
Content Marketing Principles: A Beginner’s Guide

Content Marketing Principles

Content Marketing Principles: A Beginner's Guide

Nowadays, it happens rarely that a person has a hand in online visibility and didn’t hear about content marketing.
If you are a business owner, whether small or large business, content marketing is vital for your business.

Content marketing principles is so different from traditional kind of marketing. And the good news is content marketing is more effective and grows your business significantly.

Every day much content marketing is produced, but those content help to grow the businesses that have been generated based on content marketing principles. So, if you want to have a successful content marketing campaign, first you should know content marketing principles.

In this article, I talk about content marketing principles, definition and its importance. Steps of creating content marketing, different types of content marketing, and important tips will discuss.

Content marketing vs. traditional marketing

As much as content marketing focuses on the audience, traditional marketing values products or services. If I want to summarize traditional marketing, it will be: “I have the best product. Come and buy from me”!
It’s like what you see in Monday local markets.

Content Marketing Principles: Content Marketing vs. traditional marketing

Although traditional marketing may imply what’s going on in the local market or past era, it’s common in modern marketing too. Even commercial advertising on television is a type of traditional marketing. They are so boring, and people change channels to get rid of them.

Other examples of traditional marketing are:

  • Newspaper
  • adsBillboard
  • Mail advertisements
  • Cold call or text
  • Event marketing
  • Google ads
Content Marketing Principles: Content Marketing vs. traditional marketing

Why content marketing is important?

There are many reasons that good and consistent content marketing improves your business. In the following, I note some of the reasons why content marketing is important for every business.

It rescues the audience from confusion

We live in a century where people are selective and also confused with too many options. Just search on the internet to buy a software. Choosing a product among different brands is confusing, and here good content marketing helps.

Good content marketing can save the audience from confusion. Content marketing starts with awareness, then leads the audience to consider their needs and finally make a decision.

The audience wants to choose among different brands, and good content marketing does it very well.

Content Marketing Principles: It rescues the audience from confusion

Content marketing becomes more significant when many of your competitors are using traditional methods of marketing. A look at the annual revenue of ad institutions proves it. People hate advertisements. For this reason, they use ad blocks.

So, create good content marketing, give awareness to your audience, and achieve your marketing goals.
It is a win-win.

It's not expensive

In contrast to television and publishing advertisements in newspapers or magazines, content marketing doesn’t need to expensive budget. Everyone can do it online. You need to know the strategies of content marketing. Then enjoy the long-term results.

It helps online visibility

Content marketing is all about helping, not selling. It’s exactly something Google wants. Google appreciates content that helps people. When people are satisfied with your content, google also will be satisfied. Just you need to include SEO basics and strategies in content. Then Google and the audience help you for more visibility.

It causes the audience to trust your brand

When people type a query in the search engines, regardless of their intention, they need help. Through content marketing, you answer their questions and interact with them.

It is the same as creating value without taking anything in return, and your audience is more likely to trust your recommendations.
The more quality content that visitors see, the more likely they have a positive association with your company.

Content marketing principles

After a short introduction and talking about the importance of content marketing, let’s dive into the discussion and talk about principles of content marketing and how good content marketing can organize.

Principle 1: Change your mindset

If you are new in content marketing scope, it means you have a traditional marketing mindset. Content marketing is very different; it needs to be treated differently. Also, will get different results.

You should look at content marketing as an investment, not a short term entertainment.

Content marketing is like a startup; it needs consistency and effort. You must be careful about your audience’s needs while you have marketing goals in your mind.

Think about yourself as a publisher and, what you publish becomes your asset. Having such a mindset means thinking you about all resources that create and distribute content differently. It is creating long-term engagement with customers through your content.

When you look at your content as a long-term investment, quality increase, and the audience understand you are different. So, they don’t leave simply; they stop and think. Then, this audience engages with your content and subscribes as loyal customer.

Principle 2: Define your own goals

When you write content in marketing fields, you have commercial goals in your mind.
Based on the types of your business, B2B or B2C, your goals will be various.

Here are some common content marketing goals for B2B or B2C types:

B2B Content Marketing Goals

  • Problem-Solving: The main goal of a B2B brand is to solve the problems of customers. So, as a B2B brand need to show your expertise with the quality of your content. Your content should pay attention to the pain points of customers and find the solution.
  • Credibility: It doesn’t happen overnight and needs authenticity. The more authentic and reliable your content is, the more credibility your work shows.
  • Partnership: This item is crucial and can bring value to your brand. But how does your audience trust you? It often happens when you focus on their needs in your content strongly.

