable Features

  •  AI Article & Blog writer
  • Paraphrasing Tool
  • Article Summarizer
  • Product description
  • Text Expander
  •  Digital ads copy
  • Surfer SEO integration
  •  Facebook ads, Google Ads
  •  Quora answers

Writesonic has a chat feature called Chatsonic. This feature can do better than ChatGpt. It’s faster, supported by Google search to answer about trends and new updates and turn the text into art (by using an image generator), Chrome extension, and more.


Writesonic has 3 plans:

  • Free: $0/mo
  • Pro: $19/mo
  • Enterprise: Contact sale for the price.

The amount in the pro plan is for 1 seat. If you want to add more seats need to pay more.

Best AI Copywriting Software tools : Writesonic pricing


  •  It’s user-friendly.
  • Compared to other AI Copywriters Writersonic offers affordable prices.
  •  Free trial is great


  •  Templates need to improve.
  •  Customization is limited and needs to improve

Final Thoughts

Writesonic is an all-in-one tool that not only generates content but leverages your ranking due to SEO optimization. I recommend it to everyone who needs to AI writing tool including marketers and bloggers.

5-Content Villain

Best AI Copywriting Software tools : Content villain home page

Content Villain offers features that help marketers, writers, and businesses of all sizes to generate better and faster content. When it comes to writing professional short or long content, Content Villain is the best choice.

One of the outstanding features of Content Villain is webhook integration support. This feature allows you to send content outputs to any platform including Zapier, n8n.io, Make, and Pabbly.

Notable Features

  •  Webhook functionality support
  •  Email Detective – Find Emails & Social Details from any URL
  •  Integrations & API
  • E-commerce descriptions
  • Rephrase text
  • Plagiarism Checker

Content Villain is a full blog writer. This enables you to put in a title for a blog post and get an output of approximately 700 words to form the bulk of that post.


This copywriting AI offers 3 plans. There is no free trial, but it has one very cheap plan to examine the effectiveness of this AI copywriting.

Best AI Copywriting Software tools : Content villain pricing
  • Test Drive: $5/5 days

To see whether this AI copywriting works well, you can test this plan for $5/5 days. Within this short duration, all of the features of the next plan (warrior plan) are available for you.

  • Warrior: $49/mo
  •  Power User: $79/mo

For full access to all features, Content Villain offers Power User plan including powerful API and personal onboarding.


  •  Variety of models.
  • Good customer support.
  • Suggests unique posts.
  • Ease of use.


  •  Not support multiple languages.
  •  No Free Trial.

Final Thoughts

Content Villain helps writers and businesses of all sizes to increase their visibility and engagement. It has good automation and makes it possible to automate content generation.


Best AI Copywriting Software tools : Anyword home page

With Anyword, you can deliver high-performing marketing copy. In addition to the high-quality marketing copy, you can even create entire blog posts.

By using this AI copywriting you can generate compelling Instagram captions and meta descriptions for your blog posts.

This Ad Copy generator creates engaging text for every channel including Facebook, Instagram, Google, Verizon, Linkedin, Twitter, Pinterest, and more.

Grab the attention of your audience by reading your precise, concise content and engaging email subject lines.

While using Anyword AI, well-crafted text messages motivate your audience to engage and purchase faster.

Notable Feature

  •  Creating an entire landing page from scratch
  • Product descriptions fit for Amazon
  •  Sentence Rewriter & Paraphrasing Tool
  • Generate engaging social posts for free in different languages.
  • Blog Wizard to produce plagiarism-free and SEO-friendly blog posts

Anyword is an AI business solution developed for the marketing team. It includes all content requirements of marketers such as marketing execution and performance, social media, content marketing, and email marketing.


Two first plans include a 7-day free trial, and no credit card is required!
If your work is more profound and you can charge more, choose the Enterprises plan.

Best AI Copywriting Software tools : Anyword pricing

If you choose yearly plans, 50% discount you will get.


  •  It’s easy to use.
  • It’s very well in email marketing and enhances open rate.
  • 7-day free trial is good to try every plan.


  •  It’s pricy in comparison to competitors.

Final Thoughts

Anyword AI tool has proven that can be an invaluable asset in your professional endeavors. The level of accuracy and efficiency that this platform offers is truly remarkable, and helps you to generate high-quality content with ease.

Whether you need assistance with engaging blog posts, social media captions, or persuasive sales copy, Anyword consistently delivers exceptional results.


Best AI Copywriting Software tools : GrowthBar home page

If you are searching for end-to-end software for writing, researching, and SEO, GrowthBar will be a good choice.

This AI copywriting generates unique content with a superior algorithm that writes content based on search engine optimization.

GrowthBar has everything like  a professional SEO tool. It includes keyword research, backlink research, and rank tracking. GrowthBar is active in +20 languages.

If you are a blogger and always struggle for choosing a topic, simply enter a keyword. GrowthBar finds unique blog ideas.

Notable Features

SEO tool: Honestly, SEO in GrowthBar has significant differences from other AI competitors. It is equipped with tools including keyword research, site inspector, and rank tracker.

Chrome extension: GrowthBar Chrome extension is another feature of this awesome tool that comes free with every subscription. It enables the user to get competitive insight regarding finding keywords and search engine optimization.

Meta description: This feature is important for both Google and searchers. Google considers it a matter of ranking. Also, a compelling meta description increases your chance that searchers click on it.


GrowthBar has 3 paid plans. Each plan has a 5-day free trial.

Best AI Copywriting Software tools : GrowthBar pricing

If you aren’t satisfied after purchasing, you can reach out and refund the payment.


  •  It’s Very easy to use.
  • Offers a 5-day free trial for every plan.
  • Best SEO tools.
  • Good customer services.


  •  In comparison to other competitors it is expensive.
  • For using the free trial needs a credit card.

Final Thoughts

GrowthBar’s ability to generate well-researched articles on a wide range of topics will save you countless hours of research and brainstorming. Additionally, its intuitive keyword suggestions and SEO capabilities improve the visibility of your written work.


Best AI Copywriting Software tools : Smartwriter home page

Smartwriter is another tool in AI copywriting industry. It has been designed for sales, SaaS, marketing, recruiting, and agencies. With this tool say goodbye to block as a writer and become more creative.

If you write cold emails constantly, Smartwriters can help you to write personalized cold emails. By super cold email content, the open rate and reply rate of your email will improve.

This tool also automates your research, google ad, and Facebook ad.

Smartwiter gives good insight to you as a writer and, it has a wide range of usage from blog to newsletter writing.

Notable Features

  •  Personalized cold email outreach
  • Personalized LinkedIn outreach
  • Automated SEO backlink outreach
  • Plagiarism checker
  • Social media content generator (including Instagram and Quora answers)


Best AI Copywriting Software tools : Smartwriter pricing

Smartwriter 3 paid plans. All plans have the same features. The difference is in number of emails you send out per month.

  •  Basic: $59/mo
  •  Popular: $149/mo
  •  Pro: $359/mo

Also, Smartwriter offers a free trial for each plan.


  •  7-day free trial for each plan.
  •  Good step-by-step tutorial.
  •  Stand out among competitors for email and LinkedIn outreach.


  • Lack of some premium features.

Final Thoughts

Smartwriter is the best choice for marketers who mainly focused on using email marketing and Linkedin for expanding their business.

If you aren’t active in these scopes, Smartwriter isn’t suitable for you, and it’s better to select one of Smartwriter’s alternatives.

9-LongShot AI

Best AI Copywriting Software tools : LongShot home page

LongShot AI is another AI copywriting tool that has multiple AI engines such as OpenAI GPT-3 and a custom AI module.

This AI tool supports SEO-friendly content. It suggests keywords from high-ranking articles. You can use those keywords and create content in 8 languages.

To improve functionality, LongShot AI provides access to integrations including WordPress, Semrush, Hubspot, and Grammarly. With this feature, you can get more out of your content.

FAQ (frequently asked questions) is a common section of every business today.
Developing FAQs always is time-consuming and maybe you can’t be sure to cover all of it. LongShot solves this problem. With LongShot you can create a comprehensive FAQ section for your business.

Notable Features

  •  PAS & BAB & FAB copywriting framework generator
  • Semantic SEO score generator
  • Facts generator
  • Synopsis & summary generator
  • Plagiarism checker
  • Video description Generator


Best AI Copywriting Software tools : LongShot pricing
  •  Pro: $29/month
  • Team: $59/month
  • Custom: need to contact with sale

LongShot offers a 100 credits free trial for new users. It doesn’t need a credit card. If you want to use more than 100 credits, arrange to choose a plan that cost $1 for 5 days to test the software more.


  •  Having comprehensive features.
  • Easy to use.
  • AI detects any suspicious claims in the content.


  • Occasionally, it does not work well for short-term content.


In this post, I try to introduce the best AI copywriting software tools. All of the noted tools are powerful, and some of them are more powerful in specific scope. For example, Smartwriter mainly is focused on email and LinkedIn outreach. Before choosing write down your requirement and select the software that meets your needs.


Can AI tool replace human creative writing?

Definitely No.
Because human creativity is deeply rooted in our ability to think abstractly, make connections, and express complex ideas. This essence  allows us to craft compelling narratives, develop relatable characters, and evoke emotions within readers.

These qualities are not easily replicated by AI tools because these tools lack the depth of understanding and emotional intelligence that comes naturally to humans.

How does AI copywriting tool help to make money?

You can make money through AI copywriting tools in a variety of ways:

  •  Writing compelling sales copies
  • Offer email marketing services
  • Provide social media content
  • Develop blog articles
  • Assist with SEO optimization
  • Provide consultations
  • Create AI-powered chatbots

How to use AI copywriting tool?

Imagine your content planning tool sends a notification that you should begin new content for your blog post. You have something in your mind but don’t know how to start it. Follow the below steps:

1- Break down your idea to smaller parts such as blog title, introduction, outline, bullet points, call to asction, conclusion, FAQs, and so on.

Every above sections can feel like an obstacle while writing content.
Here, AI copywriting tool acts like a hero and rescues you from these exhausting moments.

2- Enter information in the tool for each section you need to use AI software.

3- Adjust the tone (for example friendly, professional, adventure, etc.) and language you like to get the content.

4- Edit the content you have received and use it.