B2C Content Marketing Goals

  • Trust Building: It’s one of the primary goals of content marketing. Trust building is a time-consuming process. It often needs some trial and error.
  • Audience engagement: It seeks for the ways people engage with your content. Audience engagement can be done in different ways such as sharing, liking, or commenting on your content.
  • More traffic: Content marketers hope to gain more organic traffic in search engine. Combining content marketing and SEO with keyword-optimized blogs helps to achieve this goal.
  •  More sales: It is the most common goal for every business. Create content to show your business’s worth, and sell more.

Principle 3: Define Audience Persona

Since all the content marketing start and ends with your audience, therefore the writer should understand the wants and needs of audience very well.

You need to know about interests, pain points, sometimes gender or age of your audience. Following questions help you to gain more knowledge about your audience persona and then write your content accordingly.

1- Which gender are them?
2- Where can find them?
3- What’re their goals?
4- What’re their pain points?
5- How much is their budget?
6- How do they live the average of a day?
7- How can I help them?
8- What does make them happy?

And many other questions to define them truly.
You need to these information because you must write specifically not broad. Some people write a broad content marketing but finally it’s not useful for anybody.

Principle 4: Manage content creation process

All this step is about who writes the content. It deeply related to size of your organization, your budget and your content marketing knowledge.

If you are new blogger with limit budget, so you should increase your knowledge and start your content marketing. Or if you are new and have the budget, you can outsource your content marketing to professional ones.

For organizations it works differently. Since they work in large extent, therefore they need to hire different persons for different job positions such as Chief content officer (CCO), Managing editor(s) Content creators, Content producers and etc.

Principle 5: Find keywords

This step is super important. All of your efforts is for online visibility and finding potential customers. But if you don’t select right keywords, competitors steal the audience.

If you know SEO well, you should include it. Also you can use SEO tools to find right keywords. Otherwise it’s better to outsource your content marketing to implement keywords too.

The keywords should be according to problems your business solves. Aligning your content marketing with problems solving will give you a greater perspective of how customers see your brand.

Principle 6: Don't talk about sales

Paradoxically, the less talk about sales can leads to more sales. Just focus on helping audience. Selling will come at the right time.

Just focus on helping audience. Selling will come at the right time.
As a content marketer, it’s important to remember that your primary goal is not to sell products or services. Instead, you aim to provide valuable information and resources to your audience in order to establish trust and credibility with them.

Talking about sales too much can come across as pushy or insincere, which can turn off potential customers.

Principle 7: Find your own point of view and voice

Finding your own point of view and voice as a content marketer requires research, analysis, and self-reflection.

By understanding your audience, developing a unique perspective, and staying authentic, you can create content that stands out and resonates with your target market.

Principle 8: Use ''Call To Action '' in your content

CTA encourages the readers to take a specific action. CTA is your marketing aim. For example, purchasing a service or signing up for a newsletter.

 A good CTA is clear and concise. The language used should be direct and easy to understand. For example, it’s better to say ”subscribe here” instead of saying “click here”. People don’t like click on unknown links.

Another key factor to consider is placement of the CTA. It should be strategically placed throughout the content, such as at the end of a blog post or within a video. This ensures that the reader or viewer has had enough time to engage with the content before being prompted to take action.

Principle 9: Plan an editorial calendar

One of important factors in content marketing is consistency.
You can’t going fast for a while and disappear for sometimes. You should go ahead smoothly but consistently.
It’s not possible without an editorial calendar (content planner tool).

A content planner tool maps content production, prepares right content in right time, scheduling dates of creation and publishing, workflow steps and more.

Content planner can be in different forms; from handy format to printed calendar, a spreadsheet like Google calendar to editorial tool. These tools enable you to track the types of content you wish to create, your titles, authors, and publish date and more.

Content Marketing Principles

Types of content marketing

The name of content marketing implies just written types of content. Although it is mostly in written format, this scope includes other formats too.
Let’s dive into some ways for impressing your audience with your content

Blog posts

When we hear about content marketing, the first thing that comes to our mind is blog posts. Actually, blogs are the best place for any type of content marketing.

Blog posts should along with SEO and the right keywords. Length is important, but don’t obsess about long posts. There is no guarantee your 8000 words post rank on Google. Don’t scarify quality for the sake of quantity. A medium-length post with 2000~3000 words is enough.

When you write a blog post be careful about below items to gain traffic:

  • Use strategies for choosing keyword
  • Link your content to a high-authority website
  • Make sure to choose the right headlines
  • Audit the speed of your website
  • Don’t forget mobile-friendly for SEO


It is a visual representation of information. By telling many words in a picture, not only your task becomes easier, but also the audience like it.
Try to create eye-catching infographics. They help your business more than you think.