Here editing content doesn’t mean removing grammatical errors because the content you get from an AI tool is error-free. It means you should add your point of view to the content. Sometimes you need to delete some parts and add new ones. The result must be a mixture of your own efforts and AI tool.

Be noted, the more details you provide about your topic, the more accurate and professional content provides for you.

How to fix broken links on website: A complete guide

How to fix broken links on website

How to fix broken links on your website: A complete guide

Users click on links in your blog posts to get more information. They don’t expect to face errors. These errors take place because the target page isn’t available or they have technical problems. The reason for broken links are various but the results are the same: Bad user experience & harmful for SEO.

In this article, I’m going to talk about what’s broken kinks, the reasons, and how to fix them.

What is a broken link?

A broken link (also called a dead link) is a hyperlink that leads visitors to another page in your domain or another website that no longer exists. The first case is an broken internal link and the second one is a broken external link. It always along with an error message such as 401, 301,410, and so on.

In other words:
Every link that doesn’t take visitors to the expected destination is a broken link.

Examples of Broken links:

Error 404 (page not found): This error means your target page isn’t available anymore.

Error 400 (bad request): It indicates the server can’t reach the target page due to an invalid demand. Here user needs to revise the request.

Error 410 (Gone): This type of error happens when a user tries to reach a resource that has been permanently deleted.

Error 500 (Internal Server Errors): It is the sign of an internal error or misconfiguration. So, the server can’t fulfill the request.

How to fix broken links on your website:Error 404

Why broken links are important?

Broken links are important because these links damage to SEO of your website in a variety of ways including crawlability, user experience, navigation, and structure. Broken links waste your crawl budget, increase your bounce rate due to bad user experience, diminish page authority and affect business opportunities because of losing the target page.

The broken backlink which comes to your website is losing opportunity. It prevents crawling your website and you can’t take advantage to receive the authority of referring domains.

Broken outgoing links from your website are harmful, and it creates a bad user experience.

These are good reasons to find these errors and solve problems as soon as possible.

What are the causes of broken links?

Every link may break due to a variety of reasons such as:

  •  Typos in URL
  • URL modification
  • Website downtime
  • Moving downloadable sources 
  • Changing domain names
  • Broken code
  • Removing the webpage

Some of these reasons are because of human errors and carelessness. Some of them are out of your control, and a periodic check can help you to fix them as soon as possible.

Below these common reasons of broken links are noted in detail:


Typo happens when you enter wrong URL. To prevent typing the wrong URL consider below points:

  • Check spelling
  • Don’t use space in the URL
  • Include “https://” or http:// at the beginning of URL
  • If you use hyphen or underline, pay attention to don’t use one of them instead of the other one.

URL Modification

Maybe you rename or make changes in your website’s URLs and forget to update these URLs after modification.
Old URLs work no longer after modification. Therefore you should use Redirect 301 and 302 instead of old URLs.

When you need to change your website URL, or even make significant adjustments to the content on your domain, redirects can help you maintain your PageRank and the reputation you have earned through backlinks and traffic. Consider below redirects while you are making change in URLs:

Redirect 301: It tells the search engine that the page has moved to a new location permanently and visitors see it in a new address.

Redirect 302: It tells the search engine that the page has moved to a new location temporarily.

For every permanent change in URL, you need to use a 301 redirect. It also passes SEO Rankpage and you can use the previous authority of the old URL. But 302 redirect doesn’t pass link authority.

Website downtime

Downtime happens when a website is unreachable, and it doesn’t load to perform the necessary function. It is inevitable for every website, but it can affect your SEO and reduce traffic. It causes any links point to your website failed and users can’t visit your website.

Downtime mostly happened due to:

  • Coding error
  • Hardware problems
  • DNS issue
  • Poor hosting
  • CMS issue

This technical problem appears in different level from broken links to disappearing entire of website. You need to fix it quickly. Any delay in fixing downtime problem=losing more traffic.

Moving downloadable source

Some links direct users to downloadable content like PDFs, eBooks, images, audio files, videos, and so on.
If these contents move or delete, the link will be broken.
So, check such content to make sure your links work well.

Changing domain name

Sometimes companies change the name of their brand and accordingly change the domain name. It may happen for small businesses too.
Changing the domain without applying the proper redirects causes all information could be gone and all the links to break.

Broken code

All codes such as javascript, CSS, HTML, and other codes can be broken.
Broken code leads to broken links.

Removing URL page

Maybe you delete the page linked to it accidentally or intentionally. It may happen for internal links. After deleting a page don’t forget to update the link.
For external links, it is out of control to know if the page has been removed. So, regular crawling audits of your website help to know it as soon as possible.

How to find broken links?

The first step to fixing broken links is finding them. It is possible to find them manually if your website is small. But I recommend using an automated tool. The advantage of a broken link checker tool is doing it flawlessly. Below you see some awesome broken link finder tools.

Google search console

Google search console is a must-have tool for every website. This tool has broad usage to check all aspects of your website, and finding broken links is one of them.

After logging in Google search console in the left-hand menu find Coverage. It gives you detailed information about the index status of your website and indicates pages have problem.


Ahrefs is a well-known name in SEO service companies.
Ahrefs has a tool called Site Audit. You can find errors on your website with the Site Audit tool.

One of the good features of the Site Audit tool is reporting all types of broken links. It includes internal links, external links (from your website to other websites), and backlinks (links that come to your website from other websites).


Semrush has everything you need for SEO. This platform has over 50 tools and reports to check all aspects of SEO.

It has a site audit tool that can analyze the crawling status of your website and specifically note each type of broken link.
When logged in to your Semrush account, under On-Page & Tech SEO go to
Site Audit section.

Enter the domain and select the number of pages to be crawled.
On your Site Audit report page, click on the Issues tab and look for Errors section.

In front of every error section, you can see the “Why and how to fix it” message which you can learn about the issue and how to fix it.


Sitechcker is an easy use SEO audit tool. It scans your site and shows all broken links and the way for fixing them.

Like Google Search Console, the Sitechecker SEO dashboard gives you valuable data about your website. But the difference is that Sitechecker gives you the solution too.

How to fix a broken link?

Fixing broken links isn’t hard.
The way of repairing broken links is different for internal links, backlinks, and outgoing links from your website (external links). Keep reading to discuss each of them separately.

Fixing Broken Backlinks

Resolve broken backlinks with the below solutions:

Ask the website owner

 Broken links that come to your website are out of your control to some extent. The easiest way is to contact a website owner who sends the link to your site. Ask them to fix this link.

Redirect broken link

Redirect broken backlink to another similar content to your website.

Use 404 error

 If you don’t have many 404 errors on your website, you can keep it as 404 error. This is a good way if that backlink isn’t important. Otherwise, you need to fix it via above mentioned ways.

Fixing broken internal link

Consider the below solution depending on the types of your issue:

Use redirect

 If the page that the link is pointing to has been moved, you can redirect the link to the new page. It will ensure that users go to the correct page, and it won’t damage your website’s SEO.

Update broken link

 If there is a mistake in writing the URL, or if the link is pointing to the wrong page, update the link by directing it to the correct page. It also will help improve your website’s SEO.

Remove broken link

 In some cases, it might be best to delete the broken link from your website. This is usually the case if the linked page has been deleted and is no longer available.

Fixing broken external link

To fix broken external link determine if it is worth fixing. If the link is important and relevant to my website’s content, then proceed with fixing it.

Find a replacement link and update the broken link on your website. This can be done by editing the page where the broken link was located and replacing it with the new link. After updating the broken link, test it to make sure that it is working properly.

How to prevent broken links?

As a website owner, prevent broken links seriously. Broken links can lead to a negative user experience and also harm your website’s search engine optimization (SEO). Here are some steps you take to prevent broken links:

Regularly check your website

You can use a link checker tool to scan the website for broken links on a regular basis. This helps you identify any broken links before they become a problem.

Update internal links

Whenever you make changes on your website’s structure or content, update any internal links that may have been affected. This ensures that all internal links remain functional.

Use permanent redirects

If you need to change the URL of a page, use a permanent redirect (301) to ensure that any incoming links continue to work. This prevents broken links due to URL changes.

Avoid linking to unreliable sources

Only link to reputable sources that are unlikely to disappear or change their URLs frequently. This reduces the risk of broken links caused by external sources.

Monitor external links

Regularly check external links to ensure that they are still working. If an external link is broken, either remove broken link or replace it with a working link.

By taking these steps, you are able to prevent broken links and maintain a positive user experience on your website.


Fixing broken links is an essential task for every website owner. It not only improves the user experience but also enhances the search engine optimization of the site.

By regularly checking and fixing broken links, you can ensure that your website visitors have a seamless browsing experience and are able to access all the relevant information they need. Moreover, it helps in building trust and credibility among the users, which ultimately leads to increased traffic and conversions.

So, I highly recommend incorporating regular link checks and fixes into your website maintenance routine. Remember, a well-maintained website is key to success in today’s digital world!


What is a broken link?

A broken link is a hyperlink that no longer works or leads to a dead end. They are non-functional links that can negatively impact user experience and search engine rankings.

What's the reason for a broken link?

There are different reasons that cause broken links including removing the target page, changing URL structure, typos, errors in codes, and other technical issues.

How to find broken links?

By utilizing website crawler tools, manual checks, backlink analysis tools, and Google Search Console, you can effectively identify and fix any broken links on your website.

What are the different types of broken links?

 There are 3 types of broken links: Broken internal links, Broken external links, and broken backlinks.

Does fixing broken links help SEO?

Fixing broken links improve SEO. Broken links are links that lead to pages that no longer exist or have been removed. These links can negatively impact user experience and search engine rankings. When a search engine crawls a website and finds broken links, it may assume that the website is not being maintained properly and therefore lower its ranking.

Content Marketing Principles: A Beginner’s Guide

Content Marketing Principles

Content Marketing Principles: A Beginner's Guide

Nowadays, it happens rarely that a person has a hand in online visibility and didn’t hear about content marketing.
If you are a business owner, whether small or large business, content marketing is vital for your business.

Content marketing principles is so different from traditional kind of marketing. And the good news is content marketing is more effective and grows your business significantly.

Every day much content marketing is produced, but those content help to grow the businesses that have been generated based on content marketing principles. So, if you want to have a successful content marketing campaign, first you should know content marketing principles.

In this article, I talk about content marketing principles, definition and its importance. Steps of creating content marketing, different types of content marketing, and important tips will discuss.

Content marketing vs. traditional marketing

As much as content marketing focuses on the audience, traditional marketing values products or services. If I want to summarize traditional marketing, it will be: “I have the best product. Come and buy from me”!
It’s like what you see in Monday local markets.

Content Marketing Principles: Content Marketing vs. traditional marketing

Although traditional marketing may imply what’s going on in the local market or past era, it’s common in modern marketing too. Even commercial advertising on television is a type of traditional marketing. They are so boring, and people change channels to get rid of them.

Other examples of traditional marketing are:

  • Newspaper
  • adsBillboard
  • Mail advertisements
  • Cold call or text
  • Event marketing
  • Google ads
Content Marketing Principles: Content Marketing vs. traditional marketing

Why content marketing is important?

There are many reasons that good and consistent content marketing improves your business. In the following, I note some of the reasons why content marketing is important for every business.

It rescues the audience from confusion

We live in a century where people are selective and also confused with too many options. Just search on the internet to buy a software. Choosing a product among different brands is confusing, and here good content marketing helps.

Good content marketing can save the audience from confusion. Content marketing starts with awareness, then leads the audience to consider their needs and finally make a decision.

The audience wants to choose among different brands, and good content marketing does it very well.

Content Marketing Principles: It rescues the audience from confusion

Content marketing becomes more significant when many of your competitors are using traditional methods of marketing. A look at the annual revenue of ad institutions proves it. People hate advertisements. For this reason, they use ad blocks.

So, create good content marketing, give awareness to your audience, and achieve your marketing goals.
It is a win-win.

It's not expensive

In contrast to television and publishing advertisements in newspapers or magazines, content marketing doesn’t need to expensive budget. Everyone can do it online. You need to know the strategies of content marketing. Then enjoy the long-term results.

It helps online visibility

Content marketing is all about helping, not selling. It’s exactly something Google wants. Google appreciates content that helps people. When people are satisfied with your content, google also will be satisfied. Just you need to include SEO basics and strategies in content. Then Google and the audience help you for more visibility.

It causes the audience to trust your brand

When people type a query in the search engines, regardless of their intention, they need help. Through content marketing, you answer their questions and interact with them.

It is the same as creating value without taking anything in return, and your audience is more likely to trust your recommendations.
The more quality content that visitors see, the more likely they have a positive association with your company.

Content marketing principles

After a short introduction and talking about the importance of content marketing, let’s dive into the discussion and talk about principles of content marketing and how good content marketing can organize.

Principle 1: Change your mindset

If you are new in content marketing scope, it means you have a traditional marketing mindset. Content marketing is very different; it needs to be treated differently. Also, will get different results.

You should look at content marketing as an investment, not a short term entertainment.

Content marketing is like a startup; it needs consistency and effort. You must be careful about your audience’s needs while you have marketing goals in your mind.

Think about yourself as a publisher and, what you publish becomes your asset. Having such a mindset means thinking you about all resources that create and distribute content differently. It is creating long-term engagement with customers through your content.

When you look at your content as a long-term investment, quality increase, and the audience understand you are different. So, they don’t leave simply; they stop and think. Then, this audience engages with your content and subscribes as loyal customer.

Principle 2: Define your own goals

When you write content in marketing fields, you have commercial goals in your mind.
Based on the types of your business, B2B or B2C, your goals will be various.

Here are some common content marketing goals for B2B or B2C types:

B2B Content Marketing Goals

  • Problem-Solving: The main goal of a B2B brand is to solve the problems of customers. So, as a B2B brand need to show your expertise with the quality of your content. Your content should pay attention to the pain points of customers and find the solution.
  • Credibility: It doesn’t happen overnight and needs authenticity. The more authentic and reliable your content is, the more credibility your work shows.
  • Partnership: This item is crucial and can bring value to your brand. But how does your audience trust you? It often happens when you focus on their needs in your content strongly.

B2C Content Marketing Goals

  • Trust Building: It’s one of the primary goals of content marketing. Trust building is a time-consuming process. It often needs some trial and error.
  • Audience engagement: It seeks for the ways people engage with your content. Audience engagement can be done in different ways such as sharing, liking, or commenting on your content.
  • More traffic: Content marketers hope to gain more organic traffic in search engine. Combining content marketing and SEO with keyword-optimized blogs helps to achieve this goal.
  •  More sales: It is the most common goal for every business. Create content to show your business’s worth, and sell more.

Principle 3: Define Audience Persona

Since all the content marketing start and ends with your audience, therefore the writer should understand the wants and needs of audience very well.

You need to know about interests, pain points, sometimes gender or age of your audience. Following questions help you to gain more knowledge about your audience persona and then write your content accordingly.

1- Which gender are them?
2- Where can find them?
3- What’re their goals?
4- What’re their pain points?
5- How much is their budget?
6- How do they live the average of a day?
7- How can I help them?
8- What does make them happy?

And many other questions to define them truly.
You need to these information because you must write specifically not broad. Some people write a broad content marketing but finally it’s not useful for anybody.

Principle 4: Manage content creation process

All this step is about who writes the content. It deeply related to size of your organization, your budget and your content marketing knowledge.

If you are new blogger with limit budget, so you should increase your knowledge and start your content marketing. Or if you are new and have the budget, you can outsource your content marketing to professional ones.

For organizations it works differently. Since they work in large extent, therefore they need to hire different persons for different job positions such as Chief content officer (CCO), Managing editor(s) Content creators, Content producers and etc.

Principle 5: Find keywords

This step is super important. All of your efforts is for online visibility and finding potential customers. But if you don’t select right keywords, competitors steal the audience.

If you know SEO well, you should include it. Also you can use SEO tools to find right keywords. Otherwise it’s better to outsource your content marketing to implement keywords too.

The keywords should be according to problems your business solves. Aligning your content marketing with problems solving will give you a greater perspective of how customers see your brand.

Principle 6: Don't talk about sales

Paradoxically, the less talk about sales can leads to more sales. Just focus on helping audience. Selling will come at the right time.

Just focus on helping audience. Selling will come at the right time.
As a content marketer, it’s important to remember that your primary goal is not to sell products or services. Instead, you aim to provide valuable information and resources to your audience in order to establish trust and credibility with them.

Talking about sales too much can come across as pushy or insincere, which can turn off potential customers.

Principle 7: Find your own point of view and voice

Finding your own point of view and voice as a content marketer requires research, analysis, and self-reflection.

By understanding your audience, developing a unique perspective, and staying authentic, you can create content that stands out and resonates with your target market.

Principle 8: Use ''Call To Action '' in your content

CTA encourages the readers to take a specific action. CTA is your marketing aim. For example, purchasing a service or signing up for a newsletter.

 A good CTA is clear and concise. The language used should be direct and easy to understand. For example, it’s better to say ”subscribe here” instead of saying “click here”. People don’t like click on unknown links.

Another key factor to consider is placement of the CTA. It should be strategically placed throughout the content, such as at the end of a blog post or within a video. This ensures that the reader or viewer has had enough time to engage with the content before being prompted to take action.

Principle 9: Plan an editorial calendar

One of important factors in content marketing is consistency.
You can’t going fast for a while and disappear for sometimes. You should go ahead smoothly but consistently.
It’s not possible without an editorial calendar (content planner tool).

A content planner tool maps content production, prepares right content in right time, scheduling dates of creation and publishing, workflow steps and more.

Content planner can be in different forms; from handy format to printed calendar, a spreadsheet like Google calendar to editorial tool. These tools enable you to track the types of content you wish to create, your titles, authors, and publish date and more.

Content Marketing Principles

Types of content marketing

The name of content marketing implies just written types of content. Although it is mostly in written format, this scope includes other formats too.
Let’s dive into some ways for impressing your audience with your content

Blog posts

When we hear about content marketing, the first thing that comes to our mind is blog posts. Actually, blogs are the best place for any type of content marketing.

Blog posts should along with SEO and the right keywords. Length is important, but don’t obsess about long posts. There is no guarantee your 8000 words post rank on Google. Don’t scarify quality for the sake of quantity. A medium-length post with 2000~3000 words is enough.

When you write a blog post be careful about below items to gain traffic:

  • Use strategies for choosing keyword
  • Link your content to a high-authority website
  • Make sure to choose the right headlines
  • Audit the speed of your website
  • Don’t forget mobile-friendly for SEO


It is a visual representation of information. By telling many words in a picture, not only your task becomes easier, but also the audience like it.
Try to create eye-catching infographics. They help your business more than you think.

If you use infographics for blog posts, don’t forget to use descriptive and informative alt text that includes keywords too. Otherwise, search engines can’t find your infographic.


This type of content is such widespread and informative that they also have specific platforms like Youtube. You can use videos everywhere from social media to blog posts.

If you want to make a brand, nothing can help you like videos. It’s the way of all well-known brands. The main problem with making videos is its time-consuming process and also needs many resources but in return, they generate great results.


Books always are effective. eBooks are long-form texts that need more time to produce. But they don’t have difficulties of published books by the press. eBook as content marketing isn’t for sale generally. It’s a lead magnet to give value to your customers or indeed you give this value to your own business.

eBook is a powerful marketing tool. You can offer it to visitors of your blog when they enter your website. Just don’t forget to include links to your website in your eBook for further information. It can bring good traffic to your website.

Case studies

If you want to prove your expertise to the audience, case studies are the best choice. A good case study starts by defining the problem, deeply goes to solving process, and finishes by solving the problem. When you write case studies pay attention to below points:

  • Start with a clear headline
  • Write in simple language as much as possible
  • Define the problem and explain solving process clearly
  • Includes statistics in your case study

How-to guides

Since the main perspective of content marketing is helping the audience, in-depth how-to guides content significantly improves your traffic.

People don’t forget the website helps them to solve a problem, and it’s the reason they come back to your website again.

For example, on my site, I have a distinct part for how-to guides related to SEO and content marketing.


Podcast is a digital audio file that the audience can either stream or download. Podcasts allow you to share your experiences directly with your audience, building relationships by speaking to your targets on a personal level.

Email marketing

Email marketing as content marketing is a powerful tool that can use to engage and retain the audience. By creating valuable and relevant content, build trust with your subscribers and establish yourself as an authority in your industry.

One of the key benefits of email marketing is its ability to reach a large audience at once. Another advantage of email marketing as content marketing is the personalization of messages for each subscriber. By segmenting your list based on interests or behavior, you can tailor your content to meet the specific needs of each individual.