If you use infographics for blog posts, don’t forget to use descriptive and informative alt text that includes keywords too. Otherwise, search engines can’t find your infographic.


This type of content is such widespread and informative that they also have specific platforms like Youtube. You can use videos everywhere from social media to blog posts.

If you want to make a brand, nothing can help you like videos. It’s the way of all well-known brands. The main problem with making videos is its time-consuming process and also needs many resources but in return, they generate great results.


Books always are effective. eBooks are long-form texts that need more time to produce. But they don’t have difficulties of published books by the press. eBook as content marketing isn’t for sale generally. It’s a lead magnet to give value to your customers or indeed you give this value to your own business.

eBook is a powerful marketing tool. You can offer it to visitors of your blog when they enter your website. Just don’t forget to include links to your website in your eBook for further information. It can bring good traffic to your website.

Case studies

If you want to prove your expertise to the audience, case studies are the best choice. A good case study starts by defining the problem, deeply goes to solving process, and finishes by solving the problem. When you write case studies pay attention to below points:

  • Start with a clear headline
  • Write in simple language as much as possible
  • Define the problem and explain solving process clearly
  • Includes statistics in your case study

How-to guides

Since the main perspective of content marketing is helping the audience, in-depth how-to guides content significantly improves your traffic.

People don’t forget the website helps them to solve a problem, and it’s the reason they come back to your website again.

For example, on my site, I have a distinct part for how-to guides related to SEO and content marketing.


Podcast is a digital audio file that the audience can either stream or download. Podcasts allow you to share your experiences directly with your audience, building relationships by speaking to your targets on a personal level.

Email marketing

Email marketing as content marketing is a powerful tool that can use to engage and retain the audience. By creating valuable and relevant content, build trust with your subscribers and establish yourself as an authority in your industry.

One of the key benefits of email marketing is its ability to reach a large audience at once. Another advantage of email marketing as content marketing is the personalization of messages for each subscriber. By segmenting your list based on interests or behavior, you can tailor your content to meet the specific needs of each individual.

Tips for improving your content marketing

Content marketing is one powerful muscle in business. Many people from personal blogs to large organizations do it. But not all be successful. Indeed, a few percent are successful.
In the following, there are some tips improving your success significantly.

Using AI tools for writing content marketing

AI tools can greatly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your content marketing.
One of the benefits of using an AI tool is its ability to generate relevant and engaging content ideas. By analyzing vast amounts of data, these tools can suggest topics that likely will resonate with your target audience. This saves valuable time that would otherwise be spent brainstorming ideas or conducting extensive research.

Understand the buyer's journey

In simple language buyer’s journey is the process a buyer start from an online search to purchase a product or a service. It includes three below steps. Each step is separate and needs special content marketing:

  • Awareness: This is the stage buyer searches online to solve a problem. They want to understand more about it.
    Here your first content marketing as blog posts, and social media posts open the door for the first interaction.
  • Consideration: Buyer considers all available approaches or methods to solve the defined problem.
    In this stage, produce informative and more personalized content. Your content in formats like ebooks, webinars, and newsletter is helpful. Your aim yet is helping not selling. But you should have a kind of call to action in your content. But in helping form not pushing.
  • Decision making: Now the buyer is ready to buy a service or products to solve the problem.
    Use content like your case studies or demos to show how your brand rises above the competition and better solves its problem.

Use simple language

Life is busy and people don’t like to spend their time for a complicated content. In blogging world complicated content doesn’t mean sophisticated writer. It means low traffic!

So, simple language=happy audience & happy Google.
Use simple words and short sentences.
Try for paragraph 3~4 sentences.

Keep your brand voice consistency

A brand voice is the personality of a brand in interaction with customers. It helps your brand become more recognizable among various marketing channels.

For having a brand voice you should identify your vision, mission, and values and make highlight different aspects of your business. It helps your brand become outstanding.
Keeping your brand show you’re strong in your mission, and it will bring authenticity to you.

Produce various content

Don’t limit your business to a type of content. Nowadays audiences are very different from each other and consequently, their interests also are different.

Also sometimes different types of content are more comfortable regarding their time limitation. So, includes variety in your content type.

Edit content before publishing

Importance of comprehensive editing in content marketing cannot be overlooked. It allows you to refine, optimize, and tailor your content to effectively communicate your message, enhance your brand’s credibility, and engage your target audience.

By investing time and effort into the editing process, you can ensure that the content stands out in a crowded digital landscape and drives meaningful results for your business.

Analyze your content marketing performance

To analyze your content marketing:

  •  Set your KPIs: You should define your key performance indicators (KPIs) and your goals. KPI is a measurable value that shows how effectively a business is achieving key goals. In other words, it’s setting goals to achieve.
  • Select a Tool to Track Metrics: Once you define your goals, choose the appropriate content marketing analytics tool to track the metrics. Content marketing tools help you to gain insight into the performance of your content marketing strategies.
  • Analyze data: Content marketing analytics tools help you to make decisions to improve your content marketing strategy. Analyze the results carefully to know what’s right and what needs to improve.
  • Optimize the results: Based on your analysis optimize your content. Optimization should be an integral part of your content marketing. In this way, your content remains fresh.


The goal of content marketing is to create and distribute content that is useful to your target audience and encourages them to take action.

It is an effective way to build relationships with potential customers, establish authority and credibility in the industry, and increase visibility online. By providing quality content, businesses can demonstrate their expertise and become a trusted source of information for their target audience.


What is content marketing?

Content marketing is a strategic approach to create and distribute valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience and ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

Why content marketing is important?

Content marketing is an important because it is cost effective, generate leads, create brand awareness, influence conversion and create authority. Content marketing is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes and can help to drive growth and increase revenue.

What are different types of content marketing?

Content marketing can take many forms, including blog posts, videos, podcasts, infographics, ebooks, whitepapers, case studies, webinars, and more.

How does content marketing work without talking about selling products?

Goal of content marketing is not to directly sell products or services, but rather to build relationships with potential customers. By providing valuable information and engaging content, you can create an emotional connection with your audience and establish trust. Once this trust has been established, it will be much easier for them to make a purchase decision when the time comes.

9 Best Email Marketing Tools to Skyrocket Your Business

Best Email Marketing Tools

9 Best Email Marketing Tools to Skyrocket Your Business

If you want powerful online visibility you can’t overlook the role of a good email marketing tool. The more features your email marketing tool has, the more you control your email marketing campaign.

In this article, I’ll introduce the best email marketing tools. But before diving into the discussion, let’s know more about email marketing definitions and the features a top email marketing tool must have.

What are the best email marketing tools?


Enhance your business success with Brevo and utilize its marketing and sales tools to automate your business.

Best for Automation


This tool is the best choice for comprehensive email marketing, CRM, and automation capabilities.

Best for CRM


The best all-in-one email marketing software includes a wide range of products in one place.

Best All-in-One Marketing

What is email marketing?

Email marketing is a kind of direct marketing for promoting products, services or content marketing. It’s similar to email platforms like Yahoo or Gmail but it has so many features you can’t find in Yahoo or Gmail.

Email marketing is more professional than old types of email platforms. You can design an email format and send many emails at once, and the most interesting part starts after it.

Whether you manage B2B marketing or B2C marketing, analyzing behavior of the audience is essential.  Email marketing gives you data about the behaviors of subscribers and accordingly, you can outline the next steps for growing your business.

In the following, I discuss the most essential features of an email marketing platform.

Features of a good email marketing tool:

Third-party integration

Integration of an email marketing tool to other platforms makes your business easier.

For example, if use Shopify and you want to send your product or services to subscribers through email marketing, you should use an email marketing platform that is integrated with Shopify or your targeted apps.


An analytic report of an email marketing platform is super important. Without analytics, you can’t understand who is more engaged with your email content to do the next process.

Customer service

Email marketing tools don’t need to know much technical information. But sometimes issues go unclear or maybe you face them with the technical help of the platform.
Try to find a platform with a high speed of responding to customers.


Maybe you think personalization is a matter of starting the email personally by adding the name of a receiver at the beginning. But it goes beyond.

 Personalization is the feature that targets subscribers according to the history of their behavior such as searching for a product or shopping. It can be special offers, relevant content, or specific information.

For example, if a subscriber browses a specific product or adds a product to a shopping cart and didn’t purchase it, you should send emails about that product.


Email segmentation is the division of email marketing subscribers into smaller groups based on specific criteria such as age, gender, location, interests, and more.

By using this feature you deliver relevant content to a group of subscribers.

If you don’t segment your marketing list, you send an email to your whole database. If customers decide not to receive this irrelevant content, they become unengaged.

When you implement segmentation tactics, you’ll see customers more engage with your content.


Customer relationship management (CRM) allows you to outline a strategy for managing your current and prospective customers. This feature is strictly sales-focused.

Marketing Automation

Automation allows businesses to streamline their email marketing campaigns and automate the customer journey. It is primarily marketing-focused. It sends automated emails with any action of the customer.

For example, send a welcome email to new subscribers at the beginning.

Now, you have more knowledge about the platform, let’s introduce the best email marketing tools to help grow your business.