Tips for improving your content marketing

Content marketing is one powerful muscle in business. Many people from personal blogs to large organizations do it. But not all be successful. Indeed, a few percent are successful.
In the following, there are some tips improving your success significantly.

Using AI tools for writing content marketing

AI tools can greatly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your content marketing.
One of the benefits of using an AI tool is its ability to generate relevant and engaging content ideas. By analyzing vast amounts of data, these tools can suggest topics that likely will resonate with your target audience. This saves valuable time that would otherwise be spent brainstorming ideas or conducting extensive research.

Understand the buyer's journey

In simple language buyer’s journey is the process a buyer start from an online search to purchase a product or a service. It includes three below steps. Each step is separate and needs special content marketing:

  • Awareness: This is the stage buyer searches online to solve a problem. They want to understand more about it.
    Here your first content marketing as blog posts, and social media posts open the door for the first interaction.
  • Consideration: Buyer considers all available approaches or methods to solve the defined problem.
    In this stage, produce informative and more personalized content. Your content in formats like ebooks, webinars, and newsletter is helpful. Your aim yet is helping not selling. But you should have a kind of call to action in your content. But in helping form not pushing.
  • Decision making: Now the buyer is ready to buy a service or products to solve the problem.
    Use content like your case studies or demos to show how your brand rises above the competition and better solves its problem.

Use simple language

Life is busy and people don’t like to spend their time for a complicated content. In blogging world complicated content doesn’t mean sophisticated writer. It means low traffic!

So, simple language=happy audience & happy Google.
Use simple words and short sentences.
Try for paragraph 3~4 sentences.

Keep your brand voice consistency

A brand voice is the personality of a brand in interaction with customers. It helps your brand become more recognizable among various marketing channels.

For having a brand voice you should identify your vision, mission, and values and make highlight different aspects of your business. It helps your brand become outstanding.
Keeping your brand show you’re strong in your mission, and it will bring authenticity to you.

Produce various content

Don’t limit your business to a type of content. Nowadays audiences are very different from each other and consequently, their interests also are different.

Also sometimes different types of content are more comfortable regarding their time limitation. So, includes variety in your content type.

Edit content before publishing

Importance of comprehensive editing in content marketing cannot be overlooked. It allows you to refine, optimize, and tailor your content to effectively communicate your message, enhance your brand’s credibility, and engage your target audience.

By investing time and effort into the editing process, you can ensure that the content stands out in a crowded digital landscape and drives meaningful results for your business.

Analyze your content marketing performance

To analyze your content marketing:

  •  Set your KPIs: You should define your key performance indicators (KPIs) and your goals. KPI is a measurable value that shows how effectively a business is achieving key goals. In other words, it’s setting goals to achieve.
  • Select a Tool to Track Metrics: Once you define your goals, choose the appropriate content marketing analytics tool to track the metrics. Content marketing tools help you to gain insight into the performance of your content marketing strategies.
  • Analyze data: Content marketing analytics tools help you to make decisions to improve your content marketing strategy. Analyze the results carefully to know what’s right and what needs to improve.
  • Optimize the results: Based on your analysis optimize your content. Optimization should be an integral part of your content marketing. In this way, your content remains fresh.


The goal of content marketing is to create and distribute content that is useful to your target audience and encourages them to take action.

It is an effective way to build relationships with potential customers, establish authority and credibility in the industry, and increase visibility online. By providing quality content, businesses can demonstrate their expertise and become a trusted source of information for their target audience.


What is content marketing?

Content marketing is a strategic approach to create and distribute valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience and ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

Why content marketing is important?

Content marketing is an important because it is cost effective, generate leads, create brand awareness, influence conversion and create authority. Content marketing is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes and can help to drive growth and increase revenue.

What are different types of content marketing?

Content marketing can take many forms, including blog posts, videos, podcasts, infographics, ebooks, whitepapers, case studies, webinars, and more.

How does content marketing work without talking about selling products?

Goal of content marketing is not to directly sell products or services, but rather to build relationships with potential customers. By providing valuable information and engaging content, you can create an emotional connection with your audience and establish trust. Once this trust has been established, it will be much easier for them to make a purchase decision when the time comes.

9 Best Email Marketing Tools to Skyrocket Your Business

Best Email Marketing Tools

9 Best Email Marketing Tools to Skyrocket Your Business

If you want powerful online visibility you can’t overlook the role of a good email marketing tool. The more features your email marketing tool has, the more you control your email marketing campaign.

In this article, I’ll introduce the best email marketing tools. But before diving into the discussion, let’s know more about email marketing definitions and the features a top email marketing tool must have.

What are the best email marketing tools?


Enhance your business success with Brevo and utilize its marketing and sales tools to automate your business.

Best for Automation


This tool is the best choice for comprehensive email marketing, CRM, and automation capabilities.

Best for CRM


The best all-in-one email marketing software includes a wide range of products in one place.

Best All-in-One Marketing

What is email marketing?

Email marketing is a kind of direct marketing for promoting products, services or content marketing. It’s similar to email platforms like Yahoo or Gmail but it has so many features you can’t find in Yahoo or Gmail.

Email marketing is more professional than old types of email platforms. You can design an email format and send many emails at once, and the most interesting part starts after it.

Whether you manage B2B marketing or B2C marketing, analyzing behavior of the audience is essential.  Email marketing gives you data about the behaviors of subscribers and accordingly, you can outline the next steps for growing your business.

In the following, I discuss the most essential features of an email marketing platform.

Features of a good email marketing tool:

Third-party integration

Integration of an email marketing tool to other platforms makes your business easier.

For example, if use Shopify and you want to send your product or services to subscribers through email marketing, you should use an email marketing platform that is integrated with Shopify or your targeted apps.


An analytic report of an email marketing platform is super important. Without analytics, you can’t understand who is more engaged with your email content to do the next process.

Customer service

Email marketing tools don’t need to know much technical information. But sometimes issues go unclear or maybe you face them with the technical help of the platform.
Try to find a platform with a high speed of responding to customers.


Maybe you think personalization is a matter of starting the email personally by adding the name of a receiver at the beginning. But it goes beyond.

 Personalization is the feature that targets subscribers according to the history of their behavior such as searching for a product or shopping. It can be special offers, relevant content, or specific information.

For example, if a subscriber browses a specific product or adds a product to a shopping cart and didn’t purchase it, you should send emails about that product.


Email segmentation is the division of email marketing subscribers into smaller groups based on specific criteria such as age, gender, location, interests, and more.

By using this feature you deliver relevant content to a group of subscribers.

If you don’t segment your marketing list, you send an email to your whole database. If customers decide not to receive this irrelevant content, they become unengaged.

When you implement segmentation tactics, you’ll see customers more engage with your content.


Customer relationship management (CRM) allows you to outline a strategy for managing your current and prospective customers. This feature is strictly sales-focused.

Marketing Automation

Automation allows businesses to streamline their email marketing campaigns and automate the customer journey. It is primarily marketing-focused. It sends automated emails with any action of the customer.

For example, send a welcome email to new subscribers at the beginning.

Now, you have more knowledge about the platform, let’s introduce the best email marketing tools to help grow your business.

Best email marketing tools:

1-Moon Mail

Best Email Marketing Tools: Moon Mail home page

MoonMail is an all-in-one messaging platform that includes email, SMS, Amazon (ADM), Apple (APNs), Baidu & Firebase (FCM), voice, WhatsApp and FB messenger.

As one of the best email marketing tools, MoonMail has integration with Shopify. It helps web-based business vendors to automize their emails for sending business messages to potential clients.

This platform also supports integration with Zapier to automate your workflows by connecting to 750+ other business tools, including Slack, Gmail, and Trello.

Notable Features

Email Campaigns: With MoonMail, you can create email campaigns for your subscribers easily. The drag-and-drop editor makes it simple to design visually appealing emails that will capture your audience’s attention.

Automation: MoonMail allows you to set up automated email sequences based on triggers such as sign-ups or purchases. This feature saves time and ensures that your subscribers receive relevant content at the right time.

A/B Testing: You can test different subject lines, email designs, and calls-to-action using MoonMail’s A/B testing feature. With this feature, you can optimize your email marketing campaigns to achieve better results.

Segmentation: MoonMail lets you segment your email list based on various criteria such as location, behavior, and interests. This allows you to send targeted messages to specific groups of subscribers, increasing engagement and conversions.

Analytics: You can track the performance of your email campaigns in real-time using Moon Mail’s analytics such as open rates, improve future campaigns, click-through rates, and conversion rates. You can use this data to make data-driven decisions.


Best Email Marketing Tools: moonmail pricing

MoonMail has 4 paid plans to fit your needs. If you choose annual plans you get a 25% discount the same as following:

  • Lite: $44.00 / month – 10,000 active contacts and 50,000 emails.
  • Starter: $186.00 / month – 50,000 active contacts and 250,000 emails.
  • Pro: $374.00 / month – 100,000 active contacts and 500,000 emails.
  • Enterprise: Contact the sales.

MoonMail supports a free 14-day plan too. Although the features are limited, it is good to examine the effectiveness of the tool.


  •  Excellent customer support
  • User-friendly environment.
  • Good visual reporting and analytics


  •  The templates need upgrading
  •  Occasionally, bugs have been reported as shortcomings.

Final Thought

MoonMail is more suitable platform for small and medium businesses hoping to send more powerful and intuitive messages and use APIs to grow their business.


Best Email Marketing Tools: GetResponse home page

GetResponse is one of the best all-in-one email marketing software. It offers a wide range of products such as website builder, landing pages, webinar software, funnel builder, and so on.

GetResponse offers a wide range of features and functionalities that make it easy to create, send, and track email campaigns.

Notable Features

One of the most impressive features of GetResponse is its drag-and-drop email editor, which allows you to create professional-looking emails.

GetResponse offers many pre-made templates for emails, funnels, forms, and landing pages. And it has easy integration with analytics and other software.

Automation capability is the next feature. You can set up automated workflows that trigger based on user behavior, such as opening an email or clicking a link. It helps you save time and ensures that your subscribers receive relevant content at the right time.

GetResponse also includes advanced segmentation options, allowing you to target specific groups of subscribers with personalized messaging.

Additionally, the tool provides detailed analytics and reporting that give you insight into how your campaigns are performing and where you can improve.