Best email marketing tools:

1-Moon Mail

Best Email Marketing Tools: Moon Mail home page

MoonMail is an all-in-one messaging platform that includes email, SMS, Amazon (ADM), Apple (APNs), Baidu & Firebase (FCM), voice, WhatsApp and FB messenger.

As one of the best email marketing tools, MoonMail has integration with Shopify. It helps web-based business vendors to automize their emails for sending business messages to potential clients.

This platform also supports integration with Zapier to automate your workflows by connecting to 750+ other business tools, including Slack, Gmail, and Trello.

Notable Features

Email Campaigns: With MoonMail, you can create email campaigns for your subscribers easily. The drag-and-drop editor makes it simple to design visually appealing emails that will capture your audience’s attention.

Automation: MoonMail allows you to set up automated email sequences based on triggers such as sign-ups or purchases. This feature saves time and ensures that your subscribers receive relevant content at the right time.

A/B Testing: You can test different subject lines, email designs, and calls-to-action using MoonMail’s A/B testing feature. With this feature, you can optimize your email marketing campaigns to achieve better results.

Segmentation: MoonMail lets you segment your email list based on various criteria such as location, behavior, and interests. This allows you to send targeted messages to specific groups of subscribers, increasing engagement and conversions.

Analytics: You can track the performance of your email campaigns in real-time using Moon Mail’s analytics such as open rates, improve future campaigns, click-through rates, and conversion rates. You can use this data to make data-driven decisions.


Best Email Marketing Tools: moonmail pricing

MoonMail has 4 paid plans to fit your needs. If you choose annual plans you get a 25% discount the same as following:

  • Lite: $44.00 / month – 10,000 active contacts and 50,000 emails.
  • Starter: $186.00 / month – 50,000 active contacts and 250,000 emails.
  • Pro: $374.00 / month – 100,000 active contacts and 500,000 emails.
  • Enterprise: Contact the sales.

MoonMail supports a free 14-day plan too. Although the features are limited, it is good to examine the effectiveness of the tool.


  •  Excellent customer support
  • User-friendly environment.
  • Good visual reporting and analytics


  •  The templates need upgrading
  •  Occasionally, bugs have been reported as shortcomings.

Final Thought

MoonMail is more suitable platform for small and medium businesses hoping to send more powerful and intuitive messages and use APIs to grow their business.


Best Email Marketing Tools: GetResponse home page

GetResponse is one of the best all-in-one email marketing software. It offers a wide range of products such as website builder, landing pages, webinar software, funnel builder, and so on.

GetResponse offers a wide range of features and functionalities that make it easy to create, send, and track email campaigns.

Notable Features

One of the most impressive features of GetResponse is its drag-and-drop email editor, which allows you to create professional-looking emails.

GetResponse offers many pre-made templates for emails, funnels, forms, and landing pages. And it has easy integration with analytics and other software.

Automation capability is the next feature. You can set up automated workflows that trigger based on user behavior, such as opening an email or clicking a link. It helps you save time and ensures that your subscribers receive relevant content at the right time.

GetResponse also includes advanced segmentation options, allowing you to target specific groups of subscribers with personalized messaging.

Additionally, the tool provides detailed analytics and reporting that give you insight into how your campaigns are performing and where you can improve.

GetResponse has an AI Email Generator feature. It allows you to create excellent copy and gives you ideas for writing your email marketing. This feature helps to improve your open rates.


Best Email Marketing Tools: GetResponse pricing

 Getresponse offers 3 paid plans. You can purchase them monthly, for 12 months (18% discount), and 24 months (30% discount). Prices for 12-month plans will be the same as below:

  •  Email marketing plan: $15.58
  •  Marketing automation: $48.38
  •  E-commerce marketing: $97:58

Also, the tool offers a free forever plan.


  •  A beginner-friendly email marketing platform
  • Excellent customer service with Chat available 24/7
  •  Free forever plan
  • Strong integration with other platforms


  •  Some templates are outdated.
  • The website builder needs improve.

Final Thought

GetResponse is one of the best email marketing tools that provides everything businesses need to build and maintain successful email campaigns.
Whether you’re just starting or looking to take your email marketing to the next level, GetResponse has the features and functionality to help you succeed.

Best Email Marketing Tools: brevo home page

If you’re looking for an easy-to-use and great email marketing platform, so Brevo is a good choice.

Brevo (formerly SendinBlue) offers all you need to send effective email campaigns. It helps to personalize your emails easily to speak to your different customer segments.

Notable Features

 It is easy to navigate through the platform and create campaigns without any prior experience.

The drag-and-drop editor made it simple to design visually appealing emails that were optimized for mobile devices.

This tool provides SMS marketing to send bulk SMS marketing campaigns to a contact list from your database. Write your message, choose a contact list, and schedule it to send at the right time.

You can start your WhatsApp campaigns. Create a WhatsApp Business account with Brevo embedded signup process. Connect directly from this tool interface and get started creating campaigns in minutes.

This email marketing service provider doesn’t limit to email marketing. You can create a landing page too.

In addition, you can launch Facebook ads directly from Brevo to increase engagement. Simply upload an image, enter your ad text, and then select a call to the action corresponding to your goal.

Marketing automation enables you to streamline specific tasks in your workflow by creating an automated workflow.

These tasks can include sending emails and SMS messages, categorizing contacts into various lists, and updating contact information in your database.


Best Email Marketing Tools: Brevo pricing

Brevo has 3 paid plans starting at $25/ month. The business plan is the most popular plan for customers costing $65/month. If you have a large business you need to choose Brevo Plus plan.

 It also has a free plan that you can send 300 emails per day.


  • SMS campaign and custom chatbot.
  •  Email design personalization.
  •  Intuitive user interface.


  • Templates need to improve.
  •  Multi-user access isn’t available in the free and starter plan.

Final Thought

Overall, I would highly recommend Brevo to anyone looking for an efficient and effective email marketing tool. Its user-friendly interface, segmentation options, automation workflows, and detailed analytics make it a top choice in the market.


Best Email Marketing Tools: ActiveCampaign home page

ActiveCampaign is an all-in-one marketing platform that includes email marketing, marketing automation software, CRM, and, sales automation.

Notable Features

This tool has great marketing automation that stands out among competitors. Some examples of automation include:

• Someone signs up for your mailing list. They go through the usual process of being welcomed, and the tool regularly informs them about blog posts, new products or features, and the industry.

• They view a blog post and a services page after clicking on one of those emails. An email sequence relating to that product is triggered because you have ActiveCampaign site tracking set up.

• If they don’t fill out the contact form on the services page within a specific time, An email is sent to them asking to schedule a call.

In addition to triggers designed by the tool, you can also add your own triggers to enjoy the automation.

ActiveCampaign has more than 920 integration with other platforms to make your business easier and more professional. One of these integrations is CoSchedule. It is a content planning tool that helps plan, create, and schedule your content marketing campaign. 

This software has a powerful CRM that scored subscribers for the next action. It means base on customers’ actions determine what should do next for specific subscribers.

While using this email marketing platform, you can launch your landing page through this platform to capture leads.

Site tracking is another feature of ActiveCompaign. You can track customer’s journey and give the right content marketing at the right time. You can do it by installing a WordPress plugin or setting up Google Analytics.


Best Email Marketing Tools: ActiveCampaign pricing

This platform offers 3 different pricing plans to choose from, as follows:

  • Plus Plan: $49/mo
  • Professional Plan: $149 per month
  • Enterprise Plan: Contact the sales

Also having a 14-day free trial helps to try this great email marketing platform for a short time.

If you need to have more time to try this tool, you can ask the support team.
Be noted that may not be able to accept all trial extension requests.


  •  Powerful email automation.
  • Tagging and segmenting contacts.
  • Over 920 Integrations.
  • It’s easy to add/update contacts automatically.


  • Template & email formatting need to improve.
  • Customer service should be faster.
  • Interface could be a little more user-friendly.

Final Thought

Well, I think the above features express what you should do. If you think this tool meets your needs, so try a 14-day trial. I think it’s the best tool you are searching for.

Best Email Marketing Tools: Mailerlite home page

If you want to choose a very simple user interface email marketing tool, so don’t lose trying this platform.

MailerLite within two years has increased the number of customers from 600,000 to 1,400,000 people, and it’s a sign of good user experiences.

Customer service is available 24/7 and users are satisfied by around 97%.

Notable Features

It has over 130 integrations including Shopify and WordPress.
Creating blogs, building websites and landing pages are available in MailerLite.

Mailerlite also provides detailed analytics and reporting, which helps track the performance of email campaigns.

Email verification: MailerCheck is MailerLite’s user-friendly email verifier. It is a simple way to safeguard your email address list. Just be noted the cost is separate.

Campaign customization: This tool has remarkably good features to customize campaigns. MailerLite provides three distinct editors for personalizing your campaigns.

Workflow automation: Although automation is a common feature in all email marketing apps, each tool can’t do it well. But MailerLite does it.

MailerLite can create an automated email workflow to capture potential customers at the right time.

For example, when a subscriber joins a group, completes a form, clicks a link, updates a field, or has an exact match of a specific date, MailerLite sends an automatic email.

 Its drag-and-drop editor makes it easy to quickly create responsive and engaging emails.