GetResponse has an AI Email Generator feature. It allows you to create excellent copy and gives you ideas for writing your email marketing. This feature helps to improve your open rates.


Best Email Marketing Tools: GetResponse pricing

 Getresponse offers 3 paid plans. You can purchase them monthly, for 12 months (18% discount), and 24 months (30% discount). Prices for 12-month plans will be the same as below:

  •  Email marketing plan: $15.58
  •  Marketing automation: $48.38
  •  E-commerce marketing: $97:58

Also, the tool offers a free forever plan.


  •  A beginner-friendly email marketing platform
  • Excellent customer service with Chat available 24/7
  •  Free forever plan
  • Strong integration with other platforms


  •  Some templates are outdated.
  • The website builder needs improve.

Final Thought

GetResponse is one of the best email marketing tools that provides everything businesses need to build and maintain successful email campaigns.
Whether you’re just starting or looking to take your email marketing to the next level, GetResponse has the features and functionality to help you succeed.

Best Email Marketing Tools: brevo home page

If you’re looking for an easy-to-use and great email marketing platform, so Brevo is a good choice.

Brevo (formerly SendinBlue) offers all you need to send effective email campaigns. It helps to personalize your emails easily to speak to your different customer segments.

Notable Features

 It is easy to navigate through the platform and create campaigns without any prior experience.

The drag-and-drop editor made it simple to design visually appealing emails that were optimized for mobile devices.

This tool provides SMS marketing to send bulk SMS marketing campaigns to a contact list from your database. Write your message, choose a contact list, and schedule it to send at the right time.

You can start your WhatsApp campaigns. Create a WhatsApp Business account with Brevo embedded signup process. Connect directly from this tool interface and get started creating campaigns in minutes.

This email marketing service provider doesn’t limit to email marketing. You can create a landing page too.

In addition, you can launch Facebook ads directly from Brevo to increase engagement. Simply upload an image, enter your ad text, and then select a call to the action corresponding to your goal.

Marketing automation enables you to streamline specific tasks in your workflow by creating an automated workflow.

These tasks can include sending emails and SMS messages, categorizing contacts into various lists, and updating contact information in your database.


Best Email Marketing Tools: Brevo pricing

Brevo has 3 paid plans starting at $25/ month. The business plan is the most popular plan for customers costing $65/month. If you have a large business you need to choose Brevo Plus plan.

 It also has a free plan that you can send 300 emails per day.


  • SMS campaign and custom chatbot.
  •  Email design personalization.
  •  Intuitive user interface.


  • Templates need to improve.
  •  Multi-user access isn’t available in the free and starter plan.

Final Thought

Overall, I would highly recommend Brevo to anyone looking for an efficient and effective email marketing tool. Its user-friendly interface, segmentation options, automation workflows, and detailed analytics make it a top choice in the market.


Best Email Marketing Tools: ActiveCampaign home page

ActiveCampaign is an all-in-one marketing platform that includes email marketing, marketing automation software, CRM, and, sales automation.

Notable Features

This tool has great marketing automation that stands out among competitors. Some examples of automation include:

• Someone signs up for your mailing list. They go through the usual process of being welcomed, and the tool regularly informs them about blog posts, new products or features, and the industry.

• They view a blog post and a services page after clicking on one of those emails. An email sequence relating to that product is triggered because you have ActiveCampaign site tracking set up.

• If they don’t fill out the contact form on the services page within a specific time, An email is sent to them asking to schedule a call.

In addition to triggers designed by the tool, you can also add your own triggers to enjoy the automation.

ActiveCampaign has more than 920 integration with other platforms to make your business easier and more professional. One of these integrations is CoSchedule. It is a content planning tool that helps plan, create, and schedule your content marketing campaign. 

This software has a powerful CRM that scored subscribers for the next action. It means base on customers’ actions determine what should do next for specific subscribers.

While using this email marketing platform, you can launch your landing page through this platform to capture leads.

Site tracking is another feature of ActiveCompaign. You can track customer’s journey and give the right content marketing at the right time. You can do it by installing a WordPress plugin or setting up Google Analytics.


Best Email Marketing Tools: ActiveCampaign pricing

This platform offers 3 different pricing plans to choose from, as follows:

  • Plus Plan: $49/mo
  • Professional Plan: $149 per month
  • Enterprise Plan: Contact the sales

Also having a 14-day free trial helps to try this great email marketing platform for a short time.

If you need to have more time to try this tool, you can ask the support team.
Be noted that may not be able to accept all trial extension requests.


  •  Powerful email automation.
  • Tagging and segmenting contacts.
  • Over 920 Integrations.
  • It’s easy to add/update contacts automatically.


  • Template & email formatting need to improve.
  • Customer service should be faster.
  • Interface could be a little more user-friendly.

Final Thought

Well, I think the above features express what you should do. If you think this tool meets your needs, so try a 14-day trial. I think it’s the best tool you are searching for.

Best Email Marketing Tools: Mailerlite home page

If you want to choose a very simple user interface email marketing tool, so don’t lose trying this platform.

MailerLite within two years has increased the number of customers from 600,000 to 1,400,000 people, and it’s a sign of good user experiences.

Customer service is available 24/7 and users are satisfied by around 97%.

Notable Features

It has over 130 integrations including Shopify and WordPress.
Creating blogs, building websites and landing pages are available in MailerLite.

Mailerlite also provides detailed analytics and reporting, which helps track the performance of email campaigns.

Email verification: MailerCheck is MailerLite’s user-friendly email verifier. It is a simple way to safeguard your email address list. Just be noted the cost is separate.

Campaign customization: This tool has remarkably good features to customize campaigns. MailerLite provides three distinct editors for personalizing your campaigns.

Workflow automation: Although automation is a common feature in all email marketing apps, each tool can’t do it well. But MailerLite does it.

MailerLite can create an automated email workflow to capture potential customers at the right time.

For example, when a subscriber joins a group, completes a form, clicks a link, updates a field, or has an exact match of a specific date, MailerLite sends an automatic email.

 Its drag-and-drop editor makes it easy to quickly create responsive and engaging emails.


 MailerLite offers a very affordable price. In paid plans, you can test a 30-day free trial. Also, it has a free plan forever to send a maximum of 12k emails.

Best Email Marketing Tools:Mailerlite pricing


  •  Affordable Paid Plans
  •  High email deliverability rates.


  • Strict approval rules.

Final Thought

As one of the best email marketing tools, Mailerlite is a good choice for beginners because of its user-friendly interface. However, if you own a medium or large business, and need more space or more powerful features, you’ll feel very limited with this platform.


Best Email Marketing Tools: Campaigner home page

The final goal of a good email marketing platform is to generate leads or sell products. And Compainer does it very well.

Notable Features

Compaigner manages the buyer journey from awareness to purchase very well. It has a professional workflow that allows you to send highly personalized messages to your contacts automatically.

Campaigner has a great email and SMS segmentation tool. This segmentation is based on demographic, purchase behavior, and geolocation information.

This platform has a landing page builder to create compelling content that inspires subscriptions.

Autoresponder is another feature that sends emails at the right time to your subscribers. It is action-based, recurring, and personalized.

Its automation and autoresponder features make Compaigner the best among its competitors.

This platform has good integration with third-party services and apps including Shopify and LinkedIn.

Experiment always works. By testing the components of an email campaign such as subject line testing, name testing, content, and design testing, you can optimize the results of your email campaigns.

Or takes testing beyond the basic A/B option by multivariate testing.


Best Email Marketing Tools: Campaigner pricing

Campaigner has four pricing plans:

  •  Starter: $59/ mo
  • Essential: $179/ mo
  •  Advanced: $649/ mo
  • E-commerce $79.95/ mo

There is a 30-day free trial for the three first plans available.


  • Powerful email customization.
  • Good contact management.
  • It’s easy to use.


  • Newsletter scheduling needs to improve.
  • Report features need to improve.

Final Thought

Campaigner email marketing tool greatly enhance your ability to connect with your subscribers and drive meaningful engagement. Its intuitive interface, powerful segmentation options, automation tools, and robust reporting capabilities make it an valuable able asset in your business.


Best Email Marketing Tools: Systeme.io home page

If you need an all-in-one marketing platform, Systeme is the best choice.

This platform has everything you need to grow your business. Through Systeme, you can create sales funnels, create and manage online courses, send email marketing, run a website, and automate your business in various ways.

When you start using this platform, you think it’s a friend you know for a long time! It’s very straight and friendly to use.
Systeme’s drag-and-drop editor makes it easier to build the website you want.

Through this platform, you can start a blog and promote your content. It also takes care of SEO principles. So, you can be confident that search engines find your content.

Systeme’s Newsletter has 2 visual and classic editor that allows you to use ready-made templates or email Newsletter format.

Systeme is great for making Sales Funnel. There are four types of funnel including ”Build an Audience, Sell, Custom, and Run an Evergreen Webinar”. Each of them does a special task for you to grow your business.


The platform has 3 paid plans:

  • Start-Up: $27/mo
  • Webinar: $47/mo
  • Enterprise: $97/mo
Best Email Marketing Tools: Systeme.io pricing

 In addition to a 14-day free trial in paid plans, Systeme offers a free forever plan. It’s very awesome that even in a free forever plan you don’t have any limitation for the quantity of emails you send. It’s unlimited!


  • It’s very affordable.
  • Very good user experience feedback.
  • It has high security.
  • Free forever plan.


  • It has a shortage of third-party software integration.
  • The platform has limited design flexibility.

Final Thought

Not only Systeme.io is one of the best email marketing tools, it also is an invaluable asset as an all-in-one marketing platform.

If you want to grow your business with a marketing platform, don’t hesitate, and try Systeme.io. All you have to do is sign up for a free plan and examine it.


Best Email Marketing Tools: hubspot home page

HubSpot is one of the well-known email marketing platforms.
This tool provides a good CRM for customers. Even you can see good CRM features in the free plan too.

It is easy to use and provides many tutorials such as videos, articles, and helpful guides and tips.
HubSpot is one of the best platforms for building automation workflows.

Notable Features

 This platform has a very easy email editor. There are pre-maid templates you can choose or start according to your own will. After designing the email you preview it on different devices like desktop or mobile phone.

HubSpot A/B testing feature allows you to test different elements of your email campaigns such as subject lines, content, and CTAs to determine what works best for your audience.

HubSpot provides detailed analytic reports on your email campaigns, including open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates, allowing you to measure the success of your campaigns and optimize them accordingly.

It also shows the duration that every subscriber spends reading your email. Even it shows which device subscribers use when they opened your email (desktop or mobile phone).

Hubspot has powerful integration with other tools. This platform claims it has over 1000 integrations. With this integration, you can analyze the performance of your Facebook, Linkedin, and Google ads. This also gives the opportunity to track those interactions with your CRM in Hubspot!

By using HubSpot you can build your landing page with your own desired design or use their pre-designed ones. The drag-and-drop editor makes it easy for email marketers with little or no coding experience.

HubSpot’s segmentation is another feature for making your business easy.
You can target your marketing emails to specific groups of customers by creating smart lists in HubSpot.


HubSpot pricing start from $20/mo.
It has a free forever plan too. You can check it for a while and then decide on purchasing a plan.

Best Email Marketing Tools: hubspot pricing


  •  This platform has a great academy for education resources.
  • Excellent customer support
  • It’s the most integrated email marketing platform.


  • Advanced plans are pricey.
  • It should be more flexible in workflows.

Final Thought

HubSpot, as one of the best marketing platforms offers a comprehensive suite of features that help you to create and send effective email campaigns while saving time and effort. This platform has worth to try it. So, why do you wait? Start the free plan!


Best Email Marketing Tools:BenchMark home page

Benchmark email marketing platform is very easy to use and scale.

This user-friendly platform helps you to create pretty professional emails, by their templates or drag-and-drop which is very simple.

Before sending, you can review your email in a variety of email environments by using Benchmark’s inbox checker. With this feature, there are no broken images or other issues.

A/B testing is another good feature of this platform. You can test everything from the subject line to the delivery time of your emails to ensure that they always give the best results.

A/B testing lets you test one or more variables so that you can make decisions about your email marketing strategy based on data.

Benchmark also works as a Photoshop tool. If you aren’t satisfied with the quality of the image you want to send, edit it through this platform.

You can adjust colors, add effects, or even add a message with beautiful fonts over your photo.

This platform is integrated with over 300 tools including WordPress plugin, Facebook sign-up forms, Zendesk, PayPal, and numerous other SaaS platforms.

 Benchmark has two types of automation: lite and pro.

Lite is available in a free plan too and also covers good features. Pro type is more advanced and you can use pre-made templates or add your own desired ones.

Benchmark landing page builder is easy to use like other features. It has a drag-and-drop editor.


Best Email Marketing Tools: BenchMark pricing

Benchmark is available to try out for free. Then, to use more feature you can upgrade to their premium plans, which start at $ 9.99 per month.


Ultimately, the best email marketing tool for you will depend on your specific needs and requirements. Whether you prioritize ease of use, advanced automation, or comprehensive analytics, there is a tool on this list that can meet your expectations. By leveraging these tools’ capabilities, you can effectively engage with your audience, drive conversions, and achieve your email marketing goals.


What are different types of email marketing?

There are six  common types of email marketing:

Promotional emails: These emails are designed to promote a product, service, or special offer to subscribers.

Newsletter emails: These emails are typically sent on a regular basis, such as weekly or monthly, and provide subscribers with valuable content, updates, and news related to the business or industry.

Transactional emails: These emails are triggered by a specific action taken by a customer, such as making a purchase, signing up for a service, or abandoning a shopping cart.

Welcome emails are sent to new subscribers to introduce them to the business and set expectations for future communication.

Re-engagement emails are used to reconnect with inactive subscribers and encourage them to re-engage with the brand.

Survey emails are sent to gather feedback from customers and gain valuable insights for improving products or services.

How do I optimize my email marketing?

To optimize your email marketing campaign, you need to focus on several key strategies:

Firstly, ensure your email list is clean and up-to-date.

Next, pay close attention to the subject line of your emails. A compelling and concise subject line is crucial in capturing the recipient’s attention and encouraging them to open the email.

Personalization is another important aspect of optimizing your email marketing campaign. Based on various criteria such as demographics, interests, or past interactions segment your audience.

Continuously test and refine your email content, and experiment with different layouts, visuals, and calls-to-action to determine what is most effective.

Additionally, mobile optimization in your email marketing efforts can be helpful.

Finally, to improve your email marketing optimization, you need to conduct A/B testing and utilize analytics reports.

How do I start email marketing from scratch?

  • Choose a reliable email service provider
  • Define your email marketing goals
  • Segmenting your email list
  • Create compelling and engaging email content
  • Establish a consistent sending schedule
  • Analyzing and optimizing your email marketing efforts

What is the success rate of email marketing?

Research studies have shown that email marketing consistently delivers a high return on investment (ROI) compared to other marketing channels.

According to a report by the Direct Marketing Association, the average ROI for email marketing is 4,400%, meaning that for every dollar spent on email marketing, businesses can expect an average return of $44.

23 Types of Keywords in SEO: +How to Find, Analyze and Use

9 Types of keywords

23 Types of Keywords in SEO: +How to Find, Analyze and Use

If you imagine SEO is a building, keywords are the foundation of this building.
Choosing wrong keywords leads you to the below results:

Your page doesn’t rank by Google

You call the wrong users to the page

So, the first step to finding the right keywords is knowing the different types of keywords in SEO.

In this article, I will discuss different types of keywords  in SEO, how to use and find them, and more.

What is a keyword in SEO?

A keyword is a word or phrase people use for searching about a specific topic in search engines.

For example, imagine you have a website for selling dog foods. Your keywords are what people type in search engines to buy your products. Depending on the type of food you sell and customer’s questions, your keyword varies.

Why are keywords important in SEO?

When a user type a query in search bar, Google bots try to find the most relevant content. If Google doesn’t do it well, most probably lose users after some wrong results. So, keywords are super important for search engines.
That makes sense.

On the other hand, the main goal of every website is to acquire organic traffic. No one likes to pay for ads to gain traffic. Regardless of wasting money, paid traffic isn’t permanent and doesn’t bring authority to you. So,  right keywords are crucial for creating perfect content marketing to drive organic traffic to the website.

To find the right keyword consider below steps:

  • Learn different types of keywords
  • Make a keywords list
  • Analyze keywords
  • Use keywords in the best places of content

Understanding the different types of keywords for SEO and how they work together is crucial for successful SEO strategies. By incorporating a variety of keywords into your content, you can improve your website’s visibility and attract more organic traffic.

Lets’ start!

Types of keywords in SEO: By length

Length of keywords is important in search engine optimization (SEO). Different lengths of keywords serve different purposes and have varying levels of competition.

Let’s take a closer look at these types of keywords in SEO based on length.

  • Short-tail
  • Mid-tail
  • Long-tail

Short-Tail Keywords

As the name implies, a short tail keyword consists of one or two words. These keywords are highly generic and broad. Due to their broadness, short-tail keywords often face intense competition, and ranking well for them can be challenging.

So, if your website doesn’t have high domain authority, it’s better to forget these types of keywords

For example, “shoes” or “SEO” are considered short-tail keywords. While they may bring traffic for websites with high DA, the conversion rate may be relatively low. Because users who search for this type of inquiry, don’t have the decision to buy any product.

Short-tail keywords characteristics:

  • 1 or 2 words
  • High search volume
  • Vague user intent
  • High competition
Different types of keywords in SEO: Short tail keywords

How to use short-tail keywords: Using short-tail keywords isn’t recommended if you don’t have a strong and well-established site in your niche. Although they have a very high search volume, winning the competition isn’t possible for every website.

Mid-tail Keywords

As the name suggests, mid-tail keywords fall between short-tail and long-tail keywords in terms of length and specificity. They provide a balance between search volume and relevance.

 For example, “running shoes for beginners” or “SEO tips for bloggers” are mid-tail keywords. These keywords can drive a good amount of traffic. And also remain specific.

Regarding competition, they relatively have high competition. They can gain traffic for websites with good domain authority (DA).

Mid-tail keywords characteristics:

  • 3 or 4 words
  • Specify search intent
  • Mid-search volume
  • Relatively high competition

How to use mid-tail keywords: Mid-tail keywords are more specific with a midum search volume. However, they need a high or at least mid-domain authority to rank. 

Long-Tail Keywords

In contrast to short-tail keywords, long-tail keywords are more specific and comprised of multiple words. These keywords usually have a lower search volume but are highly targeted.

For instance, “best running shoes for marathon training” or “affordable SEO services for small businesses” are examples of long-tail keywords. Although the search volume may be lower, the conversion rate is often higher due to more specific search intent.

Types of keywords in SEO : Long tail keywords

Long-tail keyword characteristics:

  • More than 5 words
  • Highly specific
  • Low search volume
  • High conversion rate
  • Suitable for low DA websites

How to use long-tail keywords: These types of keywords in SEO have a crucial role, and they are suitable for every website with high or low domain authority. Websites that sell products can make the most out of long-tail keywords because the user is ready to buy something.

How to find SEO keywords by length?

Google autocomplete is a good way to find keywords by length.

Types of keywords in SEO: Keywords by length

When you type a short-tail keyword in Google, it suggests other keywords with medium length. You can add more details to these medium keywords and create long-tail keywords.

Using SEO tools like Google Keyword Planner or Ahrefs is useful. These tools provide insights into the search volume and competition level of keywords.

Finding short-tail and medium-tail keywords is not difficult. But for finding long-tail keywords you need to do more research.

Forums like Quora and Reddit are good places to find long-tail keywords. Because in these forums people ask questions to solve a problem and questions are more specific by nature.

Types of keywords in SEO: By Search Intent

Understanding the intent behind users’ search queries is vital in selecting the most appropriate keywords for your SEO efforts.

There are 4 types of keywords by search intent:

  • Informational
  • Navigational
  • Commercial
  • Transactional

Before learning search intent keywords, let to take a look at the buyer’s journey. Every buyer goes through 3 steps before purchasing a product:

Awareness, Consideration, and Decision stages.

Why knowing the buyer’s journey is important?

Because every stage has a specific search intent. That’s why you should know which stage your customer is in, and accordingly select proper keywords according to search intent.

Informational keywords

These types of keywords in SEO indicate that users are seeking information or answers for their queries. These keywords usually start with “what is,” “how to,” or “benefits of.” For example, “What is SEO” or “How to bake a cake” are informational keywords.