 MailerLite offers a very affordable price. In paid plans, you can test a 30-day free trial. Also, it has a free plan forever to send a maximum of 12k emails.

Best Email Marketing Tools:Mailerlite pricing


  •  Affordable Paid Plans
  •  High email deliverability rates.


  • Strict approval rules.

Final Thought

As one of the best email marketing tools, Mailerlite is a good choice for beginners because of its user-friendly interface. However, if you own a medium or large business, and need more space or more powerful features, you’ll feel very limited with this platform.


Best Email Marketing Tools: Campaigner home page

The final goal of a good email marketing platform is to generate leads or sell products. And Compainer does it very well.

Notable Features

Compaigner manages the buyer journey from awareness to purchase very well. It has a professional workflow that allows you to send highly personalized messages to your contacts automatically.

Campaigner has a great email and SMS segmentation tool. This segmentation is based on demographic, purchase behavior, and geolocation information.

This platform has a landing page builder to create compelling content that inspires subscriptions.

Autoresponder is another feature that sends emails at the right time to your subscribers. It is action-based, recurring, and personalized.

Its automation and autoresponder features make Compaigner the best among its competitors.

This platform has good integration with third-party services and apps including Shopify and LinkedIn.

Experiment always works. By testing the components of an email campaign such as subject line testing, name testing, content, and design testing, you can optimize the results of your email campaigns.

Or takes testing beyond the basic A/B option by multivariate testing.


Best Email Marketing Tools: Campaigner pricing

Campaigner has four pricing plans:

  •  Starter: $59/ mo
  • Essential: $179/ mo
  •  Advanced: $649/ mo
  • E-commerce $79.95/ mo

There is a 30-day free trial for the three first plans available.


  • Powerful email customization.
  • Good contact management.
  • It’s easy to use.


  • Newsletter scheduling needs to improve.
  • Report features need to improve.

Final Thought

Campaigner email marketing tool greatly enhance your ability to connect with your subscribers and drive meaningful engagement. Its intuitive interface, powerful segmentation options, automation tools, and robust reporting capabilities make it an valuable able asset in your business.


Best Email Marketing Tools: Systeme.io home page

If you need an all-in-one marketing platform, Systeme is the best choice.

This platform has everything you need to grow your business. Through Systeme, you can create sales funnels, create and manage online courses, send email marketing, run a website, and automate your business in various ways.

When you start using this platform, you think it’s a friend you know for a long time! It’s very straight and friendly to use.
Systeme’s drag-and-drop editor makes it easier to build the website you want.

Through this platform, you can start a blog and promote your content. It also takes care of SEO principles. So, you can be confident that search engines find your content.

Systeme’s Newsletter has 2 visual and classic editor that allows you to use ready-made templates or email Newsletter format.

Systeme is great for making Sales Funnel. There are four types of funnel including ”Build an Audience, Sell, Custom, and Run an Evergreen Webinar”. Each of them does a special task for you to grow your business.


The platform has 3 paid plans:

  • Start-Up: $27/mo
  • Webinar: $47/mo
  • Enterprise: $97/mo
Best Email Marketing Tools: Systeme.io pricing

 In addition to a 14-day free trial in paid plans, Systeme offers a free forever plan. It’s very awesome that even in a free forever plan you don’t have any limitation for the quantity of emails you send. It’s unlimited!


  • It’s very affordable.
  • Very good user experience feedback.
  • It has high security.
  • Free forever plan.


  • It has a shortage of third-party software integration.
  • The platform has limited design flexibility.

Final Thought

Not only Systeme.io is one of the best email marketing tools, it also is an invaluable asset as an all-in-one marketing platform.

If you want to grow your business with a marketing platform, don’t hesitate, and try Systeme.io. All you have to do is sign up for a free plan and examine it.


Best Email Marketing Tools: hubspot home page

HubSpot is one of the well-known email marketing platforms.
This tool provides a good CRM for customers. Even you can see good CRM features in the free plan too.

It is easy to use and provides many tutorials such as videos, articles, and helpful guides and tips.
HubSpot is one of the best platforms for building automation workflows.

Notable Features

 This platform has a very easy email editor. There are pre-maid templates you can choose or start according to your own will. After designing the email you preview it on different devices like desktop or mobile phone.

HubSpot A/B testing feature allows you to test different elements of your email campaigns such as subject lines, content, and CTAs to determine what works best for your audience.

HubSpot provides detailed analytic reports on your email campaigns, including open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates, allowing you to measure the success of your campaigns and optimize them accordingly.

It also shows the duration that every subscriber spends reading your email. Even it shows which device subscribers use when they opened your email (desktop or mobile phone).