Creating comprehensive and informative content around these keywords can help attract audiences looking for answers or guidance.

Informational keywords characteristics:

  • Use question words mostly
  • Look for a piece of information
  • Ask a solution
  • Low conversion rate

How to use informational keywords: If you want to use informational keywords, your content scope should be informational, even if your final goal is selling a product.

So, if you want to use informational content for conversion, be patient and constantly try to produce valuable content. Trust building is very important and it can’t be gained overnight.

Navigational keywords

Navigational keywords are used when individuals search for a specific website or brand. These keywords usually include the name of the website or brand they are looking for. For instance, “LinkedIn login” or “Samsung support” are navigational keywords.

Navigational keywords characteristics

  • Show a brand name
  • Help to Authority

How to use navigational keywords: Like informational keywords, these types of keywords may not be our primary focus. But if you have a local business, it is very vital to optimize your webpage with navigational keywords.

Commercial keywords

Commercial keywords represent an intent to research products or services before making a buying decision. They often include terms such as “best,” “top-rated,” or “reviews.” For example, “best laptops for video editing” or “top SEO agencies” are commercial keywords.

Commercial keywords characteristics:

  • Signals an intention to buy
  • Higher conversion rate than informational intent
  • Need to compare different products


How to use commercial keywords: Based on buyers’ journey users know they what need at this stage. But need to more information to compare different products. Creating high-quality comparison articles, product reviews, or informative guides can help capture the attention of users at this crucial stage of the buyer’s journey.

Transactional Keywords

Transactional keywords indicate that users are ready to make a purchase or engage in a specific action. These keywords often include terms such as “buy,” “order,” or “discount.” For example, “buy running shoes online” or “order SEO audit” are transactional keywords.

Transactional keywords characteristics:

  • Actionable by nature
  • High commercial intent
  • High conversion rate

How to use transactional keywords: Transactional keywords are best optimized through product pages and landing pages. Ensure that your content is persuasive, highlighting the benefits, features, and unique selling points of your product or service.

Below are some examples of search intent keywords:

Types of keywords in SEO: Search intent keywords examples

How to find SEO keywords by search intent?

Understanding the search intent behind keywords requires analytical research. Tools like SEMrush or Moz Keyword Explorer can assist in identifying the search intent of specific keywords.

Search intent keywords aren’t the main keywords in your content. They come along with the main keywords to give direction to your content.

For using Semrush to find keywords by search intent, simply enter your main keyword in Semrush’s Keyword Magic Tool and select the type of search you want. It will show you many search ideas to write about it.

Additionally, you can analyze the type of content that appears in search results for a particular keyword. It provides valuable insights into the search intent.

Types of keywords in SEO: By role

There are 3 types of keywords by role:

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Semantic

Primary keywords

Primary keyword (also called target keyword or seed keyword) is the major term you target in your content. It’s the heart of the content.

Every content should have at least one primary keyword, and content expand around this keyword.

Primary keyword characteristics:

  • Main word of content
  • Repeat constantly

How to use primary keywords: Primary keywords are repeated in titles, meta tags, subheadings, and in the body to find by search engine bots. It’s very important to consider metrics like keyword difficulty and search volume when you are going to find primary keywords. High-difficulty primary keywords will be hard to rank, especially for low-DA websites.

Types of keywords in SEO: primary keyword

Secondary keywords

While primary keywords are the main terms that directly reflect the core topic of your content, secondary keywords cover additional context and relevant subtopics. Also, they can be synonyms of the primary keyword.

For example, if your primary keyword is “digital marketing” secondary keywords could include “digital marketing strategy,” “digital marketing
agency,” “digital marketing companies,” or “digital marketing courses.”

Secondary keywords characteristics:

  • Cover relevant subtopics
  • It can be a synonym of the main keyword

How to use secondary keywords: Secondary keywords are usually variations or synonyms of the main keyword. If a secondary keyword is a synonym, it’s a good chance to use it instead of the primary keyword to prevent keyword stuffing.

For ranking better you can use some secondary keywords in your content and repeat them naturally. Also, you should pay attention to the keyword difficulty of them. Lower keyword difficulty means a higher chance to rank.

Semantic Keywords

Semantic keywords (aka Latent Semantic Indexing or LSI) are a variety of related words to content and main keyword. Google bots find the relationship between words and concepts in every content. If you have these semantic words in your content, Google will understand it better.

By the way, semantic keywords are different from secondary keywords, and also it is not a synonym of the main keyword.

Semantic keywords characteristics:

  • Conceptually related to main keyword
  • It can be a variation of the main keyword
Types of Keywords in SEO: LSI Keywords Examples

How to use semantic keywords: Since semantic keywords help to search bots to recognize what your content is about, so it’s better to use some of semantic keywords in subheadings and alt images. And you can incorporate them naturally in your content.

How to find keywords by role?

To find primary and secondary keywords, you can use tools like KWFinder. Simply enter your topic and give a variety of suggestions.

Types of keywords in seo _How to find keywords by role

When you select one suggestion as a primary keyword, enter it in the tool to get more suggestions as secondary keywords.

Types of keywords in SEO: keywords by role

To find semantic keywords you can use LSI graph tool. It’s a paid tool but there are verities of free LSI tools. .

Types of keywords in SEO: Google Ads Keywords

In addition to organic SEO, Google Ads (formerly known as Google AdWords) provides an excellent opportunity to boost your website’s visibility through paid advertising.

Why understanding Google ad keywords is crucial for marketers?

It’s obvious. If you don’t use proper keywords in ad campaigns, maybe you waste the money which cost for advertisement.

Exact match

Exact match keywords trigger ads to appear only when the search query exactly matches the keyword. There can be no additional words before or after the keyword.

For example, if your exact match keyword is “running shoes,” your ad will only appear for searches that include the exact phrase “running shoes.”

Phrase match

Phrase match keywords allow your ads to appear when the search query includes the keyword phrase in the same order. However, there may be additional words before or after the phrase.

For example, if your phrase match keyword is “running shoes,” your ad may appear for searches like “buy running shoes” or “top-rated running shoes.”

Broad match

Broad match keywords trigger ads to appear when a search query includes any word in the keyword, in any order. For example, if your broad match keyword is “SEO tools,” your ad may appear for searches like “best SEO tools,” “affordable tools for SEO,” or “types of SEO tools.”

Negative keywords

Negative keywords exclude specific terms or phrases, ensuring that your ads don’t appear for irrelevant searches. By adding negative keywords to your ad campaign, you can maximize the relevancy and effectiveness of your ad placements.

For example, if you sell running shoes but not hiking shoes, you could add “hiking” as a negative keyword to avoid showing your ad to users searching for hiking shoes.

How to use Google Ads keywords: When you create an ad campaign, you have the main keyword. Additionally, you need to select optimal keywords (ad keywords that are noted above)and Google will display your ad based on those selections.

These keywords don’t need to be researched, and the Google ads platform proposed them to you as options.

How to find SEO keywords for Google Ads?

When you use Google ads to run an ad campaign, it suggests you to select the type of keywords (exact, phrase, broad match) you need to add to your campaign. Each of them has its pros and cons:

  • Broad & phrase match pulls useless queries
  • Exact match misses valuable long-tail keywords

To avoid this problem you can use negative keywords to prevent useless quiries.

Types of keywords in SEO: Time-Based Keywords

There are 2 types of  time-based keywords :

  • Trend
  • Evergreen

Trend Keywords

Trend keywords are associated with popular topics or events happening in the current moment. These keywords allow businesses to ride the wave of what’s hot and happening, and capture the attention of a wide audience.

Whether it’s the latest fashion trend, a viral social media challenge, or a breaking news story, trend keywords can help you stay relevant and drive traffic to your website.

Trend keywords characteristics

  • Include a new and fresh topic
  • High search volume
  • Easy to rank at the early stage

How to use tend keywords: Incorporate these keywords into blog posts, articles, or landing pages that provide valuable information or insights related to the current topic or trend.

For example, if you run a technology blog, and there’s a new smartphone release generating buzz, consider creating a detailed review or comparison article using time-based keywords like “new smartphone XYZ review” or “comparison of the latest smartphones.”

Evergreen Keywords

Unlike trend keywords, evergreen keywords remain relevant and generate consistent traffic over time. They are not time-sensitive and are often associated with broader topics or evergreen content that stay relevant regardless of current trends.

Evergreen keywords are like the sturdy oak tree in the forest of search engine optimization; They provide a solid foundation for your website’s visibility.

Types of keywords in SEO : ever green keywords

Evergreen keywords characteristics:

  • High search volume
  • Constant inquiry demand
  • Mostly hard to rank

How to use evergreen keywords: Let’s say you own a gardening blog. While trend keywords may bring in temporary spikes of traffic, evergreen keywords like “how to grow tomatoes” or “best gardening tips” will consistently attract visitors who are interested in gardening.

By incorporating these evergreen keywords into your content, you can establish your website as a go-to resource for gardening enthusiasts.

How to find time-based keywords?

Always be updated for what happen in your industry. Using social media helps you to know about what happening. Producing content around trends keywords fast can be very effective in pulling many traffic to your website.

Google likes content about current topics. So, including trending keywords help you to rank.
Tools like Google Trends helps you to find keyword trends.

Types of Keywords in SEO: Use Keyword Trends tool to find right keyword for SEO

Another tool is BuzzSumo. To find trending keywords via this tool you need to log in. Then, at the top of your dashboard, on the left hand go to the Discover tab and select Trending.

Types of Keywords in SEO: Use BuzzSumo tool to find right keyword for SEO

On the other hand, to find Evergreen keywords, analyze your competitors’ pages. Those pages with a consistent flow of organic traffic mostly include evergreen keywords.

Types of keywords in SEO: By Target

In below you can see 4 types of keywords by target:

  • Branded keywords
  • Customer-defining keywords
  • Market-segment keywords
  • Product keywords

Branded keywords

Branded keywords are specific to a business and include the company name, product name, or any other unique identifiers associated with the brand. These keywords are essential for building brand visibility and capturing the attention of individuals already familiar with the business.

Types of keywords in SEO : Branded keywords

Branded keywords characteristics:

  •  Indicate specific brand/product
  • Search volume depends on brand popularity
  • Specific search intent

How to use brand name: If you are going to boost your brand, you can write articles and include your brand in them. Also if you want to know about your brand name’s popularity, type it in search engines and see the results.

Customer-defining keywords

Customer-defining keywords are another valuable addition to an SEO strategy. As the name implies, it indicates a specific group of customers. Customer-defining keyword is a good way to achieve long-tail keywords by narrowing down a broad term.

Let’s say, you have an online shop for selling shoes. Customer defining keyword will be ”sports shoes for kids”, or more specific ”sports shoes for kids 4 to 7 years”.

Customer-defining keywords characteristics:

  • Medium search volume
  • More conversion than broad terms
  • Indicate specific audience

How to use customer-defining keywords: Types of your products and services indicate your customer-defining keywords. Based on use these keywords for those who need your product.

 Additionally using customer-defining keywords helps the right audience visit your website. So, it can help to better user experience and also reduce your bounce rate.

Market-segment keywords

Market-segment keywords are specific scopes of an industry or service. Let’s say you own a shoes online shop. You have ”rubber shoes”, ”cork shoes”, ”leather shoes”. All of these are market segment keywords that have their market. These types of keywords aren’t broad so much. But it yet needs to be narrowed down if a website with low DA wants to use it.

Market-segment characteristics:

  • High search volume
  • Vague search intent
  • Low conversion rate

How to use market-specific keywords: If you have a blog and want to use these keywords, I should say you don’t have much chance, especially if your website has low domain authority (DA). So, check keyword difficulty before using Market-segment keywords.

Product Keywords

When users search for specific products of a brand they use Product keywords. For example, they have searched for ”Samsung Galaxy A55”. This keyword shows that they are looking for a specific type of mobile phone offered by this brand.

Product keywords characteristics:

  • Low search volume
  • Low competitive rate
  • Specific search intent
  • High conversion rate

How to use product keywords: If you sell products, this type of keyword is necessary for you. Writing content about different aspects of your product helps your selling and brand awareness.

Other types of keywords in SEO

In addition to the above types of keywords, there are some other types that they not included in specific categories.

  • Question-based keywords
  • Geo-targeting keywords
  • Competitor keywords

Question-based keywords

Question-based keywords are search queries in the form of questions. These keywords reflect the way people search for information online and can be highly valuable for businesses looking to provide helpful answers or solutions.

Question-based keywords characteristics:

  • Mostly they are long-tail
  • They can be both high-competition and low-competition
  • Informational search intent mostly

How to use question-based keywords: The best way is to create a FAQ section at the bottom of your blog post. These questions should be as subheadings that search bots find them.

How to find question-based keywords:

Researching popular question-and-answer platforms, forums, or online communities can be incredibly useful in this regard. These platforms are a treasure of information, filled with the most frequently asked questions in your field.

Also Asked is one of the great websites to find question-based keywords. This website gets all data from Google directly

Geo-targeting keywords

Geo-targeting keywords involve keywords based on geographic locations. For instance, “SEO services in New York”, “best cafes in London”, or “best restaurants near me” are examples of Geo-targeting keywords.

Optimizing your content with Geo-based keywords can improve your visibility and attract local customers interested in your products or services.

Types of keywords in SEO : Geo-Targeted Keywords

Geo-targeting keywords characteristics:

  • Highly relevant traffic

How to use geo-targeting keywords: Include location-specific content and optimize your website to target a particular region or city. Promote local events, attractions, or testimonials, and match your local currency to showcase your connection to the area.

 By doing so, you not only improve your search engine rankings but also build trust and credibility among local customers.

How to find geo-targeting keywords:

The geo-targeting keyword is a must-have strategy for local businesses. It’s the easiest type of keyword research. Just you need to add your region to the main keywords you are going to rank.

For example ” the best Chinese restaurant” will be ‘the best Chinese restaurant in London”, or more specifically ”the best restaurant near Westminster in London.

Competitor Keywords

Competitor keywords are another valuable strategy for your SEO. These keywords involve targeting keywords that are associated with competitors in the same industry.

Competitor’s keywords are those keywords your competitors use at the same time to generate more traffic.

How to use competitor keywords: When you find your competitor’s keywords, cluster them into different groups. Then, create content around each category and use keywords in your content.

How to find competitors' keywords:

To explore these keywords you must search online and find your competitors. SEO tools like Ahref or Semrush give you a great insight to your competitor keywords.  Just don’t forget for local SEO (if your business is limited to a specific area), you need to find local competitors.

For using Ahrefs tool:

  1. Go to Ahrefs’ Site Explorer
  2. Enter competitor’s domain
  3. Go to the Organic keywords report
types of keywords in SEO-Competitor Keywords: Ahrefs

By this report, you can find the keywords that send visitors to your competitor’s webpage.

How to analyze keywords?

After you choose a keyword, it’s time to to measure some metrics. And it can’t be possible without analyzing some metrics with SEO tools.

3 factors must analyze carefully to choose the best keywords:

  • Cost per click
  • Keyword difficulty
  • Search volume

If a website has high authority, ranking becomes easier. So, website with lower authority should be careful to choose easy keywords to rank.

Cost per click

Cost Per Click (CPC) is a metric used in SEO to measure the cost of each click on an advertisement. CPC is calculated by dividing the total cost of the ad campaign by the number of clicks it generates. This metric is commonly used in pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, where advertisers pay for each click their ads receive.

Keywords with higher CPCs tend to have high competition. So, target low CPC keywords, for example use long-tail keywords, which are more specific and have lower competition.

Search volume

Search volume is the number of times a given word has been searched in a search engine. You can find search volume by using some free tools like Google Keyword Planner. The search volume measurement metric is monthly mostly.

A higher search volume isn’t suitable for ranking especially when you’re inexperienced in this field.

So, it is better to focus on low-volume keywords under special circumstances.
One of the low-volume keywords is long tail keywords.

Keyword difficulty

Keyword difficulty (KD) refers to the level of difficulty in ranking for a given keyword. It is measured on a scale from 0 to 100, the latter being the hardest to rank for.

Keyword difficulty can measure with SEO tools like Google Planner. This measurement may be different from one tool to another. That means each tool maybe has various variables to measure keyword difficulty.

The higher keyword difficulty means a higher difficulty to rank it.
When you enter a keyword in Google Keyword Planner, it shows different URLs that have ranked for this keyword. The level of difficulty is different from one URL to another.

Types of keywords in SEO: keyword difficulty metric
Source: Mangools

Where is the best place to put keywords?

After analyzing and choosing keywords, you should place them in the right spot in your content. This step is very critical. Otherwise, all of your efforts will destroy.


Title Tag

The most important spot for your keyword is in the title tag. A title tag is a blue part that appears on a search engine result page when users enter a query.

If your keywords don’t include in the title tag, you lose the chance to rank. In HTML it shows as title of a webpage. 

Types of Keywords in SEO: Title tag is one of the best places to put SEO keywords


Headlines serve as the first point of contact between a page and its audience, making them a crucial aspect of search engine optimization. It is the first title on the top of your web page and is different from the title tag. In fact, Headline serves as the H1 of a webpage in HTML.

Using keywords in headlines is effective for Google bots to find your page, and also people understand the gist of the whole of your content.

Incorporating relevant and well-researched keywords into your headlines is an essential aspect of effective SEO. It can improve your rankings and helps to attract more targeted traffic.

Meta Description

Meta description is a HTML attribute that provide a brief summary of the content on a webpage. It appears below the page title in search engine results and can greatly impact click-through rates.

To optimize Meta descriptions for SEO, it’s essential to include relevant keywords. These keywords should accurately reflect the content on the page and match the user’s search query.

Including keywords in meta descriptions helps search engines understand what the page is about and can improve its visibility in search results.

First Paragraph

Using keywords in first paragraph is necessary. Because search engines give more weight to the first few sentences of a page or article when determining its relevance to a particular search query.

When incorporating keywords into the first paragraph, it’s crucial to ensure that they flow naturally and don’t disrupt the overall readability of the content. Keyword stuffing can actually harm your SEO efforts by making your content appear spammy and low-quality.

Anchor Text

Anchor text refers to the clickable text that appears as a hyperlink on a webpage. By including relevant keywords in the anchor text, you can signal to search engines what the linked page is about and improve its ranking for those specific keywords.

However, it’s important to use anchor text strategically and not overdo it. Overusing keywords in anchor text, also known as keyword stuffing, can actually harm your SEO efforts by appearing spammy to search engines.

Image Alt Text

Image alt text is HTML attribute that is written for an image in webpage. Alt text has this potential to improve your ranking page when add your keyword to it.

Just be noted use more specific keywords for your alt text. Shot tail keywords don’t help to your SEO ranking. Pay attention to below image.

Types of Keywords in SEO: ALT text is one of the best places to place SEO keywords

Good:  <img src = “image.png” alt = “a little girl in green grass”>

Better: <img src = “image.png” alt = “a girl in black dress in green grass”>

Best:   <img src = “image.png” alt = “a girl in black dress running in green grass”>



Keep it in your mind that keyword research is an ongoing process. As search trends and user behavior change over time, your approach to keyword research should be change too.

Ultimately, effective keyword research requires a combination of technical expertise, creativity, and a deep understanding of your target audience.

By taking the time to conduct thorough research and develop a comprehensive strategy, you can position your business for long-term success in the highly competitive world of SEO.


How do I choose the right keywords for SEO?

  • Start by brainstorming a list of relevant keywords to your niche.
  • Use keyword research tools such as Google Keyword Planner  to determine the search volume and competition level for each keyword.
  • Consider the intent behind each keyword. It helps you tailor the content to meet the needs of your target audience
  • Ensure the keyword relevancy. The keywords you choose should be directly related to the content on your website or the products/services you offer. 
  • Finally, regularly monitor and adjust your keyword strategy based on changes in search trends and your own website analytics. 

What types of keywords should I use for SEO?

Keywords with medium search volume and a low competition is the best keywords.
Long-tail keywords are good choice since they are more generic keywords and easier to rank.

How often should I update my SEO keywords?

If you’re in a highly competitive industry where new products or services are introduced frequently, then you may need to update your keywords more frequently. On the other hand, if your industry is relatively stable, then updating your keywords every few months may suffice.

How can I measure the success of my SEO keywords?

By regularly assessing keyword rankings, organic traffic, and user engagement metrics, you can informed about success of your SEO keywords and accordingly optimize your content and improve your overall search visibility.

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