Hubspot has powerful integration with other tools. This platform claims it has over 1000 integrations. With this integration, you can analyze the performance of your Facebook, Linkedin, and Google ads. This also gives the opportunity to track those interactions with your CRM in Hubspot!

By using HubSpot you can build your landing page with your own desired design or use their pre-designed ones. The drag-and-drop editor makes it easy for email marketers with little or no coding experience.

HubSpot’s segmentation is another feature for making your business easy.
You can target your marketing emails to specific groups of customers by creating smart lists in HubSpot.


HubSpot pricing start from $20/mo.
It has a free forever plan too. You can check it for a while and then decide on purchasing a plan.

Best Email Marketing Tools: hubspot pricing


  •  This platform has a great academy for education resources.
  • Excellent customer support
  • It’s the most integrated email marketing platform.


  • Advanced plans are pricey.
  • It should be more flexible in workflows.

Final Thought

HubSpot, as one of the best marketing platforms offers a comprehensive suite of features that help you to create and send effective email campaigns while saving time and effort. This platform has worth to try it. So, why do you wait? Start the free plan!


Best Email Marketing Tools:BenchMark home page

Benchmark email marketing platform is very easy to use and scale.

This user-friendly platform helps you to create pretty professional emails, by their templates or drag-and-drop which is very simple.

Before sending, you can review your email in a variety of email environments by using Benchmark’s inbox checker. With this feature, there are no broken images or other issues.

A/B testing is another good feature of this platform. You can test everything from the subject line to the delivery time of your emails to ensure that they always give the best results.

A/B testing lets you test one or more variables so that you can make decisions about your email marketing strategy based on data.

Benchmark also works as a Photoshop tool. If you aren’t satisfied with the quality of the image you want to send, edit it through this platform.

You can adjust colors, add effects, or even add a message with beautiful fonts over your photo.

This platform is integrated with over 300 tools including WordPress plugin, Facebook sign-up forms, Zendesk, PayPal, and numerous other SaaS platforms.

 Benchmark has two types of automation: lite and pro.

Lite is available in a free plan too and also covers good features. Pro type is more advanced and you can use pre-made templates or add your own desired ones.

Benchmark landing page builder is easy to use like other features. It has a drag-and-drop editor.


Best Email Marketing Tools: BenchMark pricing

Benchmark is available to try out for free. Then, to use more feature you can upgrade to their premium plans, which start at $ 9.99 per month.


Ultimately, the best email marketing tool for you will depend on your specific needs and requirements. Whether you prioritize ease of use, advanced automation, or comprehensive analytics, there is a tool on this list that can meet your expectations. By leveraging these tools’ capabilities, you can effectively engage with your audience, drive conversions, and achieve your email marketing goals.


What are different types of email marketing?

There are six  common types of email marketing:

Promotional emails: These emails are designed to promote a product, service, or special offer to subscribers.

Newsletter emails: These emails are typically sent on a regular basis, such as weekly or monthly, and provide subscribers with valuable content, updates, and news related to the business or industry.

Transactional emails: These emails are triggered by a specific action taken by a customer, such as making a purchase, signing up for a service, or abandoning a shopping cart.

Welcome emails are sent to new subscribers to introduce them to the business and set expectations for future communication.

Re-engagement emails are used to reconnect with inactive subscribers and encourage them to re-engage with the brand.

Survey emails are sent to gather feedback from customers and gain valuable insights for improving products or services.

How do I optimize my email marketing?

To optimize your email marketing campaign, you need to focus on several key strategies:

Firstly, ensure your email list is clean and up-to-date.

Next, pay close attention to the subject line of your emails. A compelling and concise subject line is crucial in capturing the recipient’s attention and encouraging them to open the email.

Personalization is another important aspect of optimizing your email marketing campaign. Based on various criteria such as demographics, interests, or past interactions segment your audience.

Continuously test and refine your email content, and experiment with different layouts, visuals, and calls-to-action to determine what is most effective.

Additionally, mobile optimization in your email marketing efforts can be helpful.

Finally, to improve your email marketing optimization, you need to conduct A/B testing and utilize analytics reports.

How do I start email marketing from scratch?

  • Choose a reliable email service provider
  • Define your email marketing goals
  • Segmenting your email list
  • Create compelling and engaging email content
  • Establish a consistent sending schedule
  • Analyzing and optimizing your email marketing efforts

What is the success rate of email marketing?

Research studies have shown that email marketing consistently delivers a high return on investment (ROI) compared to other marketing channels.

According to a report by the Direct Marketing Association, the average ROI for email marketing is 4,400%, meaning that for every dollar spent on email marketing, businesses can expect an average return of $44.

